Voyageurs Expeditionary School Board Meeting Minutes

December 11, 2017


The mission of VES is to provide students with the necessary tools to lead meaningful and productive lives through hands-on learning, service to others and environmental stewardship.

Vision Statement

Starting at a level much deeper than just curriculum, the design of VES addresses the origins of learning and the fundamental well-being of students. The foundation necessary to achieve the mission of our school is the establishment of a community of learners, composed of students, families, teachers, and staff who share the conviction that the best education takes place in an intentionally developed environment that nurtures, protects, challenges, and values every member of that community.

1.  Call to Order

2.  Attendance - Roll Call & Determination of Quorum

Members present: Kari Olson, Lynette Bedeau, Becca Wold, Rebecca Kummet, Brian Olson, Bert Mayberry, Twila Bolte

Officers present: Jean Fjelsta, Kathy Skinner

Officers absent: Scott Anderson

Guests present: Bruce Banta, Cort Claypool, Becky Reinarz, Ross Millar, Landyn Cloud, Peyton Dean, Nyshia Pierre

3.  Reading of the Mission Statement and Vision Statement

4.  Declaration of Conflict of Interest

5.  Public Comment Forum - Any person wishing to speak directly to the Board, once recognized by the board chair may do so for up to five minutes. The public comment period will last no longer than 30 minutes.

a.  Senior House Presentation-Landyn Cloud and Peyton Dean presented their house projects that they made during STEM classes.

6.  Approval of Agenda-Rebecca Kummet motioned to approve the agenda. Bert Mayberry seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

7.  Board Business

a.  Introductions of new board members

b.  Appoint Board Secretary, explain role-Rebecca Kummet motioned to appoint Kari Olson as the Board Secretary. Brian Olson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

c.  Background Check form-Forms for Brian Olson, Bert Mayberry and Twila Bolte have been received by Kathy Skinner.

d.  Board member agreement- Forms for Brian Olson, Bert Mayberry and Twila Bolte have been received by Kathy Skinner.

e.  Board Books-Complete board books have been assigned to Brian Olson, Bert Mayberry and Twila Bolte.

f.  Assign Board members school emails-Kathy Skinner will get email addressed assigned for Brian Olson, Bert Mayberry and Twila Bolte.

8.  Consent agenda items

a.  Minutes

b.  Financials

Kari Olson motioned to approve the November minutes and financials. Lynette seconded. Motion passed. Kari-aye, Lynette-aye, Brian-aye, Bert-aye, Twila-aye, Rebecca-abstain

9.  Committees

a.  Finance Committee Report

b.  Establish Governance Committee & Explain Purpose

i.  Policy Review

ii.  Establish Board Orientation Policies

c.  Establish Educational Committee

10. Board Development - This month's board training will focus on the Educational Approach and Curriculum of Voyageurs Expeditionary School

11. Director's Report- Director’s report was read, but discussion was tabled due to absence of the Director.

a.  PBL Info

12. Old Business

a.  Investment Policy

b.  Safe Keeping of Investments

c.  Accounting Manual-Will be brought back to the January meeting with changes.

13. New Business

a.  Budget Update-Lynette Bedeau motioned to approve the budget revision. Bert Mayberry seconded. Motion passed. Kari-aye, Lynette-aye, Brian-aye, Bert-aye, Twila-aye, Rebecca-abstain

14. Board Evaluation

15. Adjournment-Kari Olson motioned to adjourn. Lynette Bedeau seconded. Motioned passed unanimously. Adjourned at 6:05 p.m.