Factory Shoals Middle School
School Year: 2017-2018
Teacher: Dr. Amanda Burton
Grade: 7th
Subject: Life Science
Room: B207
Telephone: 770-651-5843
Class Description: Life Science is directly related to the concepts that science has on the different forms of life. You will learn the different forms, livelihood attributes, and how science has played a vital role on the knowledge we know today. We will experience, observe, and learn the characteristics and classification of life. Ga DOE website:
Teacher Responsibility: It is my responsibility to inform you the content area set by the State of Georgia. I also feel that it is my responsibility to protect, care, respect, love and guide you through this year. It is my duty to prepare you for upcoming science classes. I will help you learn if you also help yourself. I plan to help you prepare for life and success far beyond this year.
Student Requirement: It is your duty to complete warm-ups, class-work, homework, labs, tests, and keep a notebook and a journal. You are expected to follow classroom rules, and lab rules. It is also your duty to make-up any work missed from my class.
Materials needed: 3 inch 3 ring binder with dividers, composition book, color pencils/crayons, scissors, glue, paper, pencils, blue/black pens
Make-Up work: If you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain any missed work from the teacher. You have however many days you were out, to turn in work from an excused absence (i.e. if you were absent 1 day, you get 1 day to make up an assignment missed, if you were out three days, you have three days to make up an assignment and turn it in).
No Name on Assignments: Students are expected to have their name on their assignment at the time it is turned in. If a name is not placed on the assignment, students will be given the opportunity the day after assignment is graded to claim their paper and 5 points (for no name being on the paper), will be deducted.
Late Work: Students will be provided with KNIGHT time during the designated time. Students will be given a deadline to turn in missing work. If that deadline has past, students will not be allowed to turn in, due to time constraints and grading windows.
Missed Tests/Quizzes: Students will have an opportunity to take tests they missed due to an excused absence.
Homework is weighted as 10% of the final grade.
Classwork is weighted as 25% of the final grade.
Unit Assessments/CDAs are weighted as 30% of the final grade.
Quizzes are weighted as 15% of the final grade.
Lab reports/Projects are weighted as 15% of the final grade.
Participation is weighted as 5% of the final grade.
● Homework: Work to be completed at home. There are two parts to the homework.
1). Is it complete.
2). Is it accurate.
● Class-work: Work to be completed in class. Students will be graded on posters, presentations, and accuracy of work completed.
● Quizzes: Students are subject to have quizzes to assess what they have learned or if they have completed an assignment given. Such quizzes can be unannounced.
●Notebooks: Students will be graded on their completion of their Science Notebook. Notes and activities should be appropriately placed into the Notebook. The Notebook will be for student work as well as a study guide. This Notebook is not substituted for an agenda.
● Class Participation: Students are required to participate in labs, classwork, and group work. If your student has an issue with group work, please let me know. Students will be graded based on how well they work with others and how they respond to tasks given to them.
Portfolios: Students will be required to develop a portfolio at the end of each unit. The portfolio will consist of student selection of best works. Rubric will be provided. Construction and storage will be determined at a later date.
What you will learn over the course of this year!
You will learn about life forms, characteristics, classification systems, terminology, different forms of technology, process of conducting a lab, preparing a lab report, process of conducting research and life long learning skills to enhance your interests, your grades, and your successes.
Unit 1: Classification
Unit 2: Cells
Unit 3: Body systems
Unit 4: Genetics
Unit 5: Interdependency of Life
Unit 6: Change over time
Resources: Teacher website
Links on website
Teacher will use Engrade, MobyMax
Remind101: Is a free service that I use to remind students of important dates to remember and can be used for HW announcements. This service is a confidential service where you can get messages concerning team matters, grade level initiatives, classwork, tests, quizzes and projects. The following is how you sign up for the service:
7th grade: text 81010 with the message @awesome7th
7-2 team: text 81010 with the message @7-2team
HR: text 404-620-5342 with the message @drburtonh
3rd period: text 404-620-5342 with the message @drb3rdprd
4th period: text 404-620-5342 with the message @drb4thprd
5th period: text 404-620-5342 with the message @drb5thprd
6th period: text 404-620-5342 with the message @drb6thprd
7th period: text 404-620-5342 with the message @drb7thprd
Classroom Rules and Procedures:
1. Be nice to others.
2. Act like ladies and gentlemen.
3. ______.
Rewards: (not in any particular order)
1. A “Good” phone call home.
2. A certificate of Appreciation.
3.Student of the month.
4. Team Celebrations.
5. HomeworkPass
Consequences: (per Knight Discipline Plan)
- Warning/Individual Teacher conference- Demerit 1
- Silent Lunch/Parent Contact- Demerit 2
- Parent Contact/Detention- Demerit 3
- ½ day ISS AND detention- Demerit 4
- Administrative referral.
If students are repeated visitors in ISS, there are consequences per visit. See handbook for more detail.
Acknowledgement of receipt ofDr. Amanda Burton’ssyllabus
I, ______, parent/guardian of ______understand the policy of make-up work and no name on papers.
Parent signature Date