Roger & BerniceHankeMemorial Scholarship

To encourage young men and women to become involved in business and to assist them as they pursue higher education, the family of Roger & BerniceHankewill offer one scholarship worth $500.00. The scholarship will be designed to provide financial assistance to a graduating senior ofWittenberg-BirnamwoodHigh School.

Scholarship Guidelines

  1. Application forms will be available from the Wittenberg-Birnamwood guidance office.
  2. Applicant must be accepted, or have acceptance pending, in an institution of higher education.
  3. Applicant must be entering the field of business education.
  4. Applicant must provide the completed application form, two letters of reference and a written statement about their goals.
  5. Applications should be turned into the high school office by 1:00 on April 30.
  6. Announcement of the scholarship winner will be announced on Awards' Night.
  7. The scholarship check will be made payable to the recipient at the completion of the fall semester, along with evidence of enrollment for the following semester. If the applicant does not follow through with the plans for school the scholarship will not be awarded.
  8. Information will be reviewed, and a recipient determined, by members of Roger &BerniceHanke’simmediate family. All information will remain confidential.

Please print or type neatly.

Roger & BerniceHankeMemorial Scholarship

Nameof Applicant:______

Date of Birth:______

Phone number:______

Name of Parents:______

ListHigh School Activities, including the length of participation and leadership roles.

List Community Service, Work Experience and Community Activities.

List honors, awards and other recognition you have received.

Name of college, university, or technical school you plan to attend:


Have you been accepted? (If not, have you applied?) ______

Intended Major: ______

Explain,if necessary

Briefly,under200 words, describe you career goals and what you hope to accomplish in your life.
(Use another sheet of paper.)

Roger & BerniceHankeMemorial Scholarship

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The family of Roger & BerniceHankeis sponsoring a $500 scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to a student interested in business education. Please write a letter of recommendation for this student.

Applicant’s name: ______

In the space below tell us why you feel this student is worthy of this scholarship. We are interested in traits such as character, leadership, initiative, friendliness and dependability.

Signature: ______

Title: ______

Address: ______

Roger & BerniceHankeMemorial Scholarship

This section should be completed by the high school principal or counselor, and to be accompanied by a transcript or grade report.


Name of Student:______

Ranks______inclass of ______students

Student’s grade point average:______


(principal or counselor) (date)