“The Tax Professionals”

We SpEAk Tax

Excellent Career Opportunities in the Field of Taxation

Enrolled Agents (EAs) are tax professionals who are licensed by the federal government to provide tax planning, preparation, and representation services. EAs are the only taxpayer representatives who receive that right from the U.S. government (accountants and tax attorneys are licensed by the states in which they do business). There are fewer than 40,000 EAs in the U.S., and the holder of an Enrolled Agent card has demonstrated a matchless commitment to excellence in the tax field.

Do you have the right stuff to be an Enrolled Agent?

Individuals who find working in taxation rewarding generally have these interests:

  • Complex issues.

The tax code is a maze of tens of thousands of pages of detailed rules and regulations. You can learn how to navigate this maze and provide a service to others by sharing your knowledge. EAs make complex issues simple enough to be understood by the average taxpayer; that’s why the motto of Members of the California Society of Enrolled Agents (CSEA) is “We SpEAk Tax.”

  • Organize chaos.

Have you heard of “shoebox accounting”? That’s when a client brings a box full of papers to you and asks you to sort out their data and organize it in order to prepare their tax return. If you have good organizational skills you can succeed in the tax field.

  • Education.

Because EAs are the definitive experts in the field of taxation, they are required to fulfill stringent continuing professional education (CPE) credits every year. CSEA, which requires its Members to fulfill 90 CPE hours each 3-year enrollment period, provides the best tax education in the country at its annual Super Seminarstm.

  • Helping others.

One thing that strikes fear in the heart of any taxpayer is to receive a letter from the IRS. These people appreciate having a tax expert resolve tax problems with the IRS.

  • Job security.

When was there a year when there wasn’t a major change to the tax code? Changes to the tax code ensure the continuing need for tax professionals.

  • Diversity.

When most people think about filing an income tax return they immediately think of April 15 and their individual tax returns. The tax field is much larger than that, and EAs can specialize in individual or business returns (sole proprietor, partnerships, corporations), estates, trusts, non-profit organizations, and/or IRS representation.

Do you want more information? We can help you!

Before you make a decision about a future career in the field of taxation you should check it out and find out about the support you can receive from other tax professionals. The California Society of Enrolled Agents offers:

  • Student Associate status for qualifying students.
  • Scholarships to prepare for the IRS Special Enrollment Examination.
  • Internships at local Enrolled Agents’ tax offices.

Contact: The California Society of Enrolled Agents, 800/777-2732, or online