WCC Beyond Shots
Title: Well child care; Beyond shots
Learning objectives: At the end of this session, attendees will describe
1. Role of Family Practitioners in the "Health" of NM Children
2. Vaccines and sequence by 24 months
3. Scoring the SWYC
Case of Kelly
9 month Kelly comes to clinic with her father for WCC. She is new to your clinic. The MA’s tell you that she used to come to clinic with her mother and they’ve not met the father in past visits.
The father reports he has obtained custody of Kelly because her mother showed up on his doorstep and dropped Kelly off with him a month ago. He has not had contact with the mother since. He wants to enroll Kelly in daycare and the center wants him to produce a shot record.
What type of vaccines and how many should Kelly have had by now if she’s had regular care?
Thoughts about influenza vaccine?
Your MA hands you the following SWYC form he’s completed. What do you notice about it?
Developmental Milestones score:_____
Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist score (note 3 subsections):_____
Family Questions:
How to interpret these scores and what to do?
Next appointment?
Case of Eddie
24 month Eddie comes to clinic with hismother for WCC. He is new to your clinic. The MA’s tell you that the mother says she’s not sure about giving Eddie shots.
She reports Eddie has had 4 ear infections treated with antibiotic courses from an outside facility. She wants to travel to Bali and take Eddie, and she wants to know if he will be safe traveling there.
What type of vaccines and how many should Eddie have had by now through regular care?
The mother tells you she’s heard a lot of scary information about vaccines. She’s heard they have mercury and aluminum in them and they cause kids to have autism. She would like a letter giving doctor’s orders to exempt Eddie from shots.
What will you tell the mom? What are your priorities?
The mother says she only wants Eddie to have 3 vaccines. Which would you choose?
Your MA hands you the following SWYC form she’s completed for Eddie. What do you notice about it?
Developmental Milestones score:_____
Preschool Pediatric Symptom Checklist score:_____
Parent’s Observations of Social Interactions:_____
Parent’s Concerns:
Family Questions:
How to interpret these scores and what to do?
Next appointment?