101. Program Authorization...... 1-1
102. Unit...... 1-1
103. Program Mission...... 1-1
104. Program Goals...... 1-1
105. Naval Science...... 1-1
106. Instructors...... 1-1
107. Curriculum Topics...... 1-2
108. Field Trips and At-Sea Cruises...... 1-2
109. Grading Criteria...... 1-2
110. Academics and Extra-Curricular Activities...... 1-2
111. Personal Growth and Development...... 1-3
112. Expenses Paid By Individual Cadets...... 1-3
113. Booster’s Club...... 1-3
114. Supplies, Uniforms and Costs...... 1-3
115. Special Benefits...... 1-3
116. Advancement and Awards...... 1-4
117. Enrollment Requirements...... 1-4
118. Cadet Probation...... 1-4
119. Disenrollment...... 1-4
120. Required Cadet Forms...... 1-5
121. Cadet Records...... 1-5
201. General…………………………………………………………………...2-1
202. Cadets Are Expected To:...... 2-1
203. Conduct in the School...... 2-1
204. NJROTC General Rules of Conduct...... 2-1
205. VarinaHigh School Rules...... 2-3
206. Rules of Behavior for NJROTC Cadets...... 2-3
207. What You Can Expect...... 2-3
208. What is Expected of You!...... 2-4
209. Probation...... 2-4
301. General...... 3-1
302. Eligibility...... 3-1
303. Multiple Awards...... 3-1
304. Non-NJROTC Awards...... 3-1
305. Medals...... 3-1
306. Unit Commanders...... 3-1
307. Required Wear...... 3-1
308. Special Circumstances...... 3-2
309. Aiguillettes...... 3-2
310. Medals...... 3-3
401. General...... 4-1
402. Purpose of Uniforms...... 4-1
403. Uniform Responsibility...... 4-1
404. Hat Wear...... 4-2
405. T-Shirts...... 4-2
406. Borrowing or Lending Uniform Items...... 4-3
407. When to Wear the Uniform...... 4-3
408. Exchange or Replacement of Uniform Items...... 4-3
409. Formal Uniform Inspection...... 4-3
410. Rules of Conduct in Uniform...... 4-3
411. School Absences...... 4-4
412. Penalty for Not Wearing the Uniform...... 4-4
413. Repeated Failure to Wear Uniform...... 4-4
Uniform Cleaning Chart...... 4-5
“Spit Shining” Leather Shoes...... 4-6
501. General...... 5-1
502. Testing...... 5-1
503. Participation...... 5-1
504. Records...... 5-1
505. Promotion Path...... 5-1
506. Minimum Academic Performance...... 5-2
507. Promotion Procedures...... 5-2
508. Relieved Seniors...... 5-2
601. General...... 6-1
602. Minor Uniform and Conduct Infractions...... 6-1
603. Major Conduct Infractions...... 6-1
604. Disciplinary Measures ...... 6-2
701. General...... 7-1
702. Position Assignment...... 7-1
703. Duties and Responsibilities...... 7-1
704. Company Organization...... 7-1
705. Commanding Officer (CO)...... 7-1
706. Executive Officer (XO) ...... 7-2
707. Company Senior Chief Petty Officer (CSC)...... 7-2
708. Operations Officer (OPS)...... 7-2
709. Administration Officer (Admin)...... 7-3
710. Supply Officer (SUPPO)...... 7-3
711. Public Affairs Officer (PAO)...... 7-4
712. First Lieutenant...... 7-4
713. Athletics Officer...... 7-5
714. Academic Team Commander...... 7-5
715. Armed Drill, Unarmed Drill and Color Guard Commanders...... 7-5
716. Platoon Commander...... 7-6
4 - 11 ORDERS TO THE SENTRY...... A-4
VarinaHigh School 1-1 NJROTC
a. Junior ROTC Units for all the military services were authorized by the Reserve Officers Vitalization Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-647 of 13 October 1964--Title 10, U.S; Code, Chapter 102). Department of Defense Directive 1205.13 of June 16, 1982 requires the military service secretaries to "Sponsor and conduct a Junior ROTC program". Each of the services currently supports active programs in schools across the country.
b. The Navy has Naval Junior ROTC (NJROTC) programs in schools across the continental USA, and in Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam. The Chief of Naval Service Training Command (NSTC) under the Chief of Naval Educational and Training (CNET), with headquarters in Pensacola, Florida directs the program for the Navy. He/she has several NJROTC Area Managers, each responsible for the supervision of school programs in several states. Varina High comes under the Area FIVE Manager headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia.
c. Students take on no military obligation of any kind from taking NJROTC in high school, but there are benefits for those interested in going into the military.
102. UNIT. The NJROTC Unit at VarinaHigh School was established in 1993.
103. PROGRAM MISSION. The mission of the NJROTC Program is to instill in students the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, personal integrity, and personal discipline.
104. PROGRAM GOALS. The following are goals of the program as established by the Chief of Naval Education and Training:
- Promote Patriotism
- Develop informed and responsible citizens
- Promote habits of orderliness and precision
- Develop a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, self-discipline, and leadership
- Promote an understanding of the basic elements and requirements for national security
- Develop respect for and an understanding of the need for constituted authority in a democratic society
- Provide incentives to live healthy and drug-free lives
- Develop leadership potential
- Promote community service
- Promote high school completion
- Provide information on the military services as a possible career.
105. NAVAL SCIENCE. Naval Science (NJROTC) is an elective course with one credit earned for each year (up to 4 years) of Naval Science completed. NJROTC courses carry full elective credit toward graduation from VarinaHigh School.
106. INSTRUCTORS. A retired Naval Officer serves as the school’s Senior Naval Science Instructor (SNSI) and a retired non-commissioned officer serves as the Naval Science Instructor (NSI). Instructors are certified by the Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) based upon a review of their active duty performance. Instructors possess extensive experience in leadership and
management. Both instructors are regular faculty members of VarinaHigh School.
107. CURRICULUM TOPICS. A few of the areas of NJROTC classroom study can include military drill, leadership, seamanship, communications., sea power, naval history, naval weapon systems, oceanography, astronomy, weather, health and first aid, and Naval strategy. Out-of-class activities include physical readiness training, parades, special ceremonies, drill meets, athletic competitions, orienteering events, community service events, and field trips
108. FIELD TRIPS AND AT-SEA CRUISES. A cornerstone of the NJROTC program is the opportunity for cadets to visit naval units, military installations, museums, and other interesting destinations. Depending on the location and duration of the field trip, cadets may be asked to provide funds needed for transportation, lodging and meals. Through Booster Club and cadet fund-raising efforts, costs for field trips will be defrayed to the maximum extent possible. In addition to funding requirements, there are a variety of administrative prerequisites for field trips. It is critical that cadets meet established deadlines for necessary funds and administrative requirements. It is also critical that cadets comply with specified uniform guidelines as prescribed for field trips. Failure to comply with funding or administrative submission timelines or failing to meet uniform requirements will result in cadet dismissal from the event.
a. The alpha-numeric grading system for NJROTC complies with established HenricoCountyPublic School criteria; (A= 93-100, B= 85-92, C= 77-84, D= 70-76, F= below 70). A cadet’s NJROTC report card grade is derived from academic and leadership areas of focus.
Tests & Quizzes = 25% of grade.
Homework = 25% of grade.
Uniform Inspections = 25% of grade.
Aptitude = 25% of grade.
“Aptitude” is a subjective evaluation based on a compilation of military bearing and appearance when in uniform, routine uniform inspections, evaluation of military drill, physical readiness training, unit participation, attitude, and behavior.
b. Failure to wear the prescribed uniform for designated events will significantly impact a cadet’s overall grade for NJROTC. Repeated failure to wear the prescribed uniform on uniform days will result in NJROTC program probation, and ultimately, dismissal from the program.
c.. Cadets may be excused from drill and physical readiness events by obtaining a note from a doctor on letterhead stationary.
d. Naval Science Instructors may develop more detailed grading matrixes within the above guidelines commensurate with specific NS-1, 2,3,4 requirements.
110. ACADEMICS AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. The Naval Science Instructors will closely monitor cadet’s academic progress for ALL classes. The administration will provide the instructors with a report for interim and end of nine-week grades. If a cadet is failing any class or has a decline in performance, they may be ineligible to participate in NJROTC activities. This ineligibility will continue until the teacher reports that the cadet is making significant progress or has improved their grade.
111. PERSONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. The basic concepts of the NJROTC program require that all cadets develop and maintain a positive personal growth trend throughout his or her time as a member of the Corps of Cadets. Unlike other classes where the objectives are primarily to teach the specifics of the courses (such as math, history, science, etc.), the NJROTC program is designed to help each individual cadet mature at a given rate for each year in the unit.
112. EXPENSES PAID BY INDIVIDUAL CADETS. Individual cadets will be required to possess pens and paper for all curriculum classes. Additionally, individual cadets will be responsible for funding:
a. All costs associated with laundering uniforms during the academic year, including dry cleaning of designated garments.
b. Restitution costs for any items damaged or lost through negligence or carelessness of the cadet.
c. An “NJROTC Fee” is collected from each cadet annually at the beginning of the school year. The current fee for NS-1’s (first year cadets) is $18.00. This fee defrays the expense of a uniform nametag, NJROTC ball cap, NJROTC T-shirt, and accident insurance. The “NJROTC Fee” for NS-2, 3 and 4 cadets is $1.50, which covers accident insurance only. Cadets participating in any type of field trips, extracurricular sports or drill events or desire to participate in our semi-annual Physical Fitness Test, MUST have a complete and updated sports physical on file.
113. BOOSTER’S CLUB. VarinaHigh School’s NJROTC unit is fortunate to be supported by an active Booster’s Club. The club generates funds for the unit through a variety of fund-raising methods. Club members also frequently volunteer as chaperones for field trips and related NJROTC activities. Due to Booster’s Club and cadet fund-raising efforts, cadet expenses for field trips are greatly reduced. Additionally, items are procured for the unit that would otherwise be unfeasible. Parents of all cadets are strongly encouraged to participate as part of the Booster’s Club.
a. The Navy pays for course materials, uniforms, supplies and most other items. You must pay for required personal items such as a nametag, underwear, uniform cleaning, etc.
b. A complete, tailored, naval uniform is provided free (for the use of the cadet) and is required to be worn once a week on a designated day. Students must always wear the uniform correctly, as described in this instruction and in the Cadet Field Manual. The uniform must be returned in good condition when enrollment ends. Grooming must meet minimum standards established by the school and Navy.
115. SPECIAL BENEFITS. The following are special benefits in addition to those derived from the previously listed goals.
a. Advanced Placement: Cadets successfully completing at least three years of NJROTC are entitled to advanced promotion to pay grade E-3 upon initial enlistment in an active or reserve component of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard and a grade of E-2 in the Marine Corps.
b. United StatesNavalAcademy: Highly qualified NJROTC cadets who successfully complete the NJROTC program may compete for appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy under the NJROTC quotas available (scholarship valued in excess of $280,000). The SNSI is authorized to nominate a maximum of 3 eligible cadets each year. Details are provided annually by the NavalAcademy.
c. NROTC Scholarships: Highly qualified Cadets completing at least two academic years of NJROTC can be recommended by the SNSI for consideration by a special NROTC scholarship selection board (scholarships valued at $80,000+). The board meets each year for the purpose of awarding 4-year scholarships to NJROTC cadets. Details are provided annually by the chief of Naval Education and Training.
a. NJROTC is the only course at Varina High that has formal instruction in leadership. Students practice what they learn by managing extra-curricular groups and being in charge of many aspects of the NJROTC program. This opportunity to be "in charge" is won over time by participation and hard work. Cadet rank/rate, patterned after U.S. Navy ranks, is awarded based on evaluated achievement, conduct, participation, and the requirements of the unit. Increased responsibility normally means increased rank or rate.
b. There are a large number of awards that are given for participation and achievement in NJROTC. Some awards are given by the unit and others by local civic and patriotic groups. All are available for everyone to seek. Involvement and personal effort are the main requirements.
117. ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS. To be eligible for enrollment in the NJROTC
Program, a student must:
a. Be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction at the school in a grade 9 through 12.
b. Be a United States citizen or national, or alien lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence.
c. Be physically qualified to participate fully in the school’s physical education program.
d. Be selected by one of the Naval Science Instructors with the approval of the school Principal or his/her representative
e. Maintain acceptable standards of academic achievement and as academic standing that warrants normal progression leading to graduation.
f. Maintain acceptable standards of conduct.
g. Comply with personal grooming standards as stated in the “NJROTC Cadet Field Manual” (NAVEDTRA 37116).
118. CADET PROBATION. The SNSI is authorized to place on probation, with the approval of the principal, any NJROTC cadet who has academic deficiencies, fails to maintain standards of grooming or wearing of uniform, or whose conduct is prejudicial to the program.
119. DISROLLMENT. As mandated by the Commander, Naval Education and Training Command Directives, a student may be dismissed from the NJROTC program at any time for any of the following reasons:
a. Failure to maintain academic or military standards.
b. Lack of aptitude, indifference to training, disciplinary issues, or undesirable traits of character.
c. Failure to meet terms of probation or correct deficiencies for which placed on a probationary status.
d. Disenrollment from the school.
e. Request of student (with parent or guardian concurrence).
120. REQUIRED CADET FORMS. Each cadet is required to fill out NJROTC Specific forms. Many forms require the signature of a parent or guardian. In addition to a permission slip for each event, cadets will not be able to participate in any extracurricular activities unless possessing a complete and up–to-date Cadet Data Form, Health Risk Screening Form, and Standard Release Form.
121. CADET RECORDS. NJROTC Cadet Administrative Department personnel, under the supervision of the Naval Science Instructors, maintain administrative records for enrolled cadets. Administrative entries include general information (name/social
security number/home address/home phone number/etc.), advancements, job assignments, and miscellaneous notes. Cadets may review their record with the Administrative Officer or Naval Science Instructors during assigned time periods. Records will be provided to cadets upon completion of the NJROTC program or if transferring from the school if requested.
201. GENERAL NJROTC cadets hold a unique place among students at Varina High. They are easily identified as belonging to a group that stands for honesty, integrity, patriotism and living by the rules. Cadets who do not measure up to these ideals will probably not remain in the unit for long. NJROTC cadets are expected to learn and to follow at all times the rules of the school and the unit.
- RESPECT others
- Display the highest caliber of conduct and set the example for other students
- Consistently do the very best in every endeavor
- Focus foremost on mandatory high school academic requirements
- Complete high school
- Develop a tentative plan for life as an adult
- Live life with the utmost of integrity
- Develop a higher degree of self-reliance and self-discipline
- Maintain a healthy and drug-free lifestyle
- Improve habits of orderliness and precision
- Contribute to society through model citizenship
- Assume responsibility and accountability for any delegated authority
- Preclude taking any action that would embarrass NJROTC or the school
- Refrain from displays of affection while in the NJROTC uniform
- Consistently do the very best in every endeavor (repeated intentionally)
203. CONDUCT IN THE SCHOOL Teachers and administrators at Varina High form their opinions about the NJROTC program based on the actions of the cadets they observe. The outstanding reputation of the Unit is based in part on the outstanding conduct of the cadets and teachers have come to expect the best from NJROTC. A cadet who causes trouble in another class can expect the teacher or the Assistant Principal to contact the Naval Science Instructor for help. Students who fail to wear the uniform properly in all classes, who are tardy to class, who fail to complete assigned work, who disrupt class, can expect to have their conduct brought to the attention of the Naval Science Instructors. If attempts to correct the problem fail, the cadet risks being disenrolled from the NJROTC program without credit.
204. NJROTC GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT It is impossible to provide a complete set of rules that covers all situations. In general, cadets are expected to be honest, courteous, respectful individuals at all times. The list of expected or prohibited conduct below is only a guide and not in any way all-inclusive.
a. In class, do not talk when the Instructor or another student is talking. If you have something to say, hold up your hand to be recognized.
b. Sit up in your chair and remain alert. If you are ill, ask for a pass to the office to check out. Do not put your head down on the desk or close your eyes to nap in class.
c. Do not ask to go to the bathroom during class time except in an emergency -- go between class periods. Keep the bathrooms in the classroom clean. Used paper towels go into the trash and toilets are flushed after use. Failure to follow these rules will cause the bathrooms to be secured!
d. Do not sit on any NJROTC table or lean back in any chair. The tables are not built to hold your weight and we cannot afford to replace any that are broken.
e. No open soft drinks containing sugar are to be in the NJROTC spaces without the specific permission of one of the instructors.