English 8 - Media Studies – Popular Culture
Pop Culture
1. Mass Media individuals are educated, observe and absorb what is presented to them by the media
2. Society individuals consume these products that convey pop culture, by buying into trends and fads
Essentially, there is a dependent relationship; both depend upon each other
Examples of Popular Culture
The 50’s The Frisbee, poodle skits, Hula-Hoops and Elvis,
The 60’s Peace symbols painted Volkswagen Vans, tie-dyed t-shirts, hippies, and mood rings
The 90’s Britney Spears, Tickle Me Elmo, the Rachel haircut, baggy jeans, cargo pants, SUV, and cell phones
These trends, fads and expressions of fashion, toys and film, are presented daily via media.
Fads, Trends, & Icons
Refers to a something that becomes popular in a culture relatively quickly, but loses popularity dramatically (Tickle Me Elmo)
A trend, on the other hand, has the potential of becoming a long-term influence on the future of a market (Jeans or Cell Phones)
An important and enduring symbol or, one who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol (Elvis Presley is an icon of the 50s', Jimi Hendrix is an icon of the 60's.. who is an icon of the 2000’s?)
· Students will work in groups of 2 to create PowerPoint presentations documenting a decade of time.
· A decade will be assigned toeach group.
· The presentation should represent the trends, fads and points of interest for that decade.
· Consider the following topics: music, fads, toys, vehicles, hairstyles, slang, fashions and top entertainers.
· Groupsmay have a few additional topics that they wish to include.
Assignment Criteria:
o Title slide/page
o Text that is easy to read, accurate and error free
o Graphics
o Audio from the era that plays throughout the slideshow
o Slide show should run on its own (shouldn’t have to click)
o Video (if possible)
o Conclusion slide
o 6-10 slides total
o Adhere to the 6x6 rule (6 or less points per slide + 6 or less words per point)
Things to keep in Mind:
o Content
o Design and creativity
o Incorporation of relevant audio/messages
o Awareness of purpose