Tina Ward-Pugh
9th District Councilwoman
601 W Jefferson Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502.574.1109
Fax: 502.574.7844
Kyle Ethridge
Legislative Assistant
Phone: 502.574.3908
Fax: 502.574.7844
David Caldwell
Special Project Coordinator
Phone: 502.574-1109
9th District Blog
Please feel free to copy any of this information for use at your meetings or in your newsletters. If you would like to be removed from this communication please email
with “REMOVE” in the subject or body. Thank you!
/You are receiving this email because you have contacted my office in the past for
assistance. If you would like to be removed from this communication please email with “REMOVE” in the subject or body.
If you are having trouble viewing this email please visit my website at http://www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroCouncil/Members/09/default.htm to view the online
PDF version. Please feel free to copy any of this information for use at your meetings
or in your newsletters!
Volunteers Needed for the Taste of Frankfort Avenue
The Clifton Center would love your help on Sunday, June 26th for the Taste of
Frankfort Avenue to experience a taste of things to come at the Clifton Center,
2117 Payne Street. They need volunteers to help with many tasks throughout
the evening: setting up, tickets sales, table assistants, bartenders, and parking,
to name a few. If you are available and can assist then respond to this email here.
One of their staff will be in touch to place you in our lineup. For more information
please visit www.CliftonCenter.org.
LG&E’s Tree Trim PolicyHere is some information from LG&E relating to notification to the customer prior to
tree crews entering neighborhoods at the onset of their trim cycle. The company
enhanced its customer communications to include the following:
"It's time to trim the trees" booklet — This guide will be mailed to customers
whose trees are scheduled to be trimmed. The guide features detailed information
about tree hazards, pruning techniques and suggestions on where to plant certain
trees and shrubs.
· Automated outbound calls — In addition to the guide, customers who live
along the circuit route that is scheduled for pruning will receive an automated
call before crews arrive.
· Enhanced Vegetation Management website — The site allows customers
to learn more about how and why the company trims trees through topics such
as tree hazards and disposal methods. The website also features information
about the “Before You Dig” initiative and a frequently-asked-questions page.
In addition, the site continues to promote the company’s “Right Tree, Right
Place” program, allowing customers to see details about a variety of small
trees, recommended for planting because they will not grow into overhead
power lines.
· Follow-up survey — Customers who have had their trees trimmed will now
be able to provide feedback through a phone survey conducted once the work
is complete. They will be asked questions about the communications they
received before and during the work, the safety and effectiveness of the crew,
the disposal of limbs, etc.
Seneca Park Walking Path
Last fall I was contacted by a resident regarding accessibility around Seneca Park.
She and her mother live within walking distance of the park but had difficulty
maneuvering across the rocky parking area on Rock Creek Road to get to the park.
My office worked with Metro Parks on a long-term accessible solution and I
appropriated 9th District Capital Infrastructure Funds (CIF) to pay for the
project. Last week Louisville Paving completed the work and the path is ready
for use. I hope strollers, wheelchairs, skates, etc will enjoy the new path!
EDGE OutreachThey've brought clean water to victims of natural disasters in Haiti and Central
America — but often struggled in disaster zones to find power to run pumps, purifiers,
cell phones and computers. Now, Louisville's non-profit aid group EDGE Outreach
has joined forces with a local technology start-up and a disaster-response company
to create a mobile system that could provide clean water to thousands along with
renewable power to help EDGE and other relief workers do their jobs. To read
the entire Courier-Journal story click here,http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2011306150133
Thanks for helping return $4.2 million!
Thanks to all the volunteers, Bill Sanders, Zan Sawyer-Dailey, Carolyn Weaver,Carolyn Seiffertt, Alice Baldwin, Phil Brun, Mike O’Leary, Dave and Sue Vislisel, Barb
Bower, Cynthia Adelberg, Dolores Collins, June Eastridge, Mary Brady, Peggy Schmidt,
Nancy Langford, Gerri Mosley, Pat Brinson and Ann Adams, that helped out with the
Treasure Finders event last Saturday, June 18th at the Clifton Center. These
volunteers worked to contact 9th District residents to inform them of unclaimed
money held by the Kentucky State Treasurer’s office. While we don’t know the exact
amount returned, we do know that hundreds of thousands was claimed. If you
didn’t receive a call you could still have unclaimed money owed to you. Please call
the Kentucky State Treasurer’s office at (800) 465-4722 or visit
www.kytreasury.com. To see the whole Fox 41 story please visit, http://www.fox41.com/story/14935282/phone-call-leads-to-cash-for-many-jefferson-county-residents
9th District BATS Night Out – June 29, 2011
UPDATE: There are no more 9th District BATS tickets available. At this timeeveryone who registered for tickets should have received a confirmation
email from Kyle Ethridge. If you registered for tickets but have not
received an email yet please contact her at or
call 574-1109.
City Emergency Alert System
Tonight, Thursday, June 23rd at 7:00 pm the two companies who are finalists to win
the contract for a citywide emergency alert system will demonstrate their technology
during a public forum at the Southwick Community Center, 3621 Southern Avenue.
American Printing House Partners with Dollywood
Foundation to make “Imagination Library” accessible
The American Printing House for the Blind (APH) and the Dollywood Foundation
are pleased to announce a partnership that will expand the “Imagination Library”
program to provide blind and visually impaired children with accessible books. The
Imagination Library is a program that has put more than 34 million free books in the
hands of children age5 and under, and thanks to the collaboration with APH, a
selection of those books will be translated into braille and audio recordings. The
announcement coincided with Dollywood’s annual summertime KidsFest celebration,
where Dolly Parton and representatives from APH presented a Braille book to
Cameron Burkett from McMinnville, TN. The Dollywood Foundation will work with the
American Printing House for the Blind to selectseveral book titles each year that
are suitable for reproduction in braille and audio. The program will begin by making
audio files available, for free, to Imagination Library participants from a link on
APH’s website by September of 2011, and more than 35 titles will be available by
the end of this year. Later, the partnership will also make available an annual selection
of print/braille Imagination Library books that can be purchased from APH at low cost.
For more information, visit www.imaginationlibrary.com.
CAKES needed for upcoming 4th of July Festival
Crescent Hill’s Old Fashioned 4th of July’s Cake Booth needs cakes and volunteers
for Sunday, July 3rd and Monday, July 4th. Cakes may be homemade or purchased
from Bussmann’s Bakery (893-3822) or the lower Brownsboro Road Kroger
(in-store purchase only). Purchased cakes will be picked up by booth staff.
Homemade cakes may be dropped off on the front porch of 212 Kennedy Avenue
anytime Saturday, July 2nd or at the cake booth during the event. Contact Trish
Fleischman at 439-3671 or Ginger Mehling at 896-4756 for more information.
Cake Booth volunteers are needed for 2-hour shifts beginning at 10 am to 8 pm,
with 4-6 people needed per shift. Fill a shift with friends and family and make it fun –
come work the microphone, spin the wheel and keep those cakes moving to benefit
the Crescent Hill Community Council and Kennedy Court Park Restoration Project!
For more information and to sign up for volunteer shifts, visit
www.signupgenius.com/go/crescent or email .
Ninth District Events!
/ Below are some Ninth District calendar events! To view a full listing of events please visit the Ninth District Blog at http://district9news.wordpress.com/.If you would like to submit events to be considered for the blog calendar please email r call 574-1109.
Friday, June 24:7th Annual Crescent Hill Outdoor Cinema series -watch “Raiders
of the Lost Ark” at dusk at the Peterson-DumesnilHouse, 301 S Peterson Avenue.
This event is FREE to the public and concessionswill be available. Bring a blanket or
lawn chair and bug spray.
Friday, June 24:Historic Frankfort Avenue will host the F.A.T. Friday Trolley Hop
from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. The F.A.T. Friday Trolley Hop, held year-round on the
final Friday of every month, provides FREE parking and transportation to participating
shops, restaurants and galleries along the Frankfort, Mellwood and Story Avenue
corridor.Special activities happening during the F.A.T. Friday Trolley Hop are:
· Margaret’s Consignment, located at 2700 Frankfort Avenue, will celebrate its 20thanniversary by hosting a party featuring live entertainment in the
courtyard, wine samplings from Elk Creek Vineyards, cake, a champagne toast,
the Bubble Truck, and a “Margaret Browning Look-A-Like Contest” where the
winner will receive a $100 gift certificate!
· PURE Fitness and Training, located in the Mellwood Art Center, will celebrate
its one year anniversary by hosting a party from 6:00 to 9:00pm including
refreshments, drawings for free Boot Camp sessions, personal training sessions,
and a massage, as well as a ‘Boot Camp demo’ every half-hour.
· eyeDia, located at 1631 Mellwood Avenue, will host a fundraiser for the
Louisville Metro Parks Foundation and 20% of all proceeds will go to Paving the
Path: the Breslin Park Walking Path Project; a new 1/3 mile walking paththat
will encircleBreslin Park located at the corner of Lexington and Payne Street.
Light refreshments will also be served.
· The Crescent Hill Trading Company, located at 2720 Frankfort Avenue,
will feature $5 Henna tattoos by BakulaSheth, and serve a culinary surprise
by chef FinbarKinsella. 10% of sales will be donated to St. Joseph Children’s
Home as well.
· Dressing Room, located at 2836 Frankfort Avenue, will be serving SkinnyGirl
Margaritas and offering 15% off all purchases that night!
· Mellwood Art Center, located at 1860 Mellwood Avenue, will showcase two
exhibitions: “It’s All in the Peripherals”, featuring the works of these 7 artists
highlight the diversity of the current New York art scene, and “Color This,
Shoot That”, a collection of paintings and photography done by the students
of Maryhurst. Crushed Velvet Dance Band will also play live music in the
courtyard from 7pm-9:30pm.
· The Wine Rack, located at 2632 Frankfort Avenue, will host live music by
Flathead Screw from 7pm-9pm and samples of BBC beer and Kenny’s Cheeses.
· Gallery Janjobe, located in the Mellwood Art Center, will host a reception
from 6pm-9pm for a new exhibition titled “What’s Up,” an exhibit of new work
by various artists, who were challenged to break out of their creative ruts
and try something new.
· United Crescent Hill Ministries (UCHM), located at 150 S State Street, will
host Raptor Rehabto educate folks on the importance of raptors. Alsoenjoy
the fabulous sounds of the Fur Traders.
Saturday, June 25: Picnic by the Water from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm at Cherokee Park
at Frisbee Field.Grab your friends and family and pack a picnic lunch, and jointhem
to celebrate Louisville’s BeargrassCreek! Fun, educational water-related activities
for everyone! Hosted by Olmsted Parks Conservancy, Beargrass Creek Alliance and
Kentucky Waterways Alliance
Sunday, June 26: Taste of Frankfort Avenue at the Clifton Center, 2117 Payne
Street from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Enjoy food tastings from restaurants along Frankfort
Avenue. New this year – concert by the Grammy winning band GrupoFantasma at
8:00 pm. Tickets are $40 each and may be purchased at www.cliftoncenter.org or
by calling 896-8480.
Wednesday, June 29: 9th District BATS night at Slugger Field. Tickets are available
to 9th District residents on a first-come, first-serve basis until they run out. The
tickets are good for one FREE admission, a FREE hot dog and FREE soft drink on
June 29th. To reserve tickets call 574-1109.
Friday, July 1: Frankfort Avenue Business Association (FABA) Meetings at 8:30 am
at United Crescent Hill Ministries (UCHM), 150 S State Street. Meetings are every
Friday except when the board meets. For the FABA calendar please visit
Friday, July 1: Louisville Brewfestfrom 4:00 – 10:00 pm at the Mellwood Arts
Center, 1860 Mellwood Avenue. This Louisville celebration of local, independent
brewers, independent businesses and independent thinkers will shelve uniformity
and celebrate our uniqueness! Eat food from restaurants including Taco Punk,
DiOriosPizza, Red’s Comfort Foods, Farm To Fork, and BBC. Browse a silent auction
and merchandise from locally-ownedretailers. And of course, drink locally-crafted
beer and wine. Free City Scoot rides home to boot! Admission is free, but beer
drinkers must purchase a $2 souvenir cup. Beer and Food Tickets cost $1 each
(sample beer=1 ticket, full pour=3 tickets). For more information visit
www.keeplouisvilleweird.com or call 500-4669.