………………………………………Committee of Management Meeting
To be held on …………………………………
Commencing at ………………………
- Welcome
- Present
- Apologies
- Disclosure of Conflicts of interest
NB - Disclosure in meetings must also be made immediately before the matter is considered and the member/s disclosing the direct or indirect interest must refrain from voting and absent themselves from the discussion regarding that item of business.
- Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting
NB – Minutes to be signed by Chair upon confirmation
- Matters arising from the Minutes
- Financial Report
- Reports (Chair/Secretary/Treasurer/Bookings Officer)
- Facility Improvement Plan Update/Review
- General Business – Items To Be Discussed
- Date of Next Meeting
- Closure of Meeting
General Meeting Agenda Guidance Notes
Record those in attendance.
Please ensure that a quorum is present which is 50 per cent plus one of committee members. If 30 minutes after the scheduled starting tie of a meeting, a quorum has not been obtained, or at any time during the meeting if a quorum cannot be maintenance, the chair will decide to: adjourn or close the meeting and refer any unfinished business to a subsequent meeting, or continue to conduct the scheduled meeting but refer all decisions and motions to a subsequent meeting when a quorum is present for reconsideration and/or ratification.
Record any apologies. Apologies should be moved and seconded.
Disclosure Of Conflicts Of Interest
Disclosure in meetings must also be made immediately before the matter is considered and the member/s disclosing the direct or indirect interest must refrain from voting and absent themselves from the discussion regarding that item of business. Member/s are also required to complete a Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Form at the time of disclosure and return that form to the Committees Liaison Officer.
Confirmation Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting
A copy of the Minutes from the last Ordinary Meeting of the Committee should be provided at the meeting. Confirmation of Minutes should be moved and seconded.. Once the motion has been passed a hard copy must be signed by the Chair of this meeting. A signed copy of the Minutes needs also to be submitted to Council.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
This item allows time for discussions of any outstanding matters from the last Ordinary Meeting of the Committee as appropriate.
Financial Report
The Treasurer should present a financial report for the period since the last Ordinary Meeting of the Committee and this meeting. This report should include income and expenses for that period and balance sheet and should be moved and seconded by the Committee.
NB - Expenditure committals over $100 should be confirmed by the committee by moving and seconding a motion.
Reports (Chair/SecretaryTreasurer/Bookings Officer)
This is an opportunity for officer bearers to provide updates to the Committee in relation to relevant maters.
Facility Improvement Plan Update/Review
The Committee’s Facility Improvement Plan is adopted at each AGM and should be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains current. Committees should record any updates or progress in relation to the delivery of those items included on their Facility Improvement Plan.
General Business – Items to be Discussed
This is an opportunity for additional items to be listed on the Agenda, or raised by the committee, for discussion by the Committee.
Date of Next Meeting
Confirmation of the next meeting date.
Closure of Meeting
Record the time that meeting finished.
M17/15293 – Committee of Management Ordinary Agenda Template