Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools

Seminole Springs Elementary


Adrian Boyd, Principal

Julio Valle, Assistant Principal

Joyce Price, Curriculum Resource Teacher

Tracy Choy, Literacy Coach

Table of Contents

School Profile……………………………………………………………………2

Standard 1: Vision and Purpose…………………………………………………4

Standard 2: Governance and Leadership………………………………………...7

Standard 3: Teaching and Learning……………………………………………..12

Standard 4: Documenting and Using Results…………………………………...15

Standard 5: Resources and Support Systems……………………………………18

Standard 6: Stakeholder Communication and Relationships……………………21

Standard 7: Commitment to Continuous Improvement…………………………23

Our Mission is to teach every child to his/her fullest potential in a caring and supportive atmosphere.

Our goal is that no child be left behind.


Seminole Springs Elementary is a Pre-K through grade five facility located half way between the cities of Eustis and Deland on Highway 44 in Lake County, Florida. The school was built in 1988.

The campus is quiet, serene, well taken care of and the perfect setting for educational excellence. Our population is presently 899 which includes two Pre-Kindergarten units.

Seminole Springs is meeting the requirements for class size reduction and has an average of 18 students in grades kindergarten through third grade and 22 students in fourth and fifth grade classes. A total of 24 students were retained at the end of the 2006-2007 school year.

Students attending Seminole Springs come from many different communities including the outskirts of Deland, Cassia, PineLakes, Eustis, Umatilla, and MountDora.

Seminole Springs has maintained a state grade of “A” for eightconsecutive years and has met all Annual Yearly Progress requirements for the 2007-2008 school year.

Seminole Springs has been a Title I school since 1999; however we will lose this status for the 2007-2008 school year as we no longer qualify for these federal dollars.

Seminole Springs employs a full time writing and a full time music teacher to meet the needs of our students. Students participate in these programs each week along with media, and have physical education twice each week. Each of these special areas has a 40 minute period.

Our Parent Teacher organization is very active and involved. Money is generated to improve the educational experience of our students through our annual Drive for Education. Business leaders along with family and friends contribute funds directly to the school without having the students sell items door to door. This practice has been well received and our school raised over 18,000 dollars during the 2006-2007 school year.

Fifth grade students leaving Seminole Springs for 6th grade attend Umatilla Middle, Eustis Middle, or MountDoraMiddle School.


Our school demographics as of August 2007

  • 900 total population
  • 10 Asian Students
  • 27African-American Students
  • 748 Caucasian Students
  • 104Hispanic Students
  • 10Multi-Racial Students
  • 430 Female Students
  • 470 Male Students
  • 141 Students Exceptional Student Education / speech and language.
  • 39English Language Learners
  • 36% of the students receive free or reduced lunch

SeminoleSpringsElementary School employs:

  • 2 - Administrators
  • 62 - Instructional Staff
  • 41 - Non Instructional Staff


Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools

Seminole Springs Elementary


Standard 1: Vision and Purpose

Seminole Springs establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the school.

QualitySchool Indicators

In fulfillment of this standard, Seminole Springs:

1.1.Establishes a vision for the school in collaboration with its stakeholders

1.2.Communicates the vision and purpose to build stakeholder understanding and support

1.3.Identifies goals to advance the vision

1.4.Develops and continuously maintains a profile of the school, its students and thecommunity

1.5.Ensures that the school’s vision and purpose guide the teaching and learning process

1.6.Review its vision and purpose systematically and revises them when appropriate

Our Mission at Seminole Springs Elementary is to teach each child to his/her fullest potential in a caring and supportive atmosphere. Our goal is that no child be left behind.

This mission appears at the beginning of our School Improvement Plan and is evident all around our campus not only in print but through the actions and attitudes of our staff. Our mission statement is posted in the office and all other public locations including our web site and classrooms. The mission statement along with goals described in the School Improvement Plan are proposed and voted on by stakeholders during the initial SAC meeting of each school year. (1.1, 1.3, 1.6)

Seminole Springs has a very active Parent Teacher Organization and School Advisory Council. Meetings are held monthly and collaboration between the staff, parents, and administration takes place for the purpose of making informed decisions regarding the students’ educational and social experiences. (1.2)

Development and maintenance of a student and community profile is accomplished through ongoing progress monitoring which includes analysis of data obtained through the administration of DIBELS, FLIKRS, CELLA, SRI, Writing Samples and Math Harcourt Inventories. Climate surveys are also completed by stakeholders.(1.4)

A demographic profile is maintained by our office staff and student data is entered and continually revised using the AS400 system. (1.4)

A newsletter entitled The Bear Facts is produced monthly to keep parents informed regarding upcoming events, effective parenting, and effective homework practices and policies. Weekly newsletters are produced electronically and are sent to teachers and staff weekly to keep our personnel informed regarding upcoming events, timelines, and policies (1.2, 1.3)

In first and second grades classrooms weekly newsletters are sent home to keep parents informed about the curriculum, policies, and upcoming events. Third, fourth, and fifth grade students are required to complete a daily agenda including daily assignments and homework. This agenda is reviewed and signed by parents daily and is also used as a vehicle of communication for parents and teachers regarding upcoming events and student behavior. (1.3)

Students identified by screening tests, diagnostic tests, and classroom performance as needing academic, or behavioral intervention are referred to the Student Assistance Team (SAT) by the classroom teacher. This team is made up of the Classroom teacher, Guidance Counselors, Curriculum Resource Teacher, Literacy Coach, school psychologist, and in some cases a social worker. The team gathers all pertinent data and upon analysis of the data, documents research based interventions to be carried out in the classroom. Student performance is monitored and the effectiveness of the intervention is determined. (1.5)

Meetings are held with parents to update Individual Education Plans as well as to explain services provided to our English Language Learners and to solicit their input. (1.2)

Additionally, parent involvement and a positive school culture are facilitated through a variety of special activities that take place each year. Students experience Seminole Springs as an expanded family environment on special days like Family Picnic Day, Fall Festival, and the end of the year Extravaganza. Two Open House events are held each year and parents are invited to come see special projects related to the curriculum on display. (1.5)

Each year Test Data from the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT) is analyzed to determine the effectiveness of teaching practices and programs and to set goals for the next academic year. Areas in need of improvement are identified and a plan is formed to address each need. Climate surveys are also completed by parents, students, and teachers for the purpose of gathering information and continuing the improvement of the school. Progress is monitored during the school year using a variety of instruments including the Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills, Harcourt Math Inventories, and the collection and analysis of monthly writing samples. This process is documented in the School Improvement Plan and midyear report. (1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6)

Impact Statement:

The Annual development of the School Improvement Plan and Mid-year Report provide an opportunity for the examination of the current academic standing and affective climate of the school. Through ongoing collaboration and communication parents, teachers, and community members focus on areas in need of improvement and establish specific strategies for meeting these goals. Our mission statement is our philosophy through which our organization maintains this focus and purpose.

Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools

Seminole Springs Elementary


Standard 2: Governance and Leadership

Seminole Springs provides governance and leadership that promote student performance and school effectiveness.


QualitySchool Indicators

In fulfillment of this standard, Seminole Springs operates under the jurisdiction of a governing board that:

2.1Establishes policies and procedures that provide for the effective operation of theschool

2.2Recognizes and preserves the executive administrative and leadership prerogativesof theadministrative head of the school

2.3Ensures compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws, standards, andregulations

To ensure a common knowledge of behavioral expectations at school, a county wide Code of Conduct Manual has been developed and is reviewed with students at the beginning of each school year. Parents as well as students are required to sign this document upon completion of this yearly review. (2.1 2.2, 2.3)

Teachers are also expected to share a common knowledge of professional expectations which appear in the Teacher Handbook. This includes expectations for professional dress andconduct. (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

Parent involvement is encouraged and visitor procedures are enforced. Parents are required to make appointments to conference with teachers, and must register in the office when visiting campus. (2.1)

An emergency Management Team has been appointed and a plan of action has been written to clearly detail the responsibilities of each staff member in the case of an emergency. This plan has been presented to the faculty and a copy of the plan is posted in each classroom. (2.3)

Infection control procedures are also reviewed at the beginning of each school year. Mr. Valle, the assistant principal is responsible for training the teachers and staff regarding the proper handling of potentially unsafe materials. (2.3)

Schedules are created and maintained by the assistant principal for the purpose of smoothly moving classes of students to and from lunch and other special areas such as music, physical education, art, and media. (2.1)

Faculty meetings, grade group meetings, and committee meetings are held monthly and minutes are kept. (2.1)

Classroom walkthrough are done by members of the Leadership Team in order to facilitate reflective classroom practice by teachers and promote effective teaching strategies, clearly stated objectives, and aligned classroom environments. (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

FCAT Star is used to ensure and document that appropriate services are provided to English Language Learners as well as students in Exceptional Student Education. Schedules are maintained by teachers and are documented in the AS400 system ensuring that the school meets state requirements such as providing a 90 minute uninterrupted reading block in grades k-5. (2.3)

Teachers on Professional contracts are observed each year by the principal or assistant principal using the IPAS instrument. A pre and post conference is held with the teacher to discuss the evaluation and results. Teachers with professional contracts may choose to complete a PG13 project in place of the IPAS. Through this action research, teachers choose an area of professional improvement and describe how their professional study will impact student achievement. Beginning teachers are observed several times a year by the administration and are assigned an experienced teacher as a mentor to provide support and ensure success in meeting the expectations of their assignment. (2.1, 2.2, 2.3)


QualitySchool Indicators

In fulfillment of this standard, Seminole Springs has leadership that:

2.4Employs a system that provides for analysis and review of student

performanceand schooleffectiveness

2.5 - Fosters a learning community

2.6 - Provides opportunities for teachers and students to lead

2.7 - Provides stakeholders meaningful roles in the decision-making process that

promote acultureof participation, responsibility, and ownership

2.8 - Controls curricular and extracurricular activities that are sponsored by the


2.9 - Responds to community expectations and stakeholder satisfaction

2.10 - Implements an evaluation system that provides for the professional growth of


Ongoing progress monitoring is conducted at Seminole Springs through the administration of DIBELS three times a year. Students identified as “At Risk” are monitored every 2-3 weeks to check the effectiveness of interventions targeted to address their area(s) of weakness. In addition to reading, math progress in monitored using the Harcourt Math Inventories and students’ writing samples are collected throughout the year. (2.4)

FCAT data is primarily used as outcome data to analyze and review the effectiveness of teaching practices and programs and is instrumental in the development of the School Improvement Plan. (2.4)

Additional testing that takes place and is used to verify the effectiveness of instruction includes SAT 10, SRI, Unit tests and weekly tests. (2.4)

Beginning teachers along with experienced teachers meet to form Learning Communities for the purpose of providing support and ensuring the success of first year teachers. (2.5, 2.6)

Technology Tuesday is a Learning Community that gathers once each week. Faculty members meet in the computer lab to share their knowledge in the use of technology as an instructional and management tool. (2.5, 2.6)

Students are given leadership opportunities as they serve as Safety Patrols and a Student News Anchors delivering the School news over closed circuit television each morning. (2.6)

Students in all grades are acknowledged for outstanding citizenship and leadership through Student of the Month, Terrific Kid, and Principal’s Breakfast assemblies. (2.6)

A culture of participation, responsibility, and ownership is maintained through weekly Team Leader meetings, and monthly Faculty and PACE meetings. The Parent Teacher Organization and School Advisory Council meet monthly as well to discuss matters related to the improvement of the school. (2.7)

A master calendar is developed and updated by the administration and staff. This calendar is displayed in the bookkeeper’s office to manage the curricular as well as extracurricular activities that are sponsored by the school and helps to prevent conflicts in events. Monies collected for field trips are handled by the bookkeeper and strict procedures are enforced. Volunteers and chaperones must be fingerprinted and background checks are completed. (2.8)

Seminole Springs responds to community expectations and satisfaction through its examination of information gathered through climate surveys, SAC meetings, and PTO meetings. Climate Survey data is addressed specifically in the School Improvement Plan where in current standings are established and goals and strategies for improvement are outlined. (2.9)

Teachers on Professional contracts are observed each year by the principal or assistant principal using the IPAS instrument. Teachers with professional contracts may choose to complete a PG13 project in place of the IPAS. Beginning teachers are observed several times a year by the administration and are assigned an experienced teacher as a mentor to provide support and ensure success in meeting the expectations of their assignment. All teachers participate in Action Research through the Individual Professional Development Plan. While not an evaluation, Classroom walkthroughs provide valuable school wide data regarding the teaching practices of the school and help to focus the professional development needs of the school. (2.10)

Impact Statement:

The Leadership Team at Seminole Springs works together to support the schools vision and mission; Toteach every child to his or her best ability. Funds are allocated for appropriate academic programs to ensure the success of our students. Collaboration is fostered between stakeholders through SAC, PTO, and Team Leaders meetings. Our schools security is protected and maintained through careful planning and procedures are adopted to ensure the smooth operation of our facility.

Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools

Seminole Springs Elementary


Standard 3: Teaching and Learning

Seminole Springs provides research based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students.

QualitySchool Indicators

In fulfillment of this standard, Seminole Springs:

3.1 - Develops and implements curriculum based on clearly defined expectations

for student learning

3.2 - Promotes active involvement of students in the learning process, including

opportunities for them to explore application of higher order thinking skills,

and investigate new approaches to applying their learning

3.3- Gathers, analyses, and uses data and research in making curricular and

instructional choices

3.4 - Designs and uses instructional strategies, innovations, and activities that are

research based and reflective of best practices

3.5 - Offers a curriculum that challenges each student to excel, reflects a

commitment to equity, and demonstrates an appreciation of diversity

3.6 - Allocates and protects instructional time and support student learning

3.7 - Provides for articulation and alignment between and among all levels of


3.8 - Implements interventions to help students meet expectations for student


3.9 - Monitors school climate and takes appropriate steps to ensure that it is

conducive to school learning

3.10 - Provides comprehensive information and media services that support the

curricular and instructional programs

3.11 - Ensures that all students and staff members have regular and ready access to

instructional technology and a comprehensive materials collection that

supports the curricular and instructional program

Administrators and teachers at Seminole Springs Elementary work in partnership to design a curriculum based on clearly defined expectations for student learning. The Sunshine State Standardsand the district Pupil Progression Plan guide the implementation of the curriculum.(3.1)