29th September 2011

Scouts and Parents of the 24th,



  1. In response to your observations at the last Troop Forum in the Summer, during the Autumn Term we will primarily concentrate on one activity badge:

a.The Navigator Activity Badge. Some of you will have covered elements of this important badge either here at Scouts about a year ago, or at school. The ability to read a map, to find your way around either using a road map, or an Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 / 1:25,0000 map with a compass is a very important life skill, and one that you will find invaluable throughout your life, within and outside of Scouting. The hyperlink[1](with full URL at Reference E) will take you to the Scout Association website, and in particular the requirements for the badge, from which the programme below is derived. You will be completing the requirement for Alternative A – Land. There will be the need for you to do a little bit ofstudy in order to get this badge – but it is necessary study if you are to be able to find your way around as you’d expect as Scouts, and there’ll be games to make it easier and more fun to learn. The hyperlink at Reference B will take you to some computer-based games that will reinforce the basic theory in your own time. Reference C (also hyperlinked for you to download) is a very good resource aimed at making map reading accessible to Young People – please print it off and study it (you may also wish to bring it with you to the relevant meetings this term).

b.The more astute amongst you will note that I have begun to add a focus on leadership and teamwork. Whilst not a badge in its own right, the ability to be a good team member and a good leader will also stand you in good stead throughout life, and will be reinforcing sound social skills. I will be introducing activities to further develop your teamwork and leadership skills – and the latter will not just concentrate on Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders, but all Scouts in the Troop.

c.I have briefed on the issue of “Being Prepared” on numerous occasions. There is insufficient time during the programmed schedule to teach, revise and test you in order to allow me to award you the relevant badges. You will have to do some preparation and/or revision in your own time. This doesn’t need to be overly time-consuming or onerous, and parents are encouraged to help!


  1. As usual, I will expect Scouts to arrive for meetings nights held at St Luke’s in smart uniform for Flag Break at the start of each meeting. I have been immensely impressed with the improvement in yourappearance, bearing and conduct – please keep it up. Do remember that you will also need to bring activity clothes with you to some meetings suitable for that specific evening’s activity. Please continue to ensure that you bring a notebook and pencil/pen with you (that is small enough to carry in your shirt pocket). Ensure that you are clean, smart and that you’ve polished your shoes. You will also need to ensure that any badges you’re issued are correctly and neatly sewn on your uniform – and this doesn’t mean giving it to your Mother to do!
  1. I will continue to look to an increase in self-discipline and leadershipamongst Scouts, Assistant Patrol Leaders (APLs) and, of course Patrol Leaders (PLs). As with last term’s programme, please note that the programme below again details the Duty Patrol at each Troop meeting nights. I expect the PLs, or in their absence, the APL or Senior Scout to take charge of their Patrol, and ensure that everything is ready for Flag-Break – you will need to arrive a little earlier to meet your responsibilities. Duties include:
  1. Ensuring that the Union Flag is correctly furled for Flag-Break.
  1. Ensuring that Scouts are smartly prepared and ready for Flag-Break.
  1. Detailing a Scout to read one of the Troop prayers at Flag-Down.
  1. Ensuring that the Union Flag is re-furled and the lanyards stowed correctly.
  1. Supporting the Leaders in tidying up the Hall as required.


  1. Some activities require parental permission (e.g. shooting, water activities, climbing & abseiling). The need for parental permission will be a Scout Association requirement, or a legal requirement (e.g. The Firearms Act 1968 for shooting activities). Please ensure that the relevant permission form is signed in good time – a separate exercise/training instruction will be issued with all the relevant detail should this be the case.

5.Photography. I have introduced a Facebook 24th Bournemouth (St Luke’s) page[2], which you can join should you wish – some parents have already found the forum a useful resource for getting advice, help and guidance from other parents. Photographs from official activities run or attended by the 24th Bournemouth will appear on both the Facebook page and our website (hyperlink at the Reference at the top of this programme). The website, Facebook page and inclusion of photographs are run in accordance with Scout Association guidelines – please see me if you need further information.


6.The programme below includes Church Parades and activities that are currently planned outside Troop meetings. Please note that updated versions of the programme will be emailed to you and will also be accessible via our website(hyperlink at Reference A at the top of this programme). Now that the Troop has grown, I will not be routinely sending out multiple cell-phone texts to Scouts, parents or both, as a reminder to check the programme. Updates and amendments will be notified by email – please ensure that I have your correct contact details (submitted on the “Personal Details” card when your Scout joined the 24th), otherwise your Scout will forever be at the wrong place, at the wrong time and in the wrong rig...

(a) / Date
(b) / Activity
(c) / Leader
(d) / Remarks
01 / Wk 1 (06 Sep 11)
Duty Patrol: Kestrels / Briefing on Term’s activities
Games / Skip
Skip / Austyn / Reminder of Troop Forum decisions.
02 / Wk 2 (13 Sep 11)
Duty Patrol: Hawks / Introduction to Navigator Activity Badge
  • Cardinal points
  • Introduction to compass bearings
  • Introduction to grid system
/ Skip / All / Bearings in degrees. Direction to bearing conversion. OS Map 1:50,000
03 / Fri 16-Sat 18 Sep 11 / Bournemouth Town District Family Camp / Skip / Scout Group
Joining 34th Bmth (St Francis) Scout Group
See separate admin instruction
04 / Wk 3 (20 Sep 11)
Duty Patrol: Eagles / Navigator Activity Badge
  • Silva compass
Equipment Husbandry
  • Tentage survey
  • Re-order Scout Store
/ Skip
All / Bearings
With 2nd Bmth BSL
05 / Sun 25 Sep 11 / Church Parade
  • Fund-raising cake sale after the Service
/ All / Full attendance required
Smart turnout and bearing.
Collection money!
06 / Wk 4 (27 Sep 11)
Duty Patrol: Kestrels / Equipment Husbandry
  • Tentage survey (cont.)
/ Volume of tentage will require subsequent support to fully survey to ascertain usability / repair requirements.
07 / Wk 5(04 Oct 11)
Duty Patrol: Hawks / Wide Game
  • Time: 1845hrs
  • Location: Queen’s Park Golf Club Car Park
  • Dress and Eqpt – see column (e).
/ Austyn / Dress: Mufti with necker.
Eqpt: Daysack containing torch, whistle, notebook and pen, warm clothing as required, waterproofs.
08 / Wk 6 (11 Oct 11)
Duty Patrol: Eagles / Navigator Activity Badge
  • Introduction to maps
  • WGS 84 grid system / grid references
  • Map symbols
/ Skip / All / OS 1:50,000
09 / Sun 16 Oct 11 / Church Parade / Skip / All / Full attendance required
Smart turnout and bearing.
Collection money!
10 / Wk 7 (18 Oct 11)
Duty Patrol: Kestrels / Leadership Training
  • Definition of a Team
  • Benefits of teamwork
  • Activity: Water bombs
/ Skip / Leadership followership
Leader prep required.
11 / Tue 25 Oct 11 / HALF TERM
12 / Wk 8 (01 Nov 11)
Duty Patrol: Hawks / Swimming
  • Littledown Centre for 1845hrs
  • Swimmer Activity Badge Stages 1-3, ability dependent.
  • Requirements detailed at Reference D above.
/ Skip / All / Permission form and entrance fee required.
All leaders required in order to run first three stages concurrently.
Scouts taking Stage 3 will require clean shirt and shorts (prior notification required[3]).
Bournemouth District Town Swimming Gala to provide qualifying swim?
13 / Sat 05 Nov 11 / Bournemouth Scouts Bonfire Night and Fireworks Display
  • Best Guy competition
  • Children’s rides / inflatables etc
  • Refreshments / BBQ
/ See
The Group will be selling tickets on behalf of this as a fundraising activity (Executive Committee).
14 / Wk 9 (08 Nov 11)
Duty Patrol: Eagles / Interest Evening
  • Drumming
  • Map-derived bearings / back-bearings
/ Skip / Outside lecturer (Beavers / Cubs Musician Badge)
Musician Staged Activity Badge possible for Scouts who drum as a hobby.
Protractors required.
15 / Sun 13 Nov 11 / Remembrance Day Church Parade / Skip / All / Poppyand collection money.
Full attendance required
Smart turnout and bearing.
16 / Wk 10(15 Nov 11)
Duty Patrol: Kestrels / Navigation
  • Topographical features
  • Gradients and contours
/ Skip / All / Practical activity: 2D to 3D practical, resource required.
17 / Wk 11 (22 Nov 11)
Duty Patrol: Hawks / Navigation
  • Finding North without a compass
  • Finding North from the night sky
  • Traffic signs and signals
/ Skip / All / Highway Code[4].
18 / W/e 26-27 Nov 11 / Navigation Activity Badge Practical Test Weekend
  • Navigating in a vehicle.
  • Navigating on foot.
/ Skip / All / Timings to be confirmed (leader availability)
Requirement detailed at Reference E.
Separate admin instruction.
Hiker Staged Activity Badge (tbc).
19 / Wk 12 (29 Nov 11)
Duty Patrol: Eagles / Navigation Theory Test
Leadership Training
  • Team planning
/ Skip / Skip’s Prize for Top Student.
“Shepherd and Sheep” practical.
20 / Sun 04 Dec 11 / Church Parade / Skip / All / Full attendance required
Smart turnout and bearing.
Collection money!
21 / Wk 13 (06 Dec 11)
Duty Patrol: Kestrels / Camp Prep / Spare
  • Service eqpt for camp.
/ Skip
22 / W/e 09-11 Dec 11 / Scout Camp
  • Basic pioneering revision
  • Camp skills
  • Shooting
/ Skip / Butcher’s Coppice
Tentage with centralised feeding co-located with 24th Bmth Cub Pack.
Separate camp instruction to follow.
23 / Wk 14 (13 Dec 11)
Duty Patrol: Hawks / Eqpt De-service / Spare
  • De-service camping eqpt as required.
/ Skip

Yours aye,


J-P H Hughes


24th Bournemouth (St Luke’s) Scout Troop


Cell: 07779 287894


All Scout Parents – for Scouts
SL YL / Information:
District Commissioner
ADC Scouts
24th (St Luke’s) Bournemouth Scout Group Executive Committee
Father Roy Matthews
Father Robin Nash (Priest in Charge)
“Be Prepared” /


Autumn Term 2011 Trg Prog v2.0

[1]If you have trouble accessing the webpage via the hyperlink, please copy and paste the URL into your browser.

[2] The Facebook page is closed, and access is only through positive permission – Mrs Skip and I are the administrators.

[3] Formal approval granted by Littledown Centre management 30 Sep 11 – confirmation required the preceding week.
