Spanish AP Final Exam 2008

Final Exam Instructions

I. Oral Part of Final: Students will be prepared to talk about the following themes:

Tiempo libre tus logros o los logros de tus amigos

planes para el futuro Animales

Viajes y viajar Alaska

Use the following tenses: Pretérito (estuve, fui, hablé) /Imperfecto (estaba, iba, hablaba) /Futuro (estaré, iré, hablaré, o voy a hablar)/Presente Perfecto (he estado en, he ido a, he hablado)

Use the handout that will be given to you and that will also be posted on Power School.

Option A: One person Impromptu

Students will draw a topic and have two minutes to prepare for the topic.

The student will then begin presenting about the topic all in Spanish and will speak for a minimum of three minutes.

Option B: Improvisational Dialogue with a Partner

Two students will pair up to speak for a total of 4 minutes minimum.

Although students will be graded individually, choose to speak with a partner of equal ability. Students can dialogue and ask each other questions or tell stories about the topic.

(Students will practice these topics in and out of class for the next two weeks. These are also topics we have covered this semester and some in Spanish II and III.) While one person is speaking, the next person will be given a topic to prepare for two minutes. We will proceed with the oral finals until all students are completed. Make sure your partner practices as much as you do, so you can say what you need to say in the conversation and YOUR grade won’t suffer! Otherwise it is recommended to present alone.

Two Person Dialogue/Individual Impromptu SCORING RUBRIC:

____/20 pts: Pronunciation/student demonstrates good pronunciation

____/20 pts: Range of vocabulary/student demonstrates wide range of vocab.

____/20 pts: Grammatical correctness - Are verb tenses appropriate for the topic?

____/20 pts: Comprehensibility - Can I understand what you mean?

____/20 pts: Fluency/Staying on topic - Speaking continuously. Speaking about topic.

Time: Deduct 20 pts if student(s) quit before time period.

____/100 pts total

Describe or discuss... Topics for AP Oral Final Exam

Level 4/AP

1.Describe several Alaskan animals that you have seen.

2. Describe similarities and/or differences between the US and a target language country.

3. Where would you like to travel and why?

4. Explain what two of your friends will do after high school.

5. You are a teacher. Tell your students why they should come to school every day.

6. Discuss a book you have read recently.

7. Talk to a friend about a recent trip you have taken. Tell them where you went, what you did, what you liked best, and how much money you spent, and where you are planning on going next time.

8. Tell and ask a friend about their accomplishments in school, in sports, at church, girl scouts, boy scouts…

9. List the ingredients of your favorite recipe and offer to make it for your friend.

10. Tell a friend about a picnic or party you are planning. Give the time and place and activities.

11. A student in your foreign language class who has been absent from school calls you.

Give him or her the assignment and explain what he/she has missed.

12. You are going away on a weekend trip. Tell your friends where you are going, what clothes you are taking and why you chose these clothes.

13. You are making plans to go to the beach. Call a friend to join you. What do you need?

14. Introduce and exchange student to your class. Give as much information as you can. Switch roles.

15. You and a friend are in a store. He or she wants to buy an unattractive article of clothing. Find a way to convince your friend not to buy it.

16. A person whom you dislike invites you to go out tonight. Explain to him or her why you cannot go.

17. Discuss what you think your life will be like in fifty years. Tell your friend. Switch roles.

18. A friend is getting ready to go to a country that you have recently visited. Relate highlights of your trip and advise him or her where to go and what to see and do.

II. Written Part of Final: Choose three of the themes below to write a 150 word essay for each theme. Make sure to use the correct verb tense for each theme.

100 points total. Suggestion for study: Write this before taking the final. It is due for corrections on 12/10/08. Students will be graded on:

20/ _____Rico enVocabulario

35/_____ Buena Gramática (You will not have verb charts available.)

30/_____ Es suficiente largo. 3x 150 palabras for each theme/ el mínimo.

15/_____ Es creativo e interesante.

Escoge 3 de las siguientes temas y escribe sobre la situación.

Highlight or underline your verbs, por favor. (150 palabras for each theme)

1. Escribe sobre los animales de Alaska. ¿Cúal es tu animal favorito? ¿Qué animales has visto? Tal vez puedes escribir sobre una experiencia que has tenido con un animal salvaje. (This topic will consist of the present and past tenses) Vi..... he visto....

2. Escribe en el pasado sobre un viaje que has tomado recientemente. Dime adónde fuiste, qué hiciste, qué te gustó más y cuánto dinero gastaste. (This theme will focus on the use of the past tense.)

3. Dime sobre tu vida en 30 años. ¿Cuál será tu profesión? ¿Cuántos niños tendrás? ¿En dónde vas a vivir? (En dónde vivirás?) ¿Cuáles son tus logros (achievements)? o (¿Cuáles son tus planes para el futuro? ¿Qué vas a hacer después de graduarte? Después de graduarme, voy a ir...) (This theme will focus on the future tense.) Logros/ past tense

4. Dime que te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre. Explica por qué tus pasatiempos o deportes o amigos te han mejorado la vida. (This theme will focus on the present and past tenses.)

5. ¿Cuándo eras niño, qué te gustaba hacer? (This theme will focus on the “imperfecto”, although you can mix some preterite in also where needed. Use verbs to say, I always used to go... Siempre iba... jugaba... etc.)