Monday, July 26, 2010 - 6:30 p.m.

Courthouse - Circuit Courtroom

1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wender at 6:30 P.M.

2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said by all.

3. Roll Call was taken by County Clerk Dolly Cook and a quorum was present.

Present: Chairman Wender, Vice Chairman Smith and Commissioners Degenaer Jr., Martin and Stevens. (5)

Absent: (0)

Also Present: County Clerk Dolly Cook, Prosecutor Stephanie Brule, Sheriff Scott Celello, Equalization Director Larry Swartout and Controller Kay Pascoe.

4. Motion by Commissioner Stevens, supported by Commissioner Degenaer Jr. to accept the agenda with the following additions:

7.A. Finance Committee:

4. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Consultation Fee Agreement with Koffman Telecom, Inc. to do a audit of our communication vendor invoices.

7.N. Airport Committee

4. Authorize the Chairman to execute a renewal lease agreement with TSA for space at Ford Airport Terminal.

5. Authorize the Chairman to execute a land lease agreement with Bruce Kososki (formerly Maverick Development) for the purpose of constructing a 64' x 60' steel hangar, for a term of 20 years + one day commencing 8/1/10 at .15 per square foot. Total leased square footage is 6,720'.

All Ayes, Motion Carried.

5. Motion by Commissioner Martin, supported by Commissioner Smith to approve the following meeting minutes with one correction to the Regular Meeting of 7/12/10: Regular Meeting - 7/12/10

Finance Committee - 7/15/10

The correction is under 7.V Bay West Advisory Committee - Martin

The last sentence of the first paragraph “She stated Northern is closing their nursing program which may be beneficial to Bay West.” This sentence will be deleted.


  1. Citizens’ Time: (Limited to five minutes per person)

Chairman Wender opened the floor to Citizens’ Time and there was no participation.

  1. Resolutions and Legislation - Commissioner Martin

1. Motion by Commissioner Martin, supported by Commissioner Stevens to approve Dickinson

County Resolution No. 2010-3 opposing HB 5882 which contains an increase for Juvenile Justice Residential Programs of $7.00 per child per day. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:

Degenaer Jr. Aye

Martin Aye

Smith Aye

Stevens Aye

Wender Aye Motion Carried.

Commissioner Martin stated this would mean a 2.7 million dollar increase and there is no reason given for the increase. Controller Pascoe stated Judge Slagle is in favor of supporting this resolution.


A. Finance Committee - Finance Chairman John Degenaer, Jr.

1. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Martin to approve the monthly bills for July in the amount of $141,534.08. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:

Martin Aye

Smith Aye

Stevens Aye

Wender Aye

Degenaer Jr. Aye Motion Carried.

2. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Stevens to approve a request from the District Court Judge to attend the 2010 Annual Judicial Conference in Grand Rapids on Sept. 16-17 at an approximate cost of $400. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:

Smith Aye

Stevens Aye

Wender Aye

Degenaer Jr. Aye

Martin Aye Motion Carried.

3. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Martin to authorize releasing the 2009 appropriation to Kiwanis Ski Club in the amount of $1,000. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners

Stevens Aye

Wender Aye

Degenaer Jr. Aye

Martin Aye

Smith Aye Motion Carried.

4. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Martin to table the authorization for the Chairman to sign the Consultation Fee Agreement with Koffman Telecom, Inc., to do the audit of our communication vendor invoices for further study. All Ayes, Motion Carried.

B. A-95 Review - Commissioner Joe Stevens - No Report

C. Crystal Lake Community Center - Commissioner Frank Smith - No Report

D. Six County Employment Alliance Commissioner Frank Smith - No Report

E. Planning and Zoning Committee - Commissioner Joe Stevens

  1. Conservation District meeting minutes of 6/22/10.
  1. Planning Commission meeting minutes of 6/25/10.

F. DHS/Community Services Agencies - Commissioner Smith - No Report

G. Dickinson-Iron Health Department - Commissioner Smith - No Report

H. Northpointe - Commissioner Ann Martin - No Report

I. Pinecrest - Commissioner John Degenaer, Jr.

  1. Pinecrest Board meeting minutes of 6/24/10.

J. Equalization Committee - Commissioner John Degenaer, Jr. - No Report

K. Building & Supply/Real Estate-Remodeling- Commissioner Smith

No Report

L. Public Safety and Judiciary - Commissioner Henry Wender - No Report


M. Parks Committee - Commissioner Joe Stevens

1. Motion by Commissioner Stevens, supported by Commissioner Degenaer Jr. to authorize making a proposal to the City of Norway whereby the City would acquire Hanbury Lake Park and Dickinson County would provide $5,000 for upgrades. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:

Wender Aye

Stevens Aye

Smith Aye

Martin Aye

Degenaer Jr. Aye Motion Carried.

N. Airport Committee - Commissioner Henry Wender

1. Motion by Commissioner Stevens, supported by Commissioner Smith to authorize Henry Wender, Board Chairman, to execute MDOT Contract No. 2010-0368 whereby the State will provide a grant of $85,000 which includes a local share of $2,125 for crack sealing and paint marking at Ford Airport under project no. B26-0049-1410. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:

Degenaer Jr., Aye

Martin Aye

Smith Aye

Stevens Aye

Wender Aye Motion Carried.

2. Motion by Commissioner Martin, supported by Commissioner Smith to approve the request of EAA Chapter #439 to hold Ford Airport Day on Sept. 18, 2010 subject to the provision of proof of insurance and the execution of an indemnification agreement. All Ayes, Motion Carried.

3. Airport Manager’s Report.

(A written report is on file in the County Clerk’s Office) Tim Howen, Airport Manager, stated in the report that the boardings are up 25% over last year. He stated they will be adding a third flight to and from Detroit with one stop in Escanaba. He further stated rates are extremely comparable and in some cases cheaper. He stated there was some damage to the roof after the last storm and there was some water damage to the airline computers.

4. Motion by Commissioner Stevens, supported by Commissioner Martin to authorize the Chairman to execute a renewal lease agreement with TSA for space at the Ford Airport Terminal. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:

Martin Aye

Smith Aye

Stevens Aye

Wender Nay

Degenaer Jr. Aye Motion Carried.

Commissioner Smith asked if the original Lease had an escalating clause? Controller Pascoe stated not that she knew of.

5. Motion by Commissioner Martin, supported by Commissioner Degenaer Jr. to authorize the Chairman to execute a land lease agreement with Bruce Kososki (formerly Maverick Development) for the purpose of constructing a 64' x 60' steel hangar, for a term of 20 years + one day commencing on 8/01/10 at .15 per square foot. Total leased square footage is 6,720'. Roll Call Vote: Commissioners:

Smith Aye

Stevens Aye

Wender Aye

Degenaer Jr. Aye

Martin Aye Motion Carried.

O. Fair Board - Commissioner John Degenaer, Jr. - No Report

P. Library Board - Commissioner Ann Martin - No Report

  1. Library Board meeting minutes of 7/13/10.

Q. Dickinson Partnership/Economic Dev. - Commissioner Joe Stevens - No Report

R. Employee Relations Committee - Commissioner Frank Smith - No Report

S. Dickinson County Hospital Committee - Commissioner Joe Stevens

  1. Hospital Board meeting minutes of 6/14/10.

Commissioner Stevens stated the hospital will proceed to apply to the USDA for a loan for the Medical Office Building.

T. Dickinson County Road Commission - Commissioner Henry Wender

  1. Road Commission meeting minutes of 7/14/10.

U. Construction Code Commission - Commissioner John Degenaer, Jr. - No Report

V Bay West Advisory Committee - Ann Martin - No Report

8. Citizens’ Time: (Limited to five minutes per person):

Chairman Wender opened the floor to Citizens’ Time. Dale Alessandrini, Iron Mountain addressed the Board.

He stated there is a rumor about the hospital top five getting bonuses and they are losing money and there employees have to take a 5% cut and he wanted to know if it was true or not? He thanked the Board.


1. Motion by Commissioner Martin, supported by Commissioner Stevens to appoint Susan Pope to the Fumee Lake Commission for three-year terms to expire 7/14/13. All Ayes, Motion Carried.

Motion by Commissioner Martin, supported by Commissioner Smith to re-advertise for one more person to Fumee Lake, a vacancy to the Community Services Agency and a vacancy to the Western Substance Abuse Board. All Ayes, Motion Carried.

10. PETITIONS AND NEW BUSINESS: - Commissioner Martin - No Report

11. Motion by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., supported by Commissioner Smith to accept Committee Reports and Correspondence and Place on File. All Ayes, Motion Carried.

12. Controller’s Report. - No Report

13 Commissioners’ Personal Privilege.

Commissioner Stevens stated there has been some discussion about these bonuses and he is trying to get a meeting with Dick Berlinski and their Board to discuss those things.

14. Motion by Commissioner Smith, supported by Commissioner Degenaer Jr., to adjourn, Subject to Call of Chairman at 6:55 P.M.


Henry Wender, Chairman Dolly L. Cook, County Clerk