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P. Magyar / IAS Conf Info Desk Student Volunteer Application Form



The fully completed and signed form should be resent to

Galini Kondyli, CMD Travel Grants Committee, Conference Info Desk Management,

and in copy to Peter Magyar, CMD Chair,

Please send MS-Word or PDF file, don´t send picture file.

DEADLINE: continuously

MAIN CONDITIONS for being selected as an IAS Information Desk Student Volunteer:

-  English communication skill

-  IAS membership

-  Activity in SB IAS Chapter and/or in one of the student activity related Committees of CMD

-  Preferred are those who have submitted a paper to the selected conference and it has been approved. Please provide a copy of the paper approval letter.


The selected IAS Information Desk Student Volunteers will be reimbursed according to the IEEE financial rules for following expenses:

-  Round trip airport ground transportation in the conference location

-  Expenses of the hotel accommodation in the conference hotel (arrival one day before the conference opening day, and departure in the next day after the closing day of the conference). Two volunteers of the same gender will be appointed to the same conference, so one common double room will be reimbursed. The travelers should make agreement about who will book the room.

-  Round trip economy class air fare between the home residence and the conference venue.

Extension is possible but it should be clarified with the CMD chair before booking. Having the extension approved the additional travel and accommodation expenses won´t be reimbursed.

-  Internet connection fee for the first and last conference days or in case of emergency

-  Student early registration fee for the conference which containing participation in all official and social events as well as the technical or the tutorial sessions. Only the student early registration fees will be reimbursed. Technical excursion fees should be clarified with and approved by the CMD chair.

-  Visa fee and travel expenses in conjunction with the visa application.

-  A daily allowance of $10 for breakfast and lunch each as well as $20 for dinner during the conference days. If some or all meals are included in the conference registration fee or some meal expenses are covered by an official invitation, the appropriate allowance is not reimbursable.

-  Sickness insurance fee for covering the medical expenses in case of sickness/accident during the conference and the travel

-  Shipping expense of items to be resent the IAS Administrative Office, if applicable

The highest amount of the reimbursing is: US$2,200.00

Following expenses will not be reimbursed

-  Passport fee,

-  Ground transportation in the venue of residence from and to the airport

-  Meal and accommodation expenses in conjunction with the passport and visa interview

-  Travel, luggage, and other kind of private insurance fees

-  Insurance fees for monetary compensation for loosing life or for pain and suffering

-  Luggage excess size or excess weight fee (except flights w.o. free luggage)

-  Expenses for meals, snacks and drinks during the travel except if a flight delay of more than 6 hours occurs

-  Hotel telephone, internet and mini bar expenses

-  Other kind of private expenses, e.g. tips

The appointed volunteers are requested to book the flight ticket in time and with the most appropriate lowest price to allow us for using the budget effectively.

Also the hotel room and the conference registration should be arranged by the travelers in time. The student volunteers are requested to inform the CMD Conference Info Desk Program Manager about the status of passport and visa application as well as the registrations.

According to the IEEE rules, the traveler should cover all expenses in advance and for getting reimbursed, should complete an expense report within two weeks after the travel. The copies of invoices and receipts should be attached to the expense report.

Advance payment will not be provided.

Preparing a detailed report and taking pictures about the information desk activity will be requested. The report should contain the contact addresses of the info-desk visitors and their concerns and be submitted not later than the submission of the expense report. The deadline of the expense report´s submission is two weeks after the closing day of the conference.


Last name(s): ...... First name(s):...... or your full name as it printed in your passport......

Gender (M/F):

Email address:

University / Occupation:

Student status (undergraduate, graduated, PhD):

SB IAS Chapter membership in:

IAS Membership information

Member since: IEEE Membership No.:

Membership grade: (Regular member, Undergraduate Student Member, Graduate Student Member, GOLD Member):

IEEE function(s):

The chapter chair confirms herewith, that the expense difference between the real expenses and the IAS reimbursement will be covered by the chapter up to $......



I declare herewith, that I am not a recipient of another travel grant to the applied conference.

I declare herewith, that the non-covered expenses by the chapter will be covered by me.

I declare herewith that my college/university supervisor and my parents granted their approval for the travel.



Abstract submission confirmation letter (if applicable) : ......

Paper acceptance confirmation letter (if applicable): ......