Team Members and Resources
Tom Borgmeyer - mt / Jim Brocksmith - mt / Vince Imhoff - cm / Dan Smith - rd
Dan Tschirgi - de / Kenny Voss – d5 / Harold Schwartz - cm
Resources: / Jim Francis – Twin Traffic / Bill Francis – Twin Traffic

(Rationale: Sec 620 is being revised to convert to performance related specification. During the performance review process, special provisions for snowplowable raised pavement markers, epoxy pavement marking paint, acrylic copolymer pavement marking paint, and acrylic waterborne pavement marking paint underwent the performance review process and were incorporated into Sec 620.)

3/24/02 - EPC requested that Operations evaluate the minimum initial Retroreflectivity numbers for this next construction season, and make adjustments in the numbers in the future as required.

5/28/03 - Jim Brocksmith has discussed concerns with Don Hillis, no changes were required to answer his questions.

8/27/03 - Revised 620.10 Preformed Marking Tape to include a type 1 and a type 2 tape. Type 2 tape specifications have been included in 1048.

8/29/03 - Minor rewording of 620.90.2 concerning epoxy marking.

10/23/03 - Revisions to 620.2.1.7, 620.2.2.4, 620.3.7, 620.2.3.2and 620 20.3.8 based on comments from the Chief Engineer. Revisions have been discussed with and approved by Don Hillis.

01/21/04 Following revisions made per email request:

Section 620.2.2.2 refers to section 620.2.4 in regards to temporary pavement marking. Section 620.2.5 is the actual section for temporary pavement marking.

Section 620.2.6 refers to section 620.2.4 as pertaining to traffic pattern other conditions. Section 620.2.4 refers to the acceptance of pavement marking materials.

Section 620.10.2 shows the section for preformed pavement marking tape as 1048.2. In the new performance section 1048, there is no section 1048.2. This should be 1048.10.

Section 620.20.2 shows the section for extruded thermoplastic as 1048.3. This should be 1048.20.

Section 620.20.2 shows the section for drop-on glass beads as 1048.6. This should be 1048.50.

Section 620.30.2 shows the section for preformed removable marking tape as 1048.4. This should be 1048.30.

Section 620.40.2 shows the section for preformed short term marking tape as 1048.5. This should be 1048.40.

Section 620.50.2 shows the incorrect sections for all of the items. They should be 1048.50 for the beads, 1048.100 fro the copolymer and 1048.110 for the waterborne.

Is the 15 mil thickness in section 620. wet or dry film thickness. The second sentence seems to imply wet.

620. Paint shall be applied to a minimum thickness of 15 mils (0.4 mm). The wet film thickness of the applied paint shall be tested with a paint thickness gauge as directed by the engineer.

The intention is wet mil thickness. I've modified the first sentence to read: Paint shall be applied to a minimum wet thickness of 15 mils (0.38 mm).

Section 620.70.2 shows the section for preformed short term marking tape as 1048.7. This should be 1048.60.

Section 620.80.2 shows the wrong sections for drop-on glass beads and hot spray thermoplastic.. These should be 1048.50 for the beads and 1048.70 for the hot spray.

Section 620. needs the conversion from English to Metric recalculated. 5 mils = .127mm.

Section 620. makes reference to section 620. I believe the section referenced should be 620.2.4.1.

Done, thanks. I did however make the reference only to 620.2.4 since this is how the other sections refer to the minimum initial numbers.

Section 620.90.2 shows the wrong sections for epoxy pavement marking material and drop-on glass beads. These should be 1048.90 for the epoxy and 1048.50 for the beads.

Section 620.90.2.1 references section 620.2.1.4. There is no such section as 620.2.1.4.

There is a section 620.2.1.4 and it refers to the contractor protecting the line during its cure, so this is correct.

Section 620.100.2 shows the section for snowplowable raised pavement markers as 1048.9. This should be 1048.80.

Section 620.110.2 shows the section for snowplowable raised pavement markers as 1048.9. This should be 1048.80.



620.1 Description. This work shall consist of furnishing, installing, maintaining and removing temporary and permanent pavement marking as shown on the plans, as specified herein or as directed by the engineer.

620.2 Construction Requirements.

620.2.1 General.

620.2.1.1 All pavement marking shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the MUTCD at the time of the bid opening.

620.2.1.2 All pavement marking shall be installed as shown on the plans unless otherwise directed by the engineer.

620.2.1.23 All pavement marking shall be uniform in appearance with crisp, well-defined edges and shall be uniform in width and thickness. Surface distribution of the beads shall be uniform.

620.2.1.34 Longitudinal pavement marking shall not be placed on longitudinal joints.

620.2.1.45 The contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all liquid pavement marking until the pavement marking has reached a no-track state as determined by the engineer.

620.2.1.5 Damage to pavement marking as a result of caused by the contractor’s operations, including resurfacing of shoulders, shall be repaired or replaced at the contractor’s expense.

620.2.1.67 All pavement markings shall be installed in accordance with this specification and all manufacturer’s requirementsrecommendations. Manufacturer’s written application or installation instructions shall be provided toby the contractor andto the engineer.

620.2.1.78 The engineer will check application rates at convenient intervals by comparing the amount of material used to the lengths of pavement marking placed. For initial application and occasionally during the course of the work., the engineer may also check application rates of liquid markings by use of a wet film thickness gauge. Glass beads shall not be applied for testing application rates when using a wet film thickness gauge.

620.2.2 Permanent Pavement Marking.

620.2.2.1 On roadways open to traffic, pPermanent pavement marking, except edge lines, shall be in place no later than five days after final paving operations. If edge lines are specified, edge lines shall be in place no later than 15 days after final paving operations. Permanent pavement marking applications for surface treatments requiring more than 5five days of cure shall be placed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and as directed bywith approval from the engineer.

620.2.2.2 On roadways open to traffic, any pavement marking obliterated by milling, grinding or resurfacing operations, except edge lines, shall be replaced with permanent pavement marking material specified in the contract or temporary pavement marking in accordance with Sec 620.2.43, no later than the end of the same day unless, on the final surface, the permanent pavement marking material specified in the contract is placed by the end of the day.. If edge lines are specified, edge lines shall be the type of pavement marking material specified in the contract and placed no later than 15 days after final paving operations for each construction season. Pavement marking shall be replaced in the same configuration as the previously existing pavement marking unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the engineer.

620.2.2.3 When installing permanent pavement marking, the contractor shall begin intermittent pavement marking, starting with the gap, immediately after the last existing intermittent pavement marking to maintain the specified cycle length along the entire length of the intermittent pavement marking line.

620.2.2.4 If the permanent pavement marking cannot be placed according to these specifications, and the road is to be opened to traffic with no permanent pavement marking in place, the contractor shall, at the direction of the engineer, place and maintain temporary pavement marking at the contractor’s expense. The contractor shall remove temporary pavement marking and place the permanent pavement marking according to these specifications and as approved directed by the engineer.

620.2.3 Temporary Pavement Marking.

620.2.3.1 At the end of each day, the contractor shall install and maintain temporary pavement marking, at the contractor’s expense, unless the permanent pavement marking material specified in the contract is placed on the final surface.lieu of installing the permanent pavement marking material specified in the contract, the contractor may, at the contractor's expense, provide and maintain The entire project shall be marked at the end of each day by a combination of permanent and temporary marking.temporary pavement marking. The temporary pavement marking shall be removed immediately prior to the installation of the permanent pavement marking material specified in the contract. Should the contractor choose this option, Nno more than one mile (1.6 km) of roadway behind the operation shall remain unmarked. At the end of each day, the temporary pavement marking shall be installed so, when combined with existing pavement marking, the entire project is marked. The temporary pavement marking shall be removed immediately prior to the installation of the permanent pavement marking material specified in the contract.

620.2.3.2 On multiple lane roadways, tTemporary pavement marking shall be installed as shown on the plans.

620.2.3.3 On multiple lane roadways with two way traffic and "no passing zone" marking, all yellow centerline marking shall be replaced with temporary raised pavement markers with yellow on both sides. White lane line marking on climbing or turn lanes shall be replaced with white/red raised pavement markers with white facing traffic. Temporary raised pavement markers shall be in accordance with Sec 620.70. Sign WO8-12, "No Center Stripe", shall be installed throughout the section where the striping has been obliterated at one-half mile (1 km) intervals and 150 feet (45 m) from side roads or as shown on the plans. These signs shall be displayed only where the striping has been obliterated and shall be removed or covered where final striping is complete.

620.2.3.4 On resurfacing projects, when the adjacent layer of resurfacing has not been placed and the existing centerline or lane line marking has been obliterated, the temporary marking shall be placed on the higher layer at the centerline of the roadway or lane. Any temporary pavement marking damaged, displaced or missing before installing the final pavement marking is placed shall be replaced by the contractor at the contractor's expense.

620.2.34 Inspection and Acceptance.

620.2.34.1 Initial Inspection. Permanent pavement marking will be inspected following installation. The engineer will measure the initial retroreflectivity, with a mobile retroreflectometer. , a minimum of Measurements will be taken no sooner thanbetween seven and forty-five days after, and within no later than 4514 days of after application. If traffic control is required as determined by the engineer, the contractor shall provide approved traffic control at the contractor's expense.

620. If the initial performance inspection discloses any permanent pavement marking, in whole or in part, which does not meet the acceptance requirements, the contractor shall, at the contractor's expense, repair or replace such work to the satisfaction of the engineer within 30 days of notification. If more than 50 percent of any lane line, centerline or edge line is required to be replaced, all of the pavement marking on that lane line, centerline or edgeline shall be replaced in accordance with this specification at the contractor’s expense. To liquidate the costs and risks for each subsequent replacement of any of that pavement marking, the unit price for the line items of pavement marking replaced will be reduced by 25 percent. In the event of a fifth replacement, the unit price for that type of pavement marking replaced is zero.Only one replacement will be allowed without any deductions in pay being assessed. Each s will constitute an additional 25 percent deduction from the contract unit price for this work.

620. Upon completion of the initial performance inspection, and after satisfactory completion of any necessary corrections, the engineer will notify the contractor, in writing, of the date of acceptance and release the contractor from further performance responsibility.

620.2.4.2 Acceptance.

620. Retroreflectivity inspection will be performed by the engineer using an Mirolux 30 or approved 30-meter geometry retroreflectometer at 0.1 mile (0.16 km) intervals. The engineer will take a minimum of five individual readings at two locations evenly spaced per one mile (1.6 km) section of each line. The engineer will average all readings for each color line to determine the retroreflectivity. Retroreflectivity acceptance requirements will be as follows:

Retroreflectivity Acceptance Requirements
Type of Material / Color / Millicandelas/ft2/footcandle
(Minimum Initial)
Extruded Thermoplastic / White / 300
Yellow / 225
Hot Spray Thermoplastic / White / 300
Yellow / 225
Epoxy / White / 300
Yellow / 225
Preformed Marking Tape / White / Per Manufacturer's Specifications
Yellow / Per Manufacturer's Specifications
Paint / White / 300
Yellow / 225

620. Initial vVisual inspection requirements shall be as follows:

(a)  Lateral deviation shall not exceed one inch in 100 feet (24 mm in 30 m).

(b)  Width of markings shall not deviate more than shown in the following table:

Marking Width Tolerance

Marking Width / Requirement
4 inch (100 mm) / + 1/4 inch (6 mm)
6 toand 8 inches (150 mm to 200 mm) / ± 1/4 inch (6 mm)
10 inches (250 mm) and above / ± 1/2 inch (12 mm)

(c)  Length of markings shall not deviate more than 3 inches (75 mm) in 10 feet (3 m).

(a) Lane lines shall be 90 percent in place by area of each individual dashed line segment.

(b) Crosswalks, stop lines, arrows and words shall be 90 percent in place by area of each individual line, symbol or letter.

(c) Centerlines, edge lines, gore markings and channelizing lines shall be 90 percent in place by area measured over any 10-foot (3 m) length of any individual line regardless of width.

(d) The project shall be measured in its entirety according to (a), (b) and (c) above, and the entire project shall be 95 percent in place by areaintact.

620.2.54 Temporary Pavement Marking for Milling, Grinding and Resurfacing Operations.

620.2.4.1 Description. This work shall consist of placing either preformed short term marking tape or temporary raised pavement markers on milling, grinding or resurfacing operations.

620.2.4.2 Construction Requirements The contractor shall place and maintain preformed short term marking tape or temporary raised pavement markers on pavement undergoing milling, grinding or resurfacing operations. At the completion of each day’s operation, at the contractor’s expense, the contractor shall install and maintain temporary pavement marking until the permanent pavement marking material has been placed as specified in the contract. At no time shall more than one mile (1.6 km) of roadway behind the operation be unmarked. The contractor shall ensure all pavement marking, temporary or permanent, has been placed prior to leaving the work zone unattended. Pavement marking shall be replaced in the same configuration as the previously existing pavement marking unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the engineer.