Progress towards implementation of Sensitive Enquiry on Gender-based Violence in priority settings within NHSGGC . Spetember 2010 Update
Setting / Status / Initial Sites / TrainingProgramme / Resources / Implementation schedule
Mental Health
Head of Mental Health Service South West CHCP / (CEL_41 Year2 priority – NHSGGC on track) /
- Trauma Services : Trauma and Homelessness Team, COMPASS and Sexual Assault /Sexual Abuse Service (North).DART Team
- South West Primary Care Team
- South West Inpatient ward(s)
- DART Team city wide
- National 2 Day Training Programme being followed
- 3x2day training courses scheduled between September and December
- Staff from addiction and mental health trained together to help share skills, understandingand build working relationships between the sectors.
- 60-70staff trained in first phase
- Training delivered by:
- GGTC Training Co-ordinator ;
- Julian Heng (Open Road);
- Facilitators from addictions and mental health services.
- Sensitive enquiry will be implemented in these sites in January 10, evaluated and then rolled out to other sites across NHSGGC.
- Additional info: CIT also working with MH forensics to develop exemplar practice
Setting / Status / Initial Sites / Training
Programme / Resources / Implementation schedule
Addiction Services
AddictionsEqualities manager / CEL_41 Year2 priority- NHSGGC on track ) /
- North CAT and 218 Teams
- key stakeholders including Mental Health staff and staff from partner agencies will also be invited to participate in the training to promote a joint approach and consistency of GBV care and treatment e.g. Glasgow Drug Crisis Centre Staff, Inglefeild St staff,Turning Point 218 staff).
- Recruitment for the training is underway within initial sites (predominately addiction social care and nursing staff). Staff will attend training sessions over 2 days.
- A local baseline information questionnaire (see attached) will be completed within the 2 teams as well as the training pre and post questionnaire from the GBV Training Packs.
- The information from the baseline questionnaire will be used to complete a GBV EQIA.
- Evaluation will be provided from the National GBV Team to gauge impact within the setting. Also (in the absence of a formal performance management framework currently planned by NHS Corporate services for 2011) addiction services will develop an audit framework to gauge whether staff are carrying out routine enquiry with appropriate GBV care and treatment follow up.
- Managers briefings will be organised for staff in the initial sites with a briefing to all Addiction Nurse Team Leaders through their local meetings strucutres
- Also dedicated GBV workers within CAT teams (following Base 75 redesign) will co-ordinate the training and recruitment locally. They will liaise with a central admin worker within GAS to collate names etc for both addiction and mental health settings.
- Participant packs will be disseminated prior to training. Cost for this will be minimal as internal mail systems will be used and local GBV Development Workers will also where possible distribute packs.
- Free venues have been sourced within Glasgow for the 6 days. Costs for lunch and refreshments will met by CIT on this occasion.
- To maximise co-ordination and a joint approach between trainer and facilitators a preparation day has been planned and organised prior to the training days.
- A GBV Pathway sub group has been set up in addiction and is currently drafting a pathway for addiction service users who have CSA issues.
- A GAS Policy is also currently being drafted which will incorporate standards for practice and support for GBV issues. These will incorporate the previous GAS prostitution policy and standards as well as the ISPI Prostitution pathway.
- 2 days training set between Sep – Dec 2010. Sensitive enquiry will begin once staff have completed the 2 day training.
- Briefing session to managers will take place Set –Oct 2010
- Follow up Audit will take place March 2011.
- GAS GBV Policy will be in draft for Dec 2010.
- Care Pathway will be in draft for Dec 2010.
Additional Information:
- New data fields added to care first to enable recording of different forms of GBV. Addiction are piloting a new electronic SSA with a field that can identify GBV issues.
- North CHCP CAT have received Fairer Scotland Funding to carry out GBV & alcohol work: Future initiatives for this will be to:
2. An insert will be developed for The North CHCP GBV resources booklet.
- South Cat GBV development Worker has developed a resource pack and carried out a am GBV session for staff to improve understanding of GBV issues, resources and agencies- staff found this useful and engaging.
- The South GBV Development worker is also developing a case study detailing good practice for a survivor of csa which can be shared across the system.
- Challenges- internal NHS and Social Work structures are changing. While every effort will be made to minimise disruption within services there will inevitably be some changes which may affect the GBV work. Managers remain keen to support the GBV work but are mindful that we must be flexible and work alongside the changes.
Setting / Status / Initial Sites / Training
In place / Resources / Implementation schedule / Additional info
Learning Disability Services
Equalities Officer / (CEL_41 Year 3 priority- NHSGGC ahead of target ) / tbc / Awareness –raising for staff within LD being discussed with L&E and MHP
Agreed that the work to consider approaches to introducing sensitive enquiry qwill be taken forward as part of the review of learning disability and sexual relationships policy group / tbc / tbc / CIT provides Inequalities Sensitive perspective to the review including corporate guidance re GBV
Accident and Emergency
Head of Nursing/PDM from CIT / (CEL_41 Year 3 priority- NHSGGC ahead of target ) / RAH Pilot underway ( Evaluation report produced)
Victoria and Western Emergency Units being considered as next sites following evaluation of RAH Pilot.
National Team using NHSGGC experience to inform development of national training materials. / RAH Staff training completed
Next training planned for September / Women’s Support Project
plus L&E lead for Emergency Services.
Exploring feasibility of training for trainers of ES staff. / Sensitive enquiry will be implemented in these sites in January 10, evaluated and then rolled out to other sites across NHSGGC. / Discussions with police re
onward referral .
GPs advised of pilot.
Acute Services looking at training for staff in receiving wards.
Setting / Status / Initial Sites / Training
In place / Resources / Implementation schedule / Additional info
Women and Children’s Services (Maternity Services) / STATUS
CEL_41 Year2 priority- NHSGGC on track ) / Maternity staff in
RAH; PRH and SGH / National One day training programme being followed
Training programme will commence August.
Backed up by additional supports to embed practice. / GBV advisers from W&CD / Rolling programme of training scheduled to strengthen existing practice of enquiry. / Plan in place to strengthen sensitive enquiry within maternity services
Women and Children’s Services Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Status CEL Year 3 priority Ahead of target / Termination of pregnancy services - outpatient clinics. / Awaiting circulation of NHSGGC e learning module – (domestic abuse basic awareness).
National training materials on sexual health to be developed. / GBV Resource Unit W&CD. / 2011 – exact date tbc / Preparation well underway.
Staff identified in associated areas for rollout.
Women and Children’s Services Children’s Emergency Services) / Not within CEL_41 priority but included within NHSGGC priority / Yorkhill emergency department including short stay ward and RAH short stay ward (children’s) / Children’s emodule under development and awareness training planned for Autumn 2010 / GBV lead for Children’s Services (GBV Advisor W&C) / Improve current practice on the issue of domestic abuse and link into child protection work in this area.
Setting / Status / Initial Sites / Training
In place / Resources / Implementation schedule / Additional info
Primary Care – particularly Community Nursing and GP services
CHCP leads / CEL_41 Year3 priority- NHSGGC on track ) / Awaiting system wide approach to ensure consistency and cohesion within Community Nursing professions.
Discussions commencing July 2010 to explore piloting of sensitive enquiry within Health and Community Care setting in Renfrewshire CHP. Plans underway to progress SRE for DA in Child and family teams and addictions servicies. / National Team planning to commence development of HV training programme this summer 2010.
Renfrewshire CHP – 1 day BADA (Multi-agency training) underway which incorporates SRE / New cohort of CHP trainers (9)
Undertook training for trainers (SWA)
Renfrewshire part of Clyde Training Consortium
Existing trainers within CHP from last capacity building exercise after introduction of old guidelines / Renfrewshire CHP will commence training across C&FT and addictions from NOB 2010
East Glasgow CHCP developing care pathways for health visitors which could inform wider system / Steps will be taken on an ongoing basis to ensure fidelity with national training resources
Link with primary care Framework
GP practices
Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
Head of Nursing / CEL_41 Year3 priority- NHSGGC on track ) / Sandyford are supporting work on introduction of sensitive enquiry within TOPAR services which is being led by GBV advisor within W&CD / National Team planning to commence development of Sexual health training programme. Currently using W&CD training materials and (SDLU) basic awareness for staff .
Have requested involvement of Head of Nursing from Sandy ford / First meeting 3dr September
Setting / Status / Initial Sites / Training
In place / Resources / Implementation schedule / Additional info
Homelessness / OD HP Manager / CEL_41 directs Boards to strengthen partnership working with homelessness services rather than introduction of sensitive enquiry
Child Protection / CP Adviser / CEL_41 directs Boards to strengthen partnership working with child protection services rather than introduction of sensitive enquiry
Kath Gallagher
August 2010