Dowagiac, Michigan
Winter Semester/Session 2012
COURSE TITLE: / Basic Welding / COURSE NO.: / WELD159SECTION NO.: / 1475
DAYS AND TIMES: / Lecture: T 6:00 – 7:00pm Lab: 7:10 – 9:10pm
CREDITS/CONTACTS: / Credit Hours: / 2
Lecture hours/weekly: / 1 (Room 121, NAC)
Laboratory hours/weekly: / 2 (Room 227, M-TEC)
Weekly Contact Hours: / 3
INFORMATION: / Refer to the Final Exam Schedule posted on SMC Wired for time and location of final exam.
INSTRUCTOR: / Name Mr. Earl Mortimore
Office: Room 209, M-TEC
Phone Number: 269-687-5653
OFFICE HOURS: / By appointment.
PREREQUISITE: / Minimum grade of C in READ 100 or satisfactory test score, concurrent enrollment allowed.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: / This course is a survey of the hands on application of the oxy/acetylene and plasma cutting processes; the shielded metal arc, gas metal arc and gas tungsten arc welding processes.
COURSE OUTCOMES: / Students completing WELD 159 should be able to:
1. Set-up and prep specific types of weld and weld joints,
GMAW – 1G stringer bead, 1G square groove butt joint, 1F T-joint, 1F lap joint
SMAW – 1G stringer bead, 1G square groove butt joint, 1F T-joint, 1F lap joint
GTAW – 1G stringer (no filler), 1G stringer w/ filler metal, 1G butt w/ filler metal, 1F t-joint w/ filler metal, 1F lap joint w/filler
2. Set-up, adjust and operate an electric arc welding power sources for the SMAW, GTAW, and GMAW processes.
3. Demonstrate basic weld symbol recognition and proper usage.
4. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of metal type identification.
5. Demonstrate basic welding laboratory safety skills.
6. Demonstrate basic plasma and oxy-acetylene cutting skills.
7. Successfully demonstrate how to inspect a completed weld and identify discontinuities and their cause.
TEXTBOOK: / REQUIRED: / Hobart, Welding Guide
Hobart Procedures and Qualifications
Hobart, Welding Discontinuities & Defects
OPTIONAL: / Lincoln Electric, The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding, 1994.
ADDITIONAL REQUIRED RESOURCES: / WELD Voucher, Wire Cutters and Slip-Joint pliers
METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: / Lecture, discussion, audio/video, and hands-on laboratory experience
EVALUATION METHOD: / Upon completion of this course, the student will demonstrate achievement of the course objectives by obtaining a final minimum grade of 73%, as measured by quizzes, laboratory projects and the final examination. The final grade for this course will be made up of the following percentages:
Written Quizzes 25%
Final Exam 25%
Laboratory Projects 50%
Students who participate in unsafe activities or misuse tools/equipment, could lose up to 20% of their final grade, will be asked to leave the classroom, and must meet with the Dean of Technology before being allowed to return.
Written quizzes and projects must be completed the semester they are assigned.
GRADING SCALE: / The following grading scale will be in effect for this course:
93 – 100% = A 73 – 76% = C
90 – 92% = A- 70 – 72% = C-
87 – 89% = B+ 67 - 69% = D+
83 – 86% = B 63 – 66% = D
80 – 82% = B- 60 – 62% = D-
77 – 79% = C+ Below 60% = F
ATTENDANCE POLICY: / ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED. It is the responsibility of each student to complete the time required for the course in which they are enrolled. Each course consists of 15 lecture hours and 30 lab hours, for a total of 45 hours. When a student completes the total hours of lecture/lab, lab projects and quizzes/tests required for the specific course, they have completed the course.
A time log is used to track student lecture and lab hours. Students need to fill out this form each time they attend class and the welding laboratory. Each student will be given a laboratory folder upon entry to the class, which will contain laboratory project descriptions and sign-off sheets. Students are expected to have their folder with them each time they enter the laboratory to weld.
1. Attendance hours will be derived from time log entries.
2. Students are responsible for their own time log.
TESTING POLICY: / Students are expected to take all examinations as scheduled. Students who are ill must contact the instructor within the following week and make up the examination within two weeks of the original testing date. The instructor reserves the right to determine whether a make-up test will be given and the format of the testing method.
NOTICE: / Representative student work will be used as a part of SMC’s on-going curriculum assessment program.
1. Approved safety glasses.
2. Approved ear protection.
3. Leather apron and sleeves or approved welding jacket.
4. Approved welding gloves.
5. Approved welding hat or skullcap.
6. Clothing should made of non-flammable material and be free of oil and grease. Pants must be full length, without cuffs.
7. Leather shoes or work boots.
8. Pliers (either slip joint or vise grip).
9. Wire cutting pliers (for wire welding).
10. Scribe and/or soapstone.
Upon entry to the weld laboratory, all students should note the location of safety items such as extinguishers; fire blankets, and is aware of the location of the nearest exits. No welding should be performed unless ventilation hood systems in the welding booths are functioning properly.
A $42 Welding Voucher Fee is required for each student upon entry to the weld lab. This voucher is used for welding supplies and consumables such as welding rod and wire, contact tips, tungsten, welding gases, and weld material to be used in the laboratory. The voucher is purchased at the bookstore and is given to your instructor before you will be allowed to participate in the welding class.
All projects will be inspected by the instructor to determine if the weld is full size, full length and free of defects that would render the weld unsound. To ensure that students attain expected welding skills, assigned projects will be redone until they are acceptable.
TECHNOLOGY: / All phones, iPods, Black Berries, palm pilots, pagers, laptops and other technological devices including devices capable of taking photographs must be turned off or placed on vibrate mode and may not be brought our during class.. If you are expecting or receiving an urgent call, you are required to leave the classroom before answering. Violation of this policy will result in your removal from the classroom for the class period. Multiple violations of this policy will be referred to the appropriate dean for disciplinary action. Further details or ramifications of violations maybe found elsewhere in this syllabus. The instructor has the right to modify this policy to meet the needs of your course.
HONESTY POLICY: / Cheating or plagiarizing will absolutely not be tolerated at Southwestern Michigan College. Any student found cheating or plagiarizing material in any manner may be assigned a failing semester/session grade in this course. A second such incident while at SMC could result in suspension or expulsion from the institution. A student found in violation of this section of the syllabus will not be allowed to drop this course. Additional detail regarding cheating and/or plagiarism may be found elsewhere in this syllabus. For more detailed information consult the SMC Student Code of Conduct.
CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: / Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. In order to assure that all students have the opportunity to gain from time spent in class; students are prohibited from engaging in any form of distraction. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result, minimally, in a request to leave class.
NOTICE: Information in this syllabus was, to the best knowledge of the instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the semester. The instructor, however, reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Southwestern Michigan College, to make changes in course content or instructional techniques.
Week 1 Discussion of Safety and WPS
Week 2 Discussion of SMAW
Week 3 Discussion of SMAW continued
Week 4 Discussion of Basic Welding Symbols
Week 5 Discussion of GMAW
Week 6 Discussion of GMAW continued
Week 7 Discussion of Weld Discontinuities and Defects
Week 8 Discussion of Weld Discontinuities and Defects continued
Week 9 Discussion of GTAW
Week 10 Discussion of GTAW continued
Week 11 Discussion of Basic Metal Identification
Week 12 Discussion of Plasma Cutting Process
Week 13 Discussion of Oxy-Acetylene Cutting Process
Week 14 Discussion of Carbon Arc Gouging
Southwestern Michigan College
Welding Technology
1. Know where safety equipment is located.
2. Notify instructor of any injuries - immediately.
3. Notify instructor of any equipment damage – immediately.
4. Never use a new piece of equipment without instruction.
5. Never repair a piece of equipment without instruction.
6. If you are unsure about an assigned project or use of equipment – ask instructor.
7. Check equipment condition before use, and make sure welding environment is safe.
8. Keep combustibles out of the welding areas.
9. Always wear non-flammable, protective clothing and shoes suitable for the welding to be done.
10. Safety glasses must be worn under your welding helmet, and whenever you are in welding laboratory.
11. Make sure helmet has correct lens shade for the process being used.
12. Always handle welding material with proper gloves and pliers.
13. Always wear hearing protection and a face shield when grinding.
14. Always turn equipment off when leaving booth, and hang electrode holder in the brackets provided.
15. Never use electrode holders as chipping hammer, or tighten with pliers. (Use proper equipment.)
16. Never change polarity, amperage or voltage settings while equipment is in use.
17. Never open a welding machine cabinet when the machine is operating.
18. Make sure ground clamp is secure and tight on worktable.
19. Make sure fume exhaust is working properly before welding.
20. Never stand in front of the gauges when opening a cylinder. Stand aside and slowly open cylinder valves.
21. When cylinders are not in use, the cylinder valve should be closed and the diaphragm screw should be released.
22. Always clean up your work area when you are done.
Southwestern Michigan College
Welding Technology
Objective: To provide standardized visual inspection criteria for weld beads, in all positions, joint types and weld processes.
A weld shall be acceptable by visual inspection if it shows that the weld has no cracks, otherwise it shall be considered as having failed.
Arc Strikes:
Arc strikes outside the weld area shall be considered as the weld having failed.
A weld shall be acceptable by visual inspection if it shows that there is complete fusion between weld metal and base metal, along the total length of weld bead, otherwise it shall be considered as having failed.
Slag Inclusions:
A weld shall be acceptable by visual inspection if there are no slag inclusions, otherwise it shall be considered as having failed.
Joint Penetration:
The root of the weld shall be acceptable by visual inspection if there is no evidence of incomplete joint penetration, otherwise it shall be considered as having failed.
Root Reinforcement shall be flush with the surface of the base metal minimum, to 1/8” maximum.
Face Reinforcement shall be flush to the surface of the base metal minimum, to 1/8” maximum.
A weld shall be acceptable by visual inspection if the face and root reinforcement does not exceed the specified dimension, and shows a gradual transition to the surface of the base metal. Any reinforcement must blend smoothly into the plate, pipe or previous weld surface, with transition areas free from edge weld undercut, otherwise it shall be considered as having failed.
A weld shall be acceptable by visual inspection if porosity does not exceed 1/32” maximum diameter and has no more than the combined total of 1/8”, in any one square inch of weld, otherwise it shall be considered as having failed.
A weld shall be acceptable by visual inspection if undercut does not exceed the lesser of 10% of the base metal thickness or 1/32” deep, and has no more than the combined total of 1/2” of undercut in any 6 inches of weld, otherwise it shall be considered as having failed.
A crater shall be acceptable by visual inspection if the cross section is completely filled, otherwise it shall be considered as having failed.
Southwestern Michigan College
Welding Technology
Date / Time In / Time Out / Total Hrs. / Description of Time UseSAFETY ORIENTATION AND CLASS ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS
Southwestern Michigan College
Welding Technology