GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
One of my functions is to provide protection to vital organsThe movement of a limb away from the centre of my body
To change direction at speed
An organisation that has been set up by the government to help provide increased opportunities for participation in physical activity
An activity that takes place out of timetabled lessons such as lunchtimes or after school
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
The percentage of body weight that is fat, muscle and boneThe rapid loss of water from the body
The number of times your heart beats in one minute, which is one contraction and relaxation of the heart
The various forms of mass communication, such as radio, TV and the press
The group of muscles on the upper front of the leg
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
Pre-arranged and rehearsed strategies or methods of playDifferent body types based on shape, most commonly known as endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph
Exercise carried out using a supply of oxygen
The force of the circulating blood on the walls of the arteries
One muscle relaxes, while the other contracts, this produces movement
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
A personal concept of your own physical appearanceThe unwritten rules or conventions of any activity
The point where two bones meet and movement occurs
Your drive to succeed and desire and energy to achieve something
Something that is done for a particular reward that is visible to others e.g. medals and trophies
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
The end of the muscle attached to the bone that movesA mild poison and waste product of anaerobic respiration
Where tension remains in a muscle, even when it is at rest
Making the body work harder than normal in order to improve it
The range of movement around a joint
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
A fungal infection between the toesThe combination of speed and strength
The range of the heart rate within which specific training effect will take place
If training stops, then the effects gained can be lost too.
The overstretching or tearing of ligaments at a joint
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
How quickly you are able to respond to something or a form of stimulusThe substance that make up food
The number of times you carry out a particular weight activity, also known as a group of reps.
Training that is particularly suited to a particular sport or activity.
A type of unlawful drug that can help to improve sporting performance
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
A break in the bone caused by repeated application of a heavy load or constant pounding on a surface e.g runningTo look at the likelihood of damage, or possible dangers involved in carrying out a particular action or activity
Something that gives a person or individual an internal satisfaction from doing something well
The synovial joint located at the hip and shoulder
Decreasing an angle at a joint e.g. bending the arm at the elbow
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
The end of the muscle attached to the fixed boneThe fitness test used to measure flexibility
A complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease
Endurance athletes eat lots of pasta in the run up to a competition
One function of this system is blood carries oxygen, water and nutrients throughout the body and removes waste.
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
The process where oxygen is taken in from the air and exchanged for carbon dioxideA feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness brought on by extreme exertion.
Physical weakness resulting from insufficient food or an unbalanced diet
The name of the joint at the elbow and the knee
The physiological name of the calf muscle
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
A muscle contraction that produces no movement because the muscles are working hard to keep the joint stable e.g. plankThese muscles allow the arm to be raised at the shoulder, they are located across your chest
Training that is increased gradually as your body adjusts to different demands
To reduce the possibility of being injured, to prepare the body for activity and increase blood flow, to become psychologically prepared
Training that has periods of work and rest
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
Aerobic exercise that is carried out where the air is less dense and oxygen levels are low. Using this method of training increases the oxygen carrying capacity of the bloodTop sports performers work with young people to help inspire and learn from the experience of world class sports stars. This Trust started in 2008.
Where a group will attempt to persuade an individual to follow their lead.
A designer or arranger of dance performances
Someone who takes part in sport as a hobby rather than financial gain
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
High profile sporting event that takes place every 4 years with athletes from all over the worldA simple format competition which involves one team playing against another with the winner going through to the next round and the loser being withdrawn from the competition
Individuals are paid money to display names, brands, products.
Someone who others may aspire to be like, who they look up to and who is seen as a good example
A policy that no one should experience barriers as a result of their disability, gender, ethnicity, race or culture
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
These muscles are important in the action of breathing. They raise the ribs up and push out the sternum to make the chest cavity largerThese vessels have thick walls and carry oxygenated blood at high pressure away from the heart through the aorta
The angle at a joint is increased
The involuntary muscle that works automatically and constantly. This muscle keeps the heart beating consistently
This happens as a result of muscles respiring anaerobically during vigorous exercise because our bodies run out of oxygen.
GCSE PE – Starter activity
What am I?
Small air sacs where gaseous exchange takes placeThese vessels carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart
The fitness test for power. (There are 2)
A type of skill that occurs in changing situations e.g. an invasion game. The environment around the performer constantly changes
These muscles are very important for keeping the body straight and upright and specifically we doing sit ups.