The review should be a private meeting between the supervisor and the staff member. The following process is recommended to support an effective performance discussion.

Prior to the Meeting:

Supervisor should ask staff member to think about the following:

  • What objectives have you achieved in the past six/twelve months?
  • What actions have you taken?
  • What discoveries have you made? (Learning, insights, innovations, tools, etc)
  • What partnerships have you built? (Teams, alliances, etc)

This will give the staff member time to reflect on achievement of objectives and have a better idea of what they would like to discuss during the review and focus on for the coming year.

During the meeting:

Supervisor should ask the staff member questions and listen to feedback. (This should take no more than 10 minutes). The following questions are some thought starters.

  • What are your thoughts on your performance so far this year?
  • What new learning’s have you achieved?
  • What new partnerships are you hoping to build?
  • How can I assist you?
  • Does my leadership style assist you in obtaining your objectives?
  • Do you feel empowered? What can I do to assist you in becoming empowered?
  • Do you feel respected by everyone that you come in contact with?
  • Do you feel able to successfully integrate work and personal life?

Supervisor should thank the staff member for the feedback and then give feedback focusing on the following:

  • Achievement of objectives.
  • Expectations for the coming year.
  • Development needs.

When completing the development plan theSupervisor should ask the staff member questions and listen to the feedback. (This should take no more than 10 minutes). The following questions are some thought starters.

  • What is the focus of your work over the next six months?
  • What do you need to learn to be able to do that work?
  • What activities will you use to learn?
  • What support do you require to help with your development?
  • What do you need to practice?

Follow Up After the Meeting:

Supervisor and staff member should focus on continual improvement through coaching, guidance and two way feedback.

Supervisor and staff member should jointly decide on the best way to ensure it happens and what the appropriate timing intervals are for coaching and follow up. (e.g. individual or departmental follow up meetings)

  • How will we monitor progress? How often?
  • What is the best way for me to provide feedback?
  • When will I know that I need to adapt my leadership style to accommodate progress made?
  • How will I acknowledge success/progress?