The Greater Milwaukee

American Payroll Association Chapter

Meeting Minutes

Date: September 19, 2012

Location: Radisson, Mayfair

Minutes taken by: Annette Jones, Secretary – Recording

Chapter Business: 5:45pm – 6:10pm

Speaker: 6:10 pm – 7:13 pm

Speaker Topic: Being Organized is Key to Reducing Stress

Speaker: Diane Konrath, Organized Transformations LLC

Welcome and Introductions

·  President Brian Beth welcomed all attendees to the meeting

·  New member Michelle Biever from Payroll Care was introduced at the meeting.

Please be courteous – no sidebars, turn phone to silent

·  Brian Beth reminded attendees to put cell phones on silent. Tonight we are in a small room and it will be especially important that phones are on silent.

Job Postings

·  Marek Group has a Payroll & Accounts Payable Administrator positions. Contact Mindy Spoden for more information.

·  R & B Wagner has a HR Manager position available. For more information go to

·  Potowatami has a Compensation Specialist position open. For more information go to The job will only be listed on the website until Friday, 9/21.

·  Kforce is recruiting for a temporary payroll processor for a client. The will be a long term position while the employee is out on an extended medical leave. Contact Brian Beth for more information or go to

·  PayTech is looking for Project Managers and Payroll Consultants. PayTech is based in Colorado and employees have the opportunity to work from home. The jobs are posted in Craigs List as well as

·  Robert Half is recruiting for a Payroll & Benefits Coordinator for a client in Sussex. This client uses Quick Books as their accounting software. For more information visit the Robert Half website.

Member Network and Spotlight

·  Mindy Spoden works at R & B Wagner. R & B Wagner manufactures handrails and other metal components for hand rail systems. Mindy has worked in payroll at Wagner for 10 years. She has also worked in safety at Wagner for 5 years. Mindy has been a member of the chapter for 4 years. She has learned much from the chapter meetings in those 4 meetings. Mindy is currently the Vice President of the chapter.

Bee Award

·  No Bee Award this month.

·  If you think of anyone you would like to nominate for a Bee Award complete the nomination form on the chapter website.

Committee Volunteers

·  If you signed up for a committee and have not received a response from the committee chairperson please let Brian Beth know. He will get you in touch with the committee chairperson.

·  The chapter website is being updated with a link that will allow members to sign up for committees online.

Thank you for donating school supplies

·  Brian Beth thanked members for bringing school supplies this month.

·  This is the second meeting we have collected school supplies and they are much appreciated.

CPP/FPC Study Group

·  Noreen Tietyen shared with the group the last study group session just finished.

o  Noreen thanked Kathy Thomae and Corrine Wolff for leading the Fall study group.

o  Six members participated in the Fall Study Group.

o  One member took the test and passed.

o  Congratulations to Marzena Keller for passing the test.

·  The Spring study group sessions with start the second week of January.

o  If anyone is interested in participating in the study group please sign up on the list that was passed around the room.

o  If any member is interested in leading the Spring study group or has a business that can host the study group please contact Noreen Tietyen.

National News – Updates

·  Michelle Ganzer is at Fall Forum and is working on getting vendors and sponsors for Statewide.

·  The deadline is this Friday for submitting information on your companies NPW celebration to the APA.

·  Please also let Michelle Ganzer know what your company did to celebrate NPW. She will include your information in the chapter’s NPW celebration submission.

·  The APA’s Year End class is November 6 in Milwaukee. There will also be a class in Green Bay on October 23.

2012 Statewide Conference – Location B & S; Oct 11 & 12

·  Cindy Cichosz has 5 paid vendors for Statewide and has met her goal of $1000.00 from vendors.

·  There is 1 vendor that is donating $300 to cover the cost of breakfast on Friday morning. The vendor is iHouse. iHouse is also speaking in a session.

·  Ceridian provided the binders that will be used at Statewide.

·  ADP provided the lanyards.

·  Many have given door prizes and items for the goody bags.

·  Trina Adams gave an update from the Donations committee.

o  The committee has about 50 door prizes at this point.

o  The committee is looking to send each attendee home with a door prize so they are looking for more donations.

o  If your company has items they can donate let Trina know by September 28. The committee would like to include all of the companies that donate items to the list that will be printed in the binder and given to each attendee.

·  Paula Strehlow announced that a group is getting together at Briggs & Stratton on October 2 to put together the binders. Please contact Claire Wojtak if you have any questions. The group will meet in the Briggs & Stratton cafeteria.

·  Mindy Spoden gave an update from the Decorations committee.

o  The Decorations committee does not need any more vases.

o  Thank you to all who brought in vases to be used at Statewide.

o  The committee will be meeting at R & B Wagner tomorrow night at 5:30 to put together the vases and make the ribbons for the decorations. Please contact Mindy Spoden for more information.

Tax Update

·  Brian Beth said that Central Tax Bureau which has been a major tax collector in Pennsylvania is closing. Burkheimer has taken over all but 2 of the counties that were handled by Central Tax. Please contact Brian Beth for more information.

·  Brian brought an article about payroll trends.

o  Jim O’Connell from Ceridian does not believe that Congress will renew the payroll tax holiday act for 2013. This means that Social Security tax will go back up to 6.2%.

o  Brian has the article available if anyone would like to see it after the meeting.


·  The chapter website will soon be updated with the schedule of meetings, speakers and locations. Be sure to check the website for updates.

·  The chapter now has a credit card reader that can be used to pay at the meeting.

o  The device plugs into a smart phone.

o  Noreen Tietyen will have the device which from Square Up at each meeting. If you need to pay for dinner or chapter dues you can now pay with a credit card at the meeting.

o  The fee for square up is less than Pay Pal.

o  A receipt gets emailed to you or you can request that the receipt be text to you.

·  Sue Bradley donated a quilt she made to the chapter to be used as a raffle prize.

o  Sue had the quilt at the meeting to show the chapter and presented the quilt to the chapter.

o  Thanks to Sue for all her hard work.

o  Sue mentioned that the quilt is machine washable and can be dried in the dryer.

Next Meeting

Date: October 17, 2012

Location: Miller Coors Visitor Center, 4251 West State Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208

Topic: A panel of experts will share with you ways to ensure success during a Payroll Conversion, Time and Attendance changes and Wage & Hour Implementation

Meeting ended at 7:13 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Jones

Secretary – Recording