1. Creation of the Patient Reference Group

Bell House Medical Centre continues to work with our patient reference group to discuss and share ideas to provide a good service and meet the needs of the patient. The annual report, added to this websiteshows the age/gender and ethnicity of the group and explains we managed to achieve a successful interactive group.

We have also have a notice board with a section for the PRG group, in reception. Minutes of all meetings are attached to this notice board for patients to read. We also have a basket for any suggestions or questions patients have, or to leave details if they would like to speak to one of our patients already attending our meetings.

  1. Engaging with the PRG to agree priorities

At our quarterly meetings we discuss items and answer questions that the patients have put forward. Some patients in our group also attend the CCG meetings, we therefore allow time for feedback or questions raised at these meetings to be answered, full details can be found in the minutes attached to the website, emailed to the group and displayed on our notice board. We discussed and noted suggestions patients felt would be beneficial to be asked in a survey. Patients all agreed that we should not have repetitive questions or make the survey to long.

Key Priorities agreed by Patients on PRG: To have good relationship with staff and doctors, being able to get an appointment, Mutual respect for patient/staff and doctors. Keeping information folders up to date and a having a wide range of services available to patients included.

Key Priorities agreed by Staff attending PRG meeting: To offer a good service, provide good patient care, dealing with phone calls and patients coming into the surgery in a timely manner, mutual respect for patient/staff and doctors

3. Patient views collated through a local practice survey

How the questions were determined: We arranged a for IPQquestionnaires to be done by and outside firm cfep. between June – November 2013. Suggestions from the PRG group help determine the type of questions used. The results of these surveys were sent away for analysis and results returned to the surgery.

How the Survey was conducted: The questionnaires were held in reception as GP were instructed they should not select patients to complete these. Notices were put around the surgery informing patients about these questionnaires and receptionists were offering to patients as they arrived for their appointments.

Summary of results: Were discussed at PRG meeting in January 2014 full details in section 4 of this document. 91% of all patient ratings about this practice were good, very good or excellent.

Survey Findings and number of responses: The survey was completed by 208 people with minimum of 25 per GP working at this surgery. The survey was completed between June and November and results collated and returned by December 2013.

Methodology and analysis: The results of the survey were collated by cfep and a full report, certificate and summary of results returned to us.

The results of the survey were discussed at the PRG group in January 2014. A Full copy of the results along with a summary poster has been attached to our website, put on the PRG notice board in reception, sent to each PRG member. We have also put a summary poster in the patient information folder, a folder can be located in each waiting room.

4. Survey results discussed at PRG meeting in January 2014, using guidance template provided: Overall satisfaction with services received at the surgery. 91% were good, very good of excellent. A full copy of survey results and certificate has been added to PRG notice board and a one page summary/certificate has been added to patient information folders. Patients present all agreed they felt they receive an excellent service from staff and doctors at the surgery.

5 Action Plan agreed with PRG group, priorities and changes:

Responses that were most positive: Ability to listen, respect shown, warmth of greeting.

Responses that were least positive: Comfort of waiting rooms, ease getting through on telephone and ability to book with GP of choice at time of choosing.

Deviation from national benchmark: There were no areas where we deviated from national benchmark.

Action plan/changes made following survey results: Have introduced a local number, patients now have a choice of phoning 0844 and being able to use automatic message service to cancel appointments or waiting in queue to get through to speak to staff if lines are busy. Alternatively they can phone the local number and get engaged tone if there are no lines free and patients are waiting in queue. We have also decorated throughout the surgery and taken down all the posters off the walls to make the waiting rooms more inviting. We have made patient information folders for each room, where we can put any information for patients to read. There is a folder in each waiting room and we keep a master copy, so we can check on a monthly basis that nothing is out of date or has been removed from the waiting room copies.

6 Publication of Patient participation reports:

The following reports have been uploaded to our website, and copies added to our PRG notice board in reception.

How to join our PRG group

Minutes of quarterly meetings

PRG Annual report – including opening hours and extended hours

Practice Survey results

Summary or Practice Survey results

PRG Priorities and Actions