Council for the Advancement of Standards
in Higher Education
Board of Directors Meeting
April 10-12, 2011
Washington Plaza Hotel
Washington, DC
Executive Committee:
Susan Komives, President
Douglas Lange, Secretary
Pat Perfetto, Treasurer
Laura Dean, President-Elect
Dorothy Mitstifer, CAS Editor
Pat Carretta, Member-at-Large
Matt Weismantel, Member-at-Large
Deb Garrett, Member-at-Large
Phyllis Mable, Executive Director
Board Members and Guests:
Karen Agee, CRLA
Sara Bendoraitis, LGBT Consortium
Deb Boykin, ACUHO-I
Kate Broderick, AHEAD
Dan Bureau, AFA
Pat Carretta, NACE
Laura Dean, ACCA
Joey DeSanto, NASPA
Tony Ellis, NACS
Doug Franklin, NIRSA
Deb Garrett, NCSD
Renardo Hall, NASAP
Mickey Hay, NADE
Gavin Henning, ACPA
Carole Henry, ACUHO-I
Jan Hillman, ASTS
Ann Hower, NODA
Beth Hunsinger, AHEAD
Barb Jacoby, NCCP
Luke Jenson, LGBT Consortium
Ralph Johnson, SACSA
Gigi Jones, NASFAA
Richard Keeling, Public Director
Deanie Kepler, AHEPPP
Kathy Kinney, AAEE
Susan Komives, ACPA
Michelle Kudrin, NAFSA:AIE
Kevin Kruger, NASPA
Douglas Lange, AFA
Regina Lawson, IACLEA
Phyllis Mable, CAS
Melissa Mahan, NCCP
Janet Marling, ASTS
Marsha Miller, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising
Dorothy Mitstifer, ACHS
Rebecca Morrow, NWSA
Jeff Nelson, NACS
Pat Perfetto, ACCED – I
Jeff Pittman, NACAS
Mary-Jeanne Raleigh, ACCA
Sam Radcliffe, NACE
Andrea Reeve, Council for Opportunity in Education
Loren Rullman, ACU-I
Tony Ellis, NACS
Craig Slack, NCLP
Paula Swinford, ACHA
William Smedick, NACA
Jim Walters, NSEE
Matt Weismantel, CIVSA
John Zacker, ASCA
Day 1
Sunday, April 10, 2011
President Komives called the CAS Board of Directors to order at 1:05 PM. She provided an overview of the items on the agenda and asked that the Directors introduce themselves.
D. Lange presented the minutes for review and approval. D. Lange moved and L. Dean seconded that the minutes be approved as distributed for the CAS Executive Committee meeting, October 16-17, 2010; CAS Board of Directors, October 16-17, 2010; and CAS Executive Committee meeting, February 2-5, 2011. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Lange distributed the marketing report that showed the sales of books and CDs thus far this fiscal year. The report is attached and follows these minutes.
P. Perfetto distributed the CAS Treasurer’s report. He gave the CAS Directors the timeline for the development of the 2012 budget that will be adopted by the CAS Executive Committee.
P. Mable gave the CAS Executive Director’s report. The office remains busy fulfilling sales and responding to questions from professionals needing assistance with self-assessment and answering questions about when the new book of standards will be released.
D. Mitstifer provided the CAS Editor’s report. She will be working with directors to complete the review of the contextual statements for functional areas.
President Komives gave her report to the CAS Board of Directors. She reported on the CAS linkages project that keeps functional area standards and guidelines current on member association websites.
L. Dean, as president-elect, reported on the strategic planning process she is leading. She would like to enlist 8-10 people from the CAS Board of Directors to join the strategic planning session September 8-9, 2011. President Komives clarified that the entire Board of Directors would be confirming the new strategic plan.
P. Carretta provided her report on Board Member Development. She asked Directors that have completed a CAS presentation for training to send the presentation to her so that she could make various presentations available on the CAS website. She is also starting to compile a list of vendors that support webinars for CAS’s future reference.
D. Garrett shared her recommendations for Outreach. She mentioned her efforts in outreach and introduced J. Hillman who is developing a list of experts for CAS standards. M. Hay reported on her committee’s work on the review of the SAGs.
M. Weismantel gave his report on standards development. He asked the chairs of the standards committees to provide an update on the work of the committees.
Ana Maia demonstrated an overview of the new CAS website. CAS Directors are encouraged to review the website for any updates and send comments to Ana Maia at: .
M. Weismantel provided an overview of the protocol changes to adopting revised or newly developed CAS functional standards and guidelines.
K. Agee moved and J Walters seconded that the meeting be recessed. Motion approved.
Day 2
April 11, 2011
President Komives called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Members of the Board of Directors and introduced themselves.
P. Mable made an announcement asking for help from the Directors in getting each association’s dues paid.
M. Weismantel announced the new standards revision committees that need to be started and passed around the sign-up sheets for interested Directors to volunteer working on the committees. The new revision committees are Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Programs, Masters Level Preparation Programs, and Disability Support Services.
President Komives provided context for the Directors to consider as they voted to revise the process for new, revised, or edited standards and guidelines. M. Weismantel reviewed the process for the CAS Board of Directors. M. Weismantel moved and R. Hall seconded that the protocols be approved as presented. Motion passed unanimously. President Komives directed the CAS Secretary to include the newly passed procedures and charts into the CAS Policies and Procedures Manual.
D. Lange reported that the Ted Miller Award applications are due June 30, 2011, for a fall presentation. Announcements will be going out to over 13,500 professionals this next week encouraging applications. R. Keeling, P. Patterson, P. Mable, L. Dean, and D. Lange comprise the committee membership. D. Lange will send the Ted Miller Award application out on the CAS listserv and encourage Directors to make an announcement in organization newsletters.
J. Zacker reported on behalf of the Grants/Research Committee work. There were 8 proposals seeking funding and awarded 2 grants of $3,000 each. The details are listed in the CAS President’s fall report of 2011.
R. Keeling, public director, made his report. He reported that AAC&U has encouraged colleges and universities to use the CAS learning outcomes. Regional accreditors have now moved to the next step by asking for evidence of student learning from colleges and universities. Accreditors are changing due to the assessment of student learning outcomes and the need for proof that changes are being made in colleges and universities because of assessment activities.
B. Jacoby moved and M. Hay seconded that P. Perfetto be elected Treasurer for another 3-year term beginning September 1, 2011, and will end August 31, 2014. Motion approved unanimously.
B. Jacoby moved and M. Hay seconded that P. Carretta be elected member at large for the Board Development position beginning September 1, 2011, and ending August 31, 2014. Motion approved unanimously.
S. Komives moved and D. Franklin seconded that R. Keeling be re-appointed as a CAS Public Director. Motion approved unanimously.
Next year, the CAS Secretary and a CAS Member-at-Large Executive Committee position will be available for election.
Here Ye! Here Ye!
On this occasion recognizing the service of Barb Jacoby and her last Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) Board of Directors meeting since joining the Board of Directors in 1980, and,
ü Whereas she served as the CAS Director for the National Clearinghouse for Commuter Programs from 1980 - 2011, and
ü Whereas she has served as the only Chair of the CAS Nominations Committee and has done so since 1987, recruiting and nominating outstanding leaders critical to the development and success of CAS as an organization, and
ü Whereas she has served competently and with conviction and courage to advance the mission of CAS and CAS goals during that same time, and
ü Whereas she has served higher education in the establishment and promulgation of CAS as a professional association through the publication of several important articles and books on service-learning and civic engagement, and
ü Whereas she chaired the committee to write and propose the CAS Project on Quality Assurance to Wingspread, and
ü Whereas she served on the CAS Conference Committee to determine how and if CAS should develop a conference, which has led to the CAS Symposium, and
ü Whereas she has served on too numerous CAS revision and newly adopted standards and guidelines committees to list, and
ü Whereas through her steadfast advocacy of CAS standards at the University of Maryland, at professional gatherings and her writings, she has marshaled support for CAS for more than 30 years, and
ü Whereas elle a protégé l’intégrité de la langue de CAS (comme un immortel à l’Académie française), and
ü Whereas she schooled countless CAS Directors on the meaning and importance of the hyphen in “service hyphen learning,” and
ü Whereas she has served CAS with both humility and fortitude since 1980 contributing greatly to CAS’s work,
Now be it therefore resolved, that Barbara Jacoby be honored with the title and the rights and the privileges of “CAS Director Emeritus” and further, that this resolution be presented to her at the CAS Board of Directors meeting in Washington, DC, and further, that this resolution be read at the CAS Board of Directors meeting in April, 2011, and be spread across the minutes of the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.
BE it so ordered by acclamation of the CAS Executive Committee, April 9, 2011.
S. Komives moved and D. Lange seconded that the College Media Advisors be admitted to CAS membership. Motion approved by acclamation.
The CAS Executive Committee recommends that April 22-24, 2012, be set for the Spring Board of Directors meeting. Recommendation accepted.
The Board of Directors recessed for lunch.
President Komives called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. President-elect Dean and P. Carretta conducted a strategic planning workshop with the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors recessed at 4:30 PM until tomorrow morning.
Day 3
April 12, 2011
President Komives called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
L. Dean moved and L. Jensen seconded that the revised Counseling Services standards and guidelines be approved. The Board of Directors went into the committee of the whole for discussion and editing. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Henning and K. Kruger updated the CAS Board of Directors on the voting process that surrounds the “plan of consolidation” of ACPA and NASPA. The voting results will be given out on April 27, 2011.
Individual directors gave association reports and updates on their work with CAS work.
L. Dean recognized President Komives, noting that this was her last meetingas president and thanking her for her many contributions to the success of CAS during her presidency.
There being no further business, P. Carretta moved and K. Kruger seconded the CAS Board of Directors meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas K. Lange
CAS Secretary
(CAS Seal)
April 8, 2011
TO: CAS Executive Committee
CAS Board of Directors
FR: Douglas K. Lange, CAS Secretary
RE: CAS Marketing and Sales
Out of an initial order of 6,000 books in August of 2009, we have 1,836 books remaining to carry us until August 2012.
CAS has purchased 200 Version 4.3 CDs for the upcoming mailing going out to over 13,500 higher education professionals on April 14-15, 2011.
CAS now has the book Frameworks for Assessing Learning and Development (FALDO) available by PDF through the CAS store. We have sold 57 copies of the PDF version of the book since making it available in early September of last year.
Individual SAGs are available and there have been 448 sold through the CAS store or directly ordered from the CAS Executive Director.
As a way of making our new and revised standards quickly available, CAS has made them available in the CAS store in a PDF format.