Empower students to become open-minded, analytical thinkers who address real world issues

in a collaborative learning environment.


All students who enter Jalen Rose Leadership Academy will become productive global citizens

who are prepared for the rigors of college and the evolving, technological economy.

World History - Grade 10

Course Information: 2015-2016

Mrs. Sue Markiewicz / Phone: 313-937-3333
Ext. / Office Hours:
Room 108 /

Course Description

Tenth grade scholars will explore the tools used by historians and geographers to develop an understanding of world history. This course provides a comprehensive, chronological survey of the significant conditions, challenges and accomplishments that have shaped our world. Scholars will actively engage in historical thinking through a variety of sources including primary source documents, maps, simulations, plays, debates, videos, lectures, and computer-technology assignments.

Course Goals

1.  Achieve 80% or higher on all classroom assessments.

2.  Develop reading, writing, and critical thinking skills that will prepare students for the rigors of college.

Text: World History: Patterns of Interaction –

Hougthon, Mifflin, Harcourt

Evaluation Criteria

25% of grade / Classwork is any assignment that is completed in class and turned in during class. Classwork includes individual and group assignments.
40% of grade / Assessments are given in class and measure student mastery of course content. Projects are also designed to measure mastery of course content. Assessments/Projects are usually given at the end of each unit. Midterms and finals are also part of the assessment category.
15% of grade / Homework will be checked on a daily basis. Scholars should expect homework at least three nights per week. Homework is designed to reinforce the day’s lesson. Homework turned in after assigned day will be marked off 50%. Homework is not accepted after five days.
Workplace Skills
10% of grade / Workplace skills are the skills that are necessary to succeed in learning.
These include but are not limited to:
1.  Following school and classroom policies and procedures,
2.  Keeping an organized binder
3.  Bringing all materials to class
4.  Participating in discussions
5.  Following directions and staying on task.
Students may earn up to 3 participation points per class – or 15 points a week. Participation points include actions that require students to be prepared and actively engaged in class. Students will lose participation points for coming to class without proper supplies, poor group work behavior, sleeping in class, writing on books, desks, etc. Students begin the day with all three points and can only lose them based on poor choices.
Do Now/Exit Tickets
10% of grade / Every class begins with a Do Now – which is usually a writing assignment; and end with an Exit Ticket. Do Now’s are meant to engage scholar’s interest in the day’s topic and Exit Tickets serve to measure mastery of the day’s objective.
Mid-Term and Final Exams
10% of grad / Scholars will have cumulative Mid-Term at the end of Semester 1 that will cover all material in Semester 1. Students will have a final exam that will cover all material in Semester 2.

Additional Policies


~It is essential you are present in school EVERY DAY!

~When you have an excused absence, it is YOUR responsibility to get the work you missed.

There is an absent station set up for you to write down the assignment you missed and take any

necessary handouts you may have missed. Please approach me before/after class if you need

further instructions for the work you missed.

~When you are absent, you have the same number of days to turn in an

assignment as days you were absent – for example, if you were absent for two

days, you have two days to turn in assignment for full credit.

~If you missed a scheduled project due-date or assessment, you can expect to

turn-in/make-up the project/assessment the day you return.

Late Work: Although there are few exceptions, late work will be marked off 20% for each day it is late.

For example, if you did an excellent assignment that would have earned 100% (A+) and it is ONE day late, it is now worth 80% (B-). Late work is NOT accepted after five days late and you will receive a zero on that assignment.


Please read carefully and sign, along with your parent/guardian, the attached consent form regarding academic integrity. Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated. There are severe consequences for those involved with academic dishonesty.


1.  Per school policy, cell phones must be on silent and out of site in the classroom or they will be confiscated. A parent will then need to pick up the cell phone from the discipline team. .

2.  Headphones of any kind will not be allowed in the classroom.

Grading Scale:

Grade / Percent
A / 100-90
B / 89-80
C / 79-70
D / 69-60
F / 59-50

Assessment Retakes:

Scholars who miss an assessment due to absence OR if they receive a C or lower on an assessment, can make up/redo

that assessment. Scholars will need to make arrangements with me to come before or after school or during my office

hours to redo an assessment.

Classroom Expectations:

1)BE ON TIME This means in your seat, not walking through the door when the bell rings.

2)RESPECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS Golden rule, think before you act, use your filter, &

“PLAY NICE!” Name calling/bullying will not be tolerated.

3)BE PREPARED EVERYDAY You should have materials (like a pen or pencil), homework,

syllabus, planner, and a positive attitude.

4)BE HONEST AND TRUE Do your own work, test your own knowledge, and challenge



1.  Warning

2.  Move seat/reflection sheet

3.  Call home

4.  Demerits (up to 4)

5.  Removed from class

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

~ Malcolm X

Academic Integrity Consent Statement

Course: World History – 10

Teacher: Mrs. Sue Markiewicz

Term: 2015-2016

DIRECTIONS: (1) Read through this statement carefully. (2) Ask questions if there is anything you do not understand. (3) Return it to your teacher.

I have heard the teacher's discussion of plagiarism, and I understand that I must use research conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my paper. I understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty. I understand it is academically unethical and unacceptable to do any of the following acts:

·  To submit an essay written in whole or in part by another student as if it were my own.

·  To download an essay from the internet, then quote or paraphrase from it, in whole or in part, without acknowledging the original source.

·  To restate a clever phrase verbatim from another writer without acknowledging the source.

·  To paraphrase part of another writer's work without acknowledging the source.

·  To reproduce the substance of another writer's argument without acknowledging the source.

·  To take work originally done for one instructor's assignment and re-submit it to another teacher.

·  To cheat on tests or quizzes through the use of crib sheets, hidden notes, viewing another student's paper, revealing the answers on my own paper to another student, through verbal or textual communication, sign language, or other means of storing and communicating information, including electronic devices, recording devices, cellular telephones, headsets, and portable computers.

·  To copy another scholar's homework and submit the work as if it were the product of my own labor.

I understand that the consequences for committing any of the previous acts of academic dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment or quiz with no opportunity for make-up and failure in the class as a whole. I understand that my enrollment in this course will help me develop skills necessary for college-level thinking. Therefore, I will not plagiarize or cheat.

Student Name ______

Student Signature ______

Course ______

Parent Name ______

Parent Signature ______

Classroom/Assignment Policies - Student Contract

Course: World History Teacher: Mrs. Sue Markiewicz Term: 2015-2016

DIRECTIONS: (1) Read through all statements carefully. (2) Ask questions if there is anything you do not understand. (3) Put your initials next to each item and sign below. (4)Take this form home and have parent/guardian sign it and return it to your teacher tomorrow.

_____I have heard the teacher's discussion of the policies that will be enforced in World History and I understand that I must be aware of due dates and submit my assignments at the time they are due.

_____ I understand that all assignments will lose 20% for each day they are late. On the third day, the assignment will be worth zero points.

_____I understand that if I have an excused absence, it is my responsibility to obtain my make up work from the absent station the day I return to class.

_____I further understand that if I need additional explanation or help with any assignments, I can seek help from my classmates or my teacher. My teacher is available before or after school by appointment.

_____If there are extenuating circumstances preventing me from submitting an assignment on time, I will speak privately with Mrs. Markiewicz to explain the circumstances surrounding a late assignment beforehand. I understand Mrs. Markiewicz will discuss private issues on a one-to-one basis only.

______I will follow the Four Classroom Expectations set by Mrs. Markiewicz and posted in the classroom.

______I understand there are no electronics (headphones, cell phones) allowed in class and they will be confiscated if they are in site and demerits will be issued.

_____I will come to class prepared everyday or lose participation points for that day.

_____ I understand there are consequences of my behavior in Mrs. Markiewicz’s classroom as outlined in this packet.

I have read and agree to abide by the policies set forth by my World History instructor:

Student Name ______

Student Signature ______

Parent Name ______

Parent Signature ______