Year 1 & 2Planning Overview 2014-2015Mrs Colombi & Mrs Elson

Planning overview
2014-1015 / Autumn First Half / Autumn Second Half / Spring First Half / Spring Second Half / Summer First Half / Summer Second Half
TOPIC / Woodland
Beatrix Potter
Croft farm woods - Houghton / Homes
Class pets & Croft farm / Seas, Oceans & The Seaside
Trip to Maryport aquarium & Silloth / Aeroplanes & Transport
If I could fly an aeroplane ‘Travel book’ / Africa
Localities / Food & Health
Role Play area / Woods
Hill top farm / Zoo/ Animal rescue centre / Beach / Airport / Safari hut / Grocery shop
Contemporary & Classical Poetry / The puffin book of fantastic first poems
List of poems
Read & write poems
Recite & build vocabulary
Rhythm & rhyme
Patterns on the page / Reading poems (working on phonics knowledge)
Performance poems
-Poetry Station
(Elephant at school, Cattitude, Bluebottle, Betty Botter's Biting Beaver, Alligator & Cat in the window)
Learning poems by heart with appropriate intonation / A first book of nature by Nicola Davies
The Owl and the Pussy Cat
Linking what has been read to past or previous experiences / Calligrams & shape poems
Looking at structure and layout
Silly poems / Poem hunter – African poems
Linked to Africa topic
Writing poetry
‘Masai and I’
‘Handa’s Surprise’
‘Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain’
‘Lila and the secret of rain’
‘Giraffes can’t dance’
Writing extended stories
Includes choosing language for effect
(setting openers, character description, characters emotions, ly openers, conjunctions, similies, alliteration, noun phrases, punctuation, exclamation marks, question marks, commas and correct use of apostrophe
Parents: Have an afternoon of African poems and stories performed by the children linked to whole topic & literacy / Study a poet
‘Mr William Shakespeare's Plays’
Fairy Stories, Stories, Traditional Tales / Hansel & Gretel (Topic)
Beauty & The Beast
(Berlie Doherty)
The Gruffalo (Topic)
Peter Rabbit
Jemima Puddleduck
Familiar settings
Role- Play & Drama
Speaking & Listening / Room on the Broom – rhyme and rhythm
Topic – animals
Predictable phrases
Inferences on the basics of what is being said or done / The Snail and the Whale
Sharing a Shell
Tiddler the story telling fish
Different stories by same author
(Include noun phrases)
(Include VCOP) / The day the crayons quit – Oliver Jeffers
The great paper caper – Oliver Jeffers
(Role- Play & Drama)
(Discussion work) / Fish in the forest (Tales of wisdom and wonder)
Non-Fiction / Leaflets about animals
Non-fiction features / Information Texts
100 things to spot on the sea shore- Osborne
Under the sea – Kate Davies / Report- The Wright Brothers
Non-fiction books (structured in different ways) / Non-chorological reports
Writing genres & Writing opportunities / Narrative- Using familiar stories to model how to write a short new story
Book talk (S&L)
Letter names & upper & lower case / Writing frames
Character descriptions
What happens next, sentence work capital letters, full stops, finger spaces & beginning to look at exclamation and question marks.
Use language and actions to explore and convey situations, characters and emotions / Story writing – two sea creatures of went on an adventure
Sentence structure
Description – how animals move- the snail ‘slithered’
Comparison of books by same author
Punctuation work / Letters
Instructions to make paper aeroplanes
Retell story from bear’s point of view#
Adding text to the illustrations
If I could fly an aeroplane... story
Comprehension work
Spelling / Handwriting- frequent & discrete with some direct teaching.
Spelling - PenPals
(Reading taught alongside spelling) / Handwriting- frequent & discrete with some direct teaching.
Spelling - PenPals
(Reading taught alongside spelling) / Handwriting- frequent & discrete with some direct teaching.
Spelling - PenPals
(Reading taught alongside spelling) / Handwriting- frequent & discrete with some direct teaching.
Spelling - PenPals
(Reading taught alongside spelling) / Handwriting- frequent & discrete with some direct teaching.
Spelling - PenPals
(Reading taught alongside spelling) / Handwriting- frequent & discrete with some direct teaching.
Spelling - PenPals
(Reading taught alongside spelling)
Numeracy / Number
Place value
Counting forwards & backwards
More & Less number line work
Read & write numbers to 20 in numbers and written form / Number work
Addition and Subtraction
Number bonds and related subtraction facts
Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20 including zero
Solve one step problems and missing number problems / Fractions
Multiplication & division for the 2,5, and 10 tables, including again odd and even numbers
Problem solving
& Number work / Measurement
Length and height, long/short,
Capacity & volume
Time- hours, minutes & seconds
Money- value of coins & notes / Geometry
2D & 3D shapes
Shape properties
Sorting & comparing shapes
Number work & times tables / Geometry
Position & Direction
Patterns & sequences
Maths vocab to describe position
Pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables
Number work
Science / Plants & Trees– (Topic)
Names of plants
Common & wild plants/trees
Deciduous & Evergreen
Local area – Farm & woods
Investigation work / Animals
Link with topic and Local animals in Houghton
Food chains &
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, bird and mammals
Herbivores & Omnivores
Investigation work / Seasonal change
Observe changes in weather/seasons
Describe weather associated with the seasons and how long days length is
Months of the year
Investigation work / Materials
Compare how things move on different surfaces
Investigation work / Habitats
Alive or dead
Life processes
Local habitats/other habits/Africa habitats
Investigation work / Human body
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense
Investigation work
ICT / Bee-Bot
Programmes – (Topic Hansel & Gretel linked woodlands)
Scratch animation / Photos
iPads & Cameras- Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content / Images
Using the internet to search
Copy & Paste
(Topic-sea side) / Video instructions on how to make a paper aeroplane
Communicate online safely and respectfully / Organise, store, retrieve & manipulate data
Video Star iPads
Using media to create a performance all about Africa
(Link whole topic) / Recognise uses of IT outside of school
Geography / History / Geography
Locational Knowledge
Directional language and map work to describe location of features
Maps (Topic) woodland and other features
Capital cities
*History - Touch on Significant Local People Beatrix Potter / History
The Great Fire of London
Guy Fawkes
Ariel images / Geography
Is it really round?
7 continents
5 oceans
Key physical features beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, oceans, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season & weather / History
The first aeroplane flight
The Wright Brothers
Changes with living memory
Significant individuals in the past / Geography
Compare local area to a non-European country (Africa)
Use basic vocabulary to describe a less familiar
area / Shops since 1930’s
Past & Present
Art & Design / Design & Technology / D&T
Woodland shelters (Topic)
Hill top farm
Moving rabbit/gruffalo
Sharing of ideas
Local Woods – Croft farm / D&T / Art
RSPB homes
Painting skills
Design-Make-Evaluate / Art
Landscape observations & drawings
Ocean craft-clay fish & ocean creatures
Drawings of artefacts collected from trip to beach- then paint with watercolours
Design-Make- Decorate - Evaluate / D&T
Design your own aeroplane
Wooden cams
Kitchen roll holders
Lolly pop sticks
Design-Make- Decorate - Evaluate / Art
African patterns
Clothes peg animals
Sunset painting
Savannah collages
Making masks
Design-Make- Decorate - Evaluate / Texture
D&T Understand where food comes from
Physical Education
Val Sabin Scheme of work) / Basic Moves
Running, Jumping, Balancing, Throwing & Catching
Describe & observe
Evaluating & improving performance / Gymnastics
Describe & observe
Evaluating & improving performance / Agility & Co-ordination
Describe & observe
Evaluating & improving performance / Team games
Describe & observe
Evaluating & improving performance / Attacking & Defence games
Describe & observe
Evaluating & improving performance / Dance Performance
Movement & Patterns
Describe & observe
Evaluating & improving performance
Religious Education
Class Collective Worship / Stories Telling of God & Jesus
David and Goliath
• Jesus and the storm
• Daniel and the lions
• Zacchaeus
• Escape across the Red Sea
• House on the rock and sand
• Stories about Moses
Hymns & Songs
Work with Paul –Local / Stories Jesus Heard
& Christmas
Creation (Genesis 1.1-2.4)
• Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6.9-8.22)
The Christmas Story
The Nativity
Hymns & Songs / Jesus The Teacher
Lost sheep (Luke 15.3-7)
• Two sons (Matthew 21.28-31a)
• Jesus’ rules about love (Matthew 5.38-42)
Hymns & Songs / Visiting St John’s Church Houghton
Atmosphere, feelings, words, drawings, pictures
Altar, Font, Lectern, Pews, Choir stalls, Organ / Judaism / Christian people: e.g. Dr Barnardo, Mario Borelli, Gladys Aylward
Local- June Armstrong from Houghton to visit & together discuss...
Asking Christians – how do you try to follow Jesus?
• How do you love God and love your neighbour
Music / Singing
SingUp & Music Express
Using our voices expressively/creatively
Chant & Rhythm / Percussion instruments
Create a group musical journey for an animal going on a journey
Perform, listen, review, evaluate.
Christmas Carols / Rain, rain, go away - Exploring timbre, tempo and dynamics
Sounds to describe the weather (Link science)
Make and combine sounds / Listening to composed music – identifying instruments
Singing in unison
Singing in parts
I’m a little aeroplane (song to I’m a little tea pot) / Djembe Drums
African music
Know the main features of African music
To develop ensemble skills by performing a rhythmic pattern independently
PSHE / New Beginnings
Empathy, Self awareness, Social skills & Motivation / Getting on and falling out
Empathy, managing Feelings (anger) & Social Skills / Say no to bullying &
Going for goals
What is it?
Managing feelings
Social skills
Self awareness
Goal directed behaviour / Good to be me
Understanding me
Understanding feelings
Standing up for myself / Relationships
Family & Friends
Self awareness
Talking to friends and family / Changes
Managing feelings
Building Learning Power
Overriding skills focused on & applied throughout / Reflectiveness
We learn how to slow down and think about our work. We redraft our work and performances to check it all makes sense and that we have done the best we can / Resourcefulness
Being Curious
We are learning that lots of things in our classroom can help us learn. If we can use a spelling mat, dictionary or a number line we might not need to ask for help / Reciprocity
Empathy & Listening
We can pay other people attention and focus on the person and what is being said. We can show we are listening by eye contact and body language and by keeping quiet while the other person is talking / Resilience
Managing distractions
We are learning to persevere even if our work is difficult we do not give up! If we try try try then we can can can / Reciprocity
We are learning to collaborate with our friends. Sometimes working together is the best way to learn, we can share ideas with our friends and take great ideas from books and the internet! / Resourcefulness
Making Links
We can think think think and make the strongest link!
We have wonderful imaginations and we canuse our bubbles to tell others ideas. We can organise resources and we can talk about how to improve our work.