Burke County High School

Physical Education Syllabus

Teachers: M. Howard , C. Johnson , J. Dye- . S. Tiernan- .B. Marchman , E.Parker & Dr. A. Williams

Course Description: Physical Education is an integral part of our total educational program here at Burke County High School. Through the medium of sport and movement all students will participate in a sequential, differentiated program that fosters each student's personal health, fitness and safety. Through exposure to a wide variety of activities, students will gain the necessary knowledge to understand the importance of and be able to make educated decisions around opportunities to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Physical education provides a unique opportunity to contribute to the overall development and well-being of every individual. Respect, cooperation, communication, teamwork and sportsmanship are an important aspect of our curriculum and will be emphasized throughout the semester.

Class Expectations: Students are expected to participate during the entire class period. Class time consists of 90 minutes of agilities, cardio, stretching, conditioning, skills, stations and play. Note: Students are required to dress out every day in proper physical education clothing and participate fully in unit activities to receive full credit.

Physical Education Dress: Sweatpants/ shorts and tennis shoes. Students are expected to dress out with the appropriate clothing every class period. Supportive athletic shoes must be worn to ensure students’ safety. No slip-on shoes, flats, boots, sandals, heels, etc. are permitted on the gym floor. Shorts must be appropriate and deemed appropriate by teacher/s. Dress code must follow as stated in the Bear facts handbook. No tank tops. No pajama pants.

Grading Procedure: 45% Formative Assessment (participation, and quizzes), 55% Summative (dressing out and end of unit tests) Daily points: 20 points are earned every day each for summative and formative assessments. Students must meet all expectations to earn points for the day. Students will receive a grade each Friday/Weekly based on participation and dressing out. Assessment Days: Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Attendance Policy: In order to receive credit for a semester course, a student must be present 82 out of 90 school days. Any absence, excused or unexcused, count in the total of days absent.

Zero Policy: Student/s does not dress out and/or participate in PE

Materials: Appropriate clothing: tennis shoes and shorts (shorts must be below mid-thigh length (BCHS dress code)

Key Standards: PEHS.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PEHS.2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. PEHS.3: Participates regularly in physical activity. PEHS.4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. PEHE.5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. PEHS.6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

Parents Note: Students are to show to class and dress out every day. The only way a child can be excused from any activities is if they provide us with a doctor’s note excusing them from any activity.

Class Rules:

1. Be on Time.

2. Students must be inside the gym and in their designated area before the tardy bell rings.

3. Students will be seated on the bottom 3 to 5 rows in the gym.

4. Students must be in their assigned area for attendance check-in when in the gym. Students that

are not in assigned area for check-in will be marked absent from class.

5. No food or drink allowed in the gym.

6. Ask permission to leave the gym area.

7. All BCHS handbook rules will be enforced in this class.

8. Approximately 5 minutes will be given at the beginning of class to dress out, and 10 minutes is

given to dress back in.

9. No electronic devices (no cell phones, no headphones, no iPods, no games, etc.) in class.

10. Students do not leave the inside of the gym before the bell ring for dismissal

11. NO HORSE PLAYING (anything that the teacher deems as horse playing will be considered as fighting). It will be written up as such.

12. The gym is a classroom therefore it is a Red Zone. The Locker Rooms are also considered a Red Zone as well (students may not use cell phones and video recording is prohibited in the locker rooms).

Physical Education Units:

Ø  Conditioning, Personal Fitness, Physical Fitness, Volleyball, Badminton, Aerobics and etc (TBA).

Ø  Students will also participate in the FitnessGram Test. Skills for this include the BMI, height, weight, mile run, trunk lift, push- ups, curl- ups, and sit and reach.


1.  Lockers will be given out during the first week of school.

2.  They will be shared with one or two classmates.

3.  Lockers are to be used to store gym clothes and accessories only.

4.  A lock will be provided by the P.E. department. The students are responsible for keeping this lock on and locked at all times (you may bring your own lock if you wish). LOCK YOUR LOCKER.

5.  In the past locks disappear and stuff is stolen because students do not lock the locker. It is very important that lockers are locked at all times. It is also important that you do not give out your combination to anyone.

6.  *It is strongly recommended that you give valuables to the teacher at the beginning of class .The school staff is not responsible for lost/stolen items.*

Final message to students: I look forward to working with each of you this year. I will do my best to help each and every one of you achieve success in P.E. Class. Please feel free to ask questions, or request extra help. I am available at lunch, during my planning to talk or meet with you and your parents as long as you make arrangements in advance.

By signing I certify that I have read and understand the Physical Education syllabus and I am fully responsible for my actions and behavior. Return to your teacher during your class time.


Student Signature______

Parent/Guardian (1)


Phone Number (Home) ______(Cell) ______


Parent/Guardian (2)


Phone Number (Home) ______(Cell) ______


Parent e-mail address ______

E-mail: Only if you are okay with receiving e-mails about your child

Emergency Contact Information

Name: ______

Phone Number (Home) ______(Cell) ______

Name: ______

Phone Number (Home) ______(Cell) ______

Name: ______

Phone Number (Home) ______(Cell) ______

Name: ______

Phone Number (Home) ______(Cell) ______