MathematicsStage 4 – Data collection, representation and analysing

Outcomes Assessed

MA4-1WM - communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols

MA4-19SP - collects, represents and interprets single sets of data, using appropriate statistical displays

MA4-20SP - analyses single sets of data using measures of location, and range

Important Instructions

  1. On the day you are given your task ensure that you can log onto Moodle using your school login and password.
  2. Within 2 school days of receiving your task you will need to enrol in the Moodle course.

1)Log into Moodle

2)Click on Mathematics

3)Click on Year 8 2015 Assessment Task

4)Enter your class enrolment key that will be given to you by your teacher.

5)Click enrol

  1. Instructions on how to upload your assignment are available on the Year 8 2015 Assessment Task Moodle page.

Task A- Mean, Median and Mode of Hours Slept Per Night

You will be required to complete this task on the activity sheet provided, using the random sampler. This task must be handed in to your teacher on the due date.

Task B – Displaying and analysing quantitative data

In this task, you will be working with quantitative dataof a sample size 100 in 2014, for Year 8 and then Year 6 girls relating to how many hours of sleepstudents get.

  1. Using the ABS Random Sampler downloadthe data that relates to how many hours of sleep students get on a school night. Select a sample size for 120 Year 8 girls in 2014; Referto the attached sheet: Using the Random Sampler on the ABS Census at School.
  2. Copy your data and paste it in a new Excel sheet in column Ain Sheet 1. Rename Sheet 1 as ‘Year 8’(right click on sheet 1 and rename).
  3. Recopy your data into column C.
  4. Before working with your data in column C, ensure there are exactly 100 data values that are relevant. Comment on the data and any alterations/deletions you have made. (Place this in a text box on your Excel worksheet, a text box can be inserted using the insert tab at the top of the Excel page)

This is the data set you will now be working with.

  1. Organise your checked data into a frequency distribution table, ensuring you have appropriate headings and totals.
  2. Display your data in a frequency histogram, with all appropriate labels.
  3. Display your data in a sector graph, with all appropriate labels. Check that your graph correctly represents your data.(See box below for any incorrect representations on Excel)
  1. (a) Using the Excel formulas, calculate the mean, median and range of your data set from column C.

(b) Find the mode/modes of your data set.

This information can be placed in array of cells (eg H3-I6). Values areto be given to 1 decimal place.

  1. Repeat the whole process (1-8) for Year 6 in the next Sheet. Rename Sheet 2 as ‘Year 6’
  2. Answer the following question using your tabulated and/or graphical findings in Sheet3 using the textbox tool. Rename sheet 3 as ‘Analysis’.
  • Comment on one similarity and one difference on the number of hours slept by girls in Year 8 compared to Year 6.
  1. Save this file as Yr8 AssessmentTask 3. Three should be three sheets as follows:

Using the Random Sampler on the ABS Census at School

  1. Go to the ABS census at School webpage. (
  2. Click on Random Sampler
  1. Click accept.
  2. Fill in relevant fields instructed in task

Reference Year (2014)

Questions to display (select data by question/Q19 Hours slept per night)

Sample Size (Task A: 20 Task B:120)

Sample characteristics (Select all states/ Year level: Year 8)

  1. Click
  1. You will now need to download the Excel file.
  1. You are now ready to start working with the data

Task A

Mean, Median and Mode of Hours Slept Per Night


1.In your CensusAtSchool random sample, find the question about hours slept/night, and write the first ten values below.

2.Showing your working, calculate the mean, median and mode for the above data set.

3.You are told that the mean hours slept/night of a sample is 9 hours, a median is 9 hours and a mode of 9 hours. Create a realistic sample of 10 subjects that will give a mean, median and mode of 9 hours slept per night. You cannot have more than two numbers that are identical.

4.Explain in words how you went about creating a sample of ten numbers that had a mean

of 9 hours, a mode of 9 hours and a median of 9 hours.