Activity 3 – Graphics Programming II
Dean Zeller Tuesday, September 11th
CS10051 5 points
Spring, 2007
Objective The student will design a picture to implement, including position and color guides.
Materials Pencil, graph paper
Background: variables and modifiable graphics
The previous activity used hard-coded numbers for coordinates and colors. While simple, this method is tedious and difficult to modify. To create true works of art, programmers need to be able to easily change a picture without having to hand-calculate coordinates. By defining position and colors in variables, it becomes much easier to modify later.
Follow the steps below to create several pictures of varying complexity.
- On graph paper, create a drawing that only uses ovals, rectangles, lines, and polygons.
- For each graphic object drawn, identify and label the guides and colors. You may align multiple objects to a single guide.
- Create the Python code to draw the picture, using the guides and colors specified.
- Choose starting values for all guides.
You will be graded on the following criteria:
Accuracy Correctly identifying the guides for a drawing
Extra Credit
· Implement additional pictures
The Great Ohio Octatoad (octatotatus toadniferous) is a rare but thriving species, inheriting abilities from amphibians and cephalopods. An octatoad has eight eyes and eight legs. The picture above-right is an actual photograph of the very first octatoad in its natural environment, as discovered by Jennifer Sader in an exploration of her back yard in 1997.
The diagram below represents the relevant guides for drawing the octatoad. Note that the legs 1 thru 4 align with the left of the corresponding eyes, and legs 5 thru 8 align with the right
# #
# Graphics Programming Using Variables #
# by Dean Zeller #
# #
# The following is a program demonstrating the use of variables to #
# store guides and colors for the purposes of drawing graphics. #
# #
from Tkinter import *
import random
c = Canvas(width=650, height=500, bg='white')
c.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
raw_input("Octatoad, by Dean Zeller")
# set body variables
bodytop = 100
bodybottom = 300
bodyleft = 100
bodyright = 600
bodycolor = "white"
bodywidth = 5
# set eye variables
# eyes are the same height and evenly spaced vertically
eyetop = 150
eyebottom = 200
eyecolor = "white"
eyewidth = 2
pupilradius = 5
pupilcolor = "black"
eyesize = 35 # vertical width of an eye
eyespace = 15 # spacing between eyes
eye1left = 150
eye1right = eye1left + eyesize
eye2left = eye1right + eyespace
eye2right = eye2left + eyesize
eye3left = eye2right + eyespace
eye3right = eye3left + eyesize
eye4left = eye3right + eyespace
eye4right = eye4left + eyesize
eye5left = eye4right + eyespace
eye5right = eye5left + eyesize
eye6left = eye5right + eyespace
eye6right = eye6left + eyesize
eye7left = eye6right + eyespace
eye7right = eye7left + eyesize
eye8left = eye7right + eyespace
eye8right = eye8left + eyesize
radius = 10 # radius of the iris
innerrad = 2 # radius of the pupil
# pupil location is determined randomly within the eye oval
pupil1x = random.randrange(eye1left+10, eye1right-10)
pupil1y = random.randrange(eyetop+10, eyebottom-10)
pupil1color = "light blue"
pupil2x = random.randrange(eye2left+10, eye2right-10)
pupil2y = random.randrange(eyetop+10, eyebottom-10)
pupil2color = "green"
pupil3x = random.randrange(eye3left+10, eye3right-10)
pupil3y = random.randrange(eyetop+10, eyebottom-10)
pupil3color = "orange1"
pupil4x = random.randrange(eye4left+10, eye4right-10)
pupil4y = random.randrange(eyetop+10, eyebottom-10)
pupil4color = "purple1"
pupil5x = random.randrange(eye5left+10, eye5right-10)
pupil5y = random.randrange(eyetop+10, eyebottom-10)
pupil5color = "orange3"
pupil6x = random.randrange(eye6left+10, eye6right-10)
pupil6y = random.randrange(eyetop+10, eyebottom-10)
pupil6color = "yellow2"
pupil7x = random.randrange(eye7left+10, eye7right-10)
pupil7y = random.randrange(eyetop+10, eyebottom-10)
pupil7color = "brown"
pupil8x = random.randrange(eye8left+10, eye8right-10)
pupil8y = random.randrange(eyetop+10, eyebottom-10)
pupil8color = "pink"
# leg variables
# legs are the same height, but covered by the body
legtop = 250
legbottom = 400
# legs 1 thru 4 are left-aligned with eyes 1 thru 4
leg1 = eye1left
leg2 = eye2left
leg3 = eye3left
leg4 = eye4left
# legs 5 thru 8 are right-aligned with eyes 5 thru 8
leg5 = eye5right
leg6 = eye6right
leg7 = eye7right
leg8 = eye8right
legwidth = 2
footsize = 25
# mouth variables
mouthtop = 220
mouthbottom = 280
mouthleft = eye2left
mouthright = eye7right
mouthcolor = "white"
mouthwidth = 2
#draw legs
c.create_line(leg1,legtop, leg1,legbottom, leg1+footsize,legbottom, width=legwidth)
c.create_line(leg2,legtop, leg2,legbottom, leg2+footsize,legbottom, width=legwidth)
c.create_line(leg3,legtop, leg3,legbottom, leg3+footsize,legbottom, width=legwidth)
c.create_line(leg4,legtop, leg4,legbottom, leg4+footsize,legbottom, width=legwidth)
c.create_line(leg5,legtop, leg5,legbottom, leg5-footsize,legbottom, width=legwidth)
c.create_line(leg6,legtop, leg6,legbottom, leg6-footsize,legbottom, width=legwidth)
c.create_line(leg7,legtop, leg7,legbottom, leg7-footsize,legbottom, width=legwidth)
c.create_line(leg8,legtop, leg8,legbottom, leg8-footsize,legbottom, width=legwidth)
#draw body and mouth
c.create_oval(bodyleft,bodytop, bodyright,bodybottom, fill=bodycolor, width=bodywidth)
c.create_oval(mouthleft,mouthtop, mouthright, mouthbottom, fill=mouthcolor, width=mouthwidth)
#draw eyes
c.create_oval(eye1left,eyetop, eye1right,eyebottom, width=eyewidth, fill=eyecolor)
c.create_oval(eye2left,eyetop, eye2right,eyebottom, width=eyewidth, fill=eyecolor)
c.create_oval(eye3left,eyetop, eye3right,eyebottom, width=eyewidth, fill=eyecolor)
c.create_oval(eye4left,eyetop, eye4right,eyebottom, width=eyewidth, fill=eyecolor)
c.create_oval(eye5left,eyetop, eye5right,eyebottom, width=eyewidth, fill=eyecolor)
c.create_oval(eye6left,eyetop, eye6right,eyebottom, width=eyewidth, fill=eyecolor)
c.create_oval(eye7left,eyetop, eye7right,eyebottom, width=eyewidth, fill=eyecolor)
c.create_oval(eye8left,eyetop, eye8right,eyebottom, width=eyewidth, fill=eyecolor)
c.create_oval(pupil1x-radius,pupil1y-radius, pupil1x+radius,pupil1y+radius, fill=pupil1color)
c.create_oval(pupil1x-innerrad,pupil1y-innerrad, pupil1x+innerrad,pupil1y+innerrad, fill=pupilcolor)
c.create_oval(pupil2x-radius,pupil2y-radius, pupil2x+radius,pupil2y+radius, fill=pupil2color)
c.create_oval(pupil2x-innerrad,pupil2y-innerrad, pupil2x+innerrad,pupil2y+innerrad, fill=pupilcolor)
c.create_oval(pupil3x-radius,pupil3y-radius, pupil3x+radius,pupil3y+radius, fill=pupil3color)
c.create_oval(pupil3x-innerrad,pupil3y-innerrad, pupil3x+innerrad,pupil3y+innerrad, fill=pupilcolor)
c.create_oval(pupil4x-radius,pupil4y-radius, pupil4x+radius,pupil4y+radius, fill=pupil4color)
c.create_oval(pupil4x-innerrad,pupil4y-innerrad, pupil4x+innerrad,pupil4y+innerrad, fill=pupilcolor)
c.create_oval(pupil5x-radius,pupil5y-radius, pupil5x+radius,pupil5y+radius, fill=pupil5color)
c.create_oval(pupil5x-innerrad,pupil5y-innerrad, pupil5x+innerrad,pupil5y+innerrad, fill=pupilcolor)
c.create_oval(pupil6x-radius,pupil6y-radius, pupil6x+radius,pupil6y+radius, fill=pupil6color)
c.create_oval(pupil6x-innerrad,pupil6y-innerrad, pupil6x+innerrad,pupil6y+innerrad, fill=pupilcolor)
c.create_oval(pupil7x-radius,pupil7y-radius, pupil7x+radius,pupil7y+radius, fill=pupil7color)
c.create_oval(pupil7x-innerrad,pupil7y-innerrad, pupil7x+innerrad,pupil7y+innerrad, fill=pupilcolor)
c.create_oval(pupil8x-radius,pupil8y-radius, pupil8x+radius,pupil8y+radius, fill=pupil8color)
c.create_oval(pupil8x-innerrad,pupil8y-innerrad, pupil8x+innerrad,pupil8y+innerrad, fill=pupilcolor)
Ideas to Get Started