DOAS Risk Management Services Division Loss Control Office

Contact us by email:or call (404) 656-6245 for additional information.

Topic of the Month… Your Emergency Preparation Plan!

February 6-10, 2012, was Severe Weather Awareness week in Georgia. February 9thwas Lightning Safety day. Both of these events highlight the need for emergency preparation. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) have responsibility to handle Federal and State emergency events. All Georgia cities and counties work with GEMA to handle emergencies at and above their levels.But what isYOURemergency plan for your location and is it up to date?GEMA and FEMA offer a lot of information to help develop a plan on how to deal with emergencies.Do you know what to do in case of an emergency at your agency, at your location? Is your home one of the 50+% in the U.S.A. that have no emergency plan. Do you know what steps to take to start an emergency plan? offers some of the following guidelinesfor homes.

Supply Checklist for Severe Weather emergencies:

□Do you have a stored water supply of at least 3 gallons per day per person?

□Do you have a 3 day Non-Perishable food supply for your family?

□Do you have a manual can opener, batteries, flashlights and a NOAA weather alert radio?

□Do you have a fully stocked First Aid kit?

□Are you prepared for a cold weather emergency if the power goes out?

□Are there other items necessary for your situation, i.e. - prescriptions, pet supplies?

□For your location, do you have contact phone numbers in case of emergencies?

Fire& Medical emergency preparation for your location or home:

□Are there two ways out of your home or office?

□Are your smoke detectors checked routinely?

□Have you established a meeting point once you have evacuated?

□Do you have a First Aid kit? Are Emergency numbers posted?

□Do you know who has First Aid training at your location?

Flooding preparation:

□Do you know what items you want to take with you during an evacuation?

□Do you have emergency contact numbers in case roads are flooded in your area or at your location?

Of course these are the short list of items. There are many more items to be added depending on your location and situation. But,just like a few seconds to check for an exit when you check into a new hotel can save a life; a few minutes of preparation can save a life or make you far more comfortable in case of an emergency situation.

Thanks for your time. Let’s work together to make Georgia a safer place to work.

DOAS Risk Management Services Division Loss Control Office

Contact us by email:or call (404) 656-6245 for additional information.