Number: / 2014


Please fill in all required fields of the application form. Missing information will affect the possibilities to be awarded.

  1. Applicant

Name of applicant:

Date of birth:

Home address:

Phone number:

E-mail address:


Basic Degree:

Graduationyear: Gradesaverage of Basic Degree studies:

Post-Graduate degree:

Graduation year: Gradesaverage of Post-Graduate studies:

  1. Employment

Duration of Present employment: permanent/indefinitely

Fixed-term until (date):

Employer (if employed):

Employers Address:

Job position:

Salary of applicant who is not a member of doctoral graduate school? €

Is the applicant a member of graduate school of the university (Name of the school?)

Amount of extra salary applicant receives in addition to the graduate school salary:€

  1. Studies

Objective of post-graduate studies:Doctoral thesis Licentiate thesis

Other (define):

  1. Research

Title of the research:

Research area:TechnicalBusinesseconomics

Behavioural sciencesother (define):

Keywords of the research:

University or Institution:

Name of supervising professor(s):

Amount of applied grant: €

Abstract of the research plan:
  1. Recommenders and referees

Recommenders and referees, who give statements.The statements should be send to HPY:n Tutkimussäätiö by e-mail or mail separately.

(Name, status, institution, contact information):

, , ,

  1. Total amount of grants and scholarships receivedduring the last 5 years: €

(amount must be filled in this box).

List of grants below: (if more that three, detailed list attached:)

Year / Foundation or Donor / Applied for / €
  1. Unsolved grant applications (if more that three, detailed list attached……………………………)

Year / Foundation or Donor / Applied for / €
  1. Number of publications:

(This box must be filled.Blank means no publications although they are listed in attachment)

List of publications (Complete and detailed list attached…………………………………………………………)

In case applicant iarewarded with the grant,he shall give a progressreportto the foundation of the research study latest 31.12.2015.A copy of doctoral dissertation should be sent to the foundation after dissertation.

The applicationand all attachments must be merged into one PDF file, which must be submitted by e-mailby 31.8.2014 latestto the representative of foundation . E-mail subject: apurahahakemus/your name. Late arrival, incomplete application and missing attachments shall result in rejection.


Make sure that all fields of the application are filled in properly and check from the list below that you have all attachments.

Filled application form and all attachments must be MERGED INTO A SINGLE PDF FILE. There must not be any cover pages or application letter in the PDF file. DO NOT ZIP THE PDF FILE. The order of documents is: first the application form and then attachments in the following order described below. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS OR APPLICATIONS IN OTHER THAN PDF FORMATWILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Mandatory attachments:

  1. Research plan, max three pages, with following content: Description of the problem, Objectives of the study, Methodology
  2. Proof of grades and post-graduate studies
  3. Curriculum Vitae or equivalent

Following attachments are not mandatory, but may be attached in the e-mail if necessary

  1. Statement(s) of the supervisor(s) of the study may be attached to the application or the supervisor can send it directly to HPY:n Tutkimussäätiö by e-mail. In this case supervisors are kindly requested to collect all statements into one e-mail, if there are more than one supervised student applying for grant.
  2. Plan for funding the research and the planned use of the grant or special justifications for the need of the grant.
  3. Total amount of grants and scholarships received during the last 5 years if more than three
  4. Unsolved grant applications if more than three
  5. List of publications, if more than three

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