To: New Owners at Blackthorn Villas
Re: Association and Other General Information
Thank you for choosing to live in the Blackthorn Villas! Management Advantage is here to serve your Association needs. Please contact us for any questions regarding the Blackthorn Villas Homeowners Association.
Trash pick-up is picked up on Friday each week through a contract with Allied Waste Services. To initiate service contact Allied’s customer service at 477-9138. Be sure to mention to them that you are part of the Villas of Blackthorn HOA. Otherwise, they will set you up as an individual account and bill you. Give them your address and they will arrange the delivery of your toter. Trash should be set out at the end of your drive prior to 6:00 a.m. on Friday mornings. Please do not leave out any trash the day or night before unless it is in the toter or some other “animal-proof” container. If trash is left out the day or evening before trash day and becomes strewn about as a result, the homeowner will be charged by the Association for labor to remove the trash as Allied will not pick up loose trash or debris. If you have problems with the trash removal service or have specific questions, please call Allied at the number above. If you happen to have any problems with Allied or with getting your service set up, please notify Management Advantage, Inc.
Your condominium is covered under a master policy with Nationwide Insurance. Policy #91 BP 199-245-3001 H. The insurance agent is Bob King. His telephone number is 317-251-2614. Please contact him if you need evidence of coverage, or if you change mortgage companies and a new certificate needs to be issued. Insurance coverage is for the replacement cost of the structure as purchased. Coverage for personal property, including, appliances (not built in), furniture, window and wall coverings, clothing, personal possessions and any alteration or upgrades to the condominium after it is built are not covered by this policy. Please contact your personal lines insurance agent to arrange for this coverage.
The Association provides snow removal at 4” or more for streets, drives, and at 2” for sidewalks. If you have any questions, please contact Management Advantage, Inc. The contractor will be responsible for turf or other damage-- these must be called in to Management Advantage, Inc. at 765-447-4209 within 48 hours of occurrence, whenever possible. When there is extended or repeated snowfalls within the same 24-48 hour period, the streets will be cleared and kept cleared first, then drives and sidewalks will be done last. This is to allow everyone to get to work. If you have special circumstances, please call our office or fax such information to 765-448-1678 to make us aware of any special needs.
At the present time, there are temporary mailboxes in use. The builder will show you the location of your temporary box. You will also receive a key to your permanent mailbox. Once the Post Office has satisfied itself that there are a sufficient number of mail recipients, they will start delivering your mail into the Permanent boxes. Any questions regarding mail delivery or packages should be directed to the West Lafayette Post office. The telephone number is 765-497-9504. The person you should talk to is John, Supervisor of Carrier Services, or Lani. Please let us know if you have any problems getting your mail service started.
Mowing of lawns and chemical applications are part of your Association dues. Each homeowner is responsible for watering your shrubs, beds, and lawns. Please call your landscaper if you have question about care or maintenance. Shrubs are trimmed two times each year, in spring and fall. Mowing is done to a height of 3 ½”, weekly during the growing season. Bed maintenance includes mulch installation in landscape beds. Homeowners are responsible for weeding in beds where they have planted flowers or other plants.
Those homeowners with pets are responsible for making sure their pets are not allowed to be outside unless on a leash under the control of the owner. Pet owners are responsible for picking up pet waste and disposing of it in their trash receptacles. Pets are not allowed to be tied up outdoors, on chains, or run free. Pets should be walked away from the buildings with clean up done promptly. Homeowners are responsible for the condition of their yards and will be charged if pet waste is in the yard area.
The Association retains the right to approve all exterior modifications, weather in landscaping, addition of a storm door, deck, patio, or sunroom, fencing, etc. Please check with us prior to moving forward with any exterior alteration to obtain an architectural approval form. Satellite dishes under one meter are allowed. All propane tanks for fireplaces must be enclosed and approved for installation. Homeowners are responsible to carry all additional insurance coverage needed for alteration or additions (as approved) to your condominium. Please check with your insurance agent for such coverage as needed for additions or upgrades to your home.
You will receive your Water and Sewer bill from Viastar. If you have any questions on your bill or your usage, you may contact them at the number shown on their invoice.
There is an assessment of $95.00 per month due the 1st of each month. Fees provide the funds for the maintenance of common areas for all of the community, including the entrance, signs, sprinkler system, landscaping and lawn care, and snow removal of streets, sidewalks, and drives. Also included in the fee is the accounting, legal services, insurance, and management of the association.
Please make checks payable to:
Blackthorn Planned Development Homeowners Association
Mail Payment to:
Blackthorn Planned Development Homeowners Association
C/O Management Advantage, Inc.
2150 Market Square
Lafayette, IN. 47904
Association dues (monthly assessments) are due by the first of each month. Those dues received after the 10th of the month will be assessed a $25 late charge for each month a balance remains on the account. This is in addition to any other fees that may be charged for accounts not paid on time. You may pre-pay as many months in advance as you would like.
The utilities included in your monthly association fee are trash removal and common area needs, such as lighting, irrigation, etc. You are responsible for your own electricity, gas, water, sewage, telephone, and cable. Satellite dishes less than one meter in parameter may be installed. Please notify the Association of limitations on locations for installation.
The following are some utility and service phone numbers that you may find helpful:
Duke/CinergyInsight Cablevision
Verizon NorthVectren Gas
800-483-4000 800-227-1376
Bruce Gunstra BuildersNationwide Insurance
Service And WarrantyC/O Bob King
317-595-2161 Fax
Allied Waste Services
Should you have any questions or concerns in regards to the Association please call us.
Management Advantage, Inc.
2150 Market Square
Lafayette, IN 47904
PH: 765-448-6234
FAX: 765-448-1678
Management Advantage, Inc.