Sample introduction email to community partners
Kara Brascia, August 23, 2012
SHORT VERSION (for agencies that only take 1 or 2 students):
My name is Kara Brascia, and I am the instructor for BSU's ENVST Environmental Studies Service-Learning (SL) Lab. Faith Beyer Hansen suggested that the Boise Watershed Environmental Education Center would be a good service-learning (SL) partner with my course. Is there a convenient time we could talk on the phone? It will be nice to personally learn more about your organization and your priorities, and talk with you about course goals. Please reply to this email with some dates/times in the next two weeks that work for you, and I will facilitate a meeting or phone call.
Attached is a letter outlining these goals and offering a few tips working with SL students.
Thank you,
FULL VERSION (for agencies that will work with a large number of your students)
My name is Kara Brascia, and I am the instructor for BSU's ENVST Environmental Studies Service-Learning (SL) Lab. Faith Beyer Hansen suggested that the Boise Watershed Environmental Education Center would be a good service-learning (SL) partner with my course. Is there a convenient time we could talk on the phone, and/or a time I can visit you at your organization? It will be nice to personally learn more about your organization and your priorities face to face. A phone or in-person conversation would also allow us to talk about class goals and how they relate to the SL projects, and set up a schedule to communicate over the semester. Again, please reply to this email with some dates/times in the next two weeks that work for you, and I will facilitate a meeting or phone call.
I would also like to invite you to visit the class on Friday, August 31st at 10am in the Interactive Learning Center (ILC) Building, room 303 to provide a short 5-minute presentation on your agency and the SL projects that students can help with this semester. You will be joining another community partner, and your presentation will hopefully help motivate students to opt into the SL lab. In your 5-minute presentation please tell students about your organization and how the projects relate to the SL course goals. Attached is a letter outlining these goals and offering a few tips working with SL students.
When you attend on the 31st, please park in theAdministrative Visitors Parking Lot so that we can provide you with parking vouchers. TheAdministrative Visitors Parking Lotis just off University Drive. If you turn onto University Drive from Capital, you will go through the first light at Brady Street, a second light at Juanita and then take a left at the stoplight on Joyce Street. Below is a link to an interactive map so you can locate the ILC building:
Letter to send with email
Dear Service-Learning Partners:
Thank you for agreeing to work with students from ENVSTD 121SL “Introduction to Environmental Studies Service-Learning Lab.” I would like to clarify what you can expect, what students need from you, and what we hope the students will learn from their experience with you.
About the course
Introduction to Environmental Studies Service-Learning Lab is an optional 1 credit lab connected with ENVST 121 lecture course (taught be Susan McIlroy). The goals of Service-Learning is to provide students opportunities to apply course concepts to local issues while gaining hands-on experiences with community environmental efforts. Students opting into the SL Lab from will gain practical experience, exposure to careers in environmental studies, a deeper look at how scientific principles relate to local sustainability efforts, and the satisfaction of making a difference in their communities.
Benefits to you:
Working with Service-Learning students can benefit your organization: not only with student volunteers, but also by building…
-a team of young advocates for your organization and cause
-relationships with potential employees
-an opportunity to influence future professionals
-connections with Boise State University resources
-access into student idealism and enthusiasm
Your role
Your role is so important. Listed below are some suggestions for working with students.
Take time to discuss with students how their service connect to learning goals listed above(those which relate to your work).
Take time to discuss with the student the value of what he or she is doing, —its significance to the overall work of your organization.
Set up good lines of communication with the student to address questions and possible issues. Please contact me if issues arise.
Students will benefit from a clear process of orientation, guidance, evaluation, and recognition of their service.
I greatly appreciate your attention to these suggestions. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding any aspect of service learning during the semester.
Kara Brascia
Service Learning Director