Angela Pauli
Freelance Translator
German/Dutch/English – Italian
Date and place of birth 19.04.1979, Milan, Italy
Address Via delle Missioni, 16
I-21040 Venegono Superiore (VA)
Nationality Italian
Mobile +39 347 15 09 903
Skype angpauli
German > Italian (mother tongue)
Dutch > Italian (mother tongue)
English > Italian (mother tongue)
Advertising / (div. advertising agencies)Assurance / CSS, La Bâloise, Zurich Suisse
Beverage store / Unidrink (CH)
Car Accessories / Ford
Children’s games / Ravensburger
Employee magazines / PostAuto-Zeitung, Piazza (Swisscom)
Health Management / Makora (CH)
Healthcare and pharmaceutical products / Sandoz, Unilever
IT / Jazoon
Medicine / Johnson&Johnson
Office supplies / Waser + CO (CH)
Plumbing and faucet products / Neoperl (CH)
Press releases, newsletters
Telecommunication & Telephony / Swisscom, cablecom (CH), sunrise (CH)
Textile machines / Sultex, Promatech (CH and IT)
Web pages und online shops
April 2008 Freelance Translator Thalwil , CH, Venegono Superiore (VA), I
Now Collaborating with different translations agencies and direct customers
Nov. 2004 Textra –Professionelle Übersetzungen Pfäffikon SZ, CH
March 2008 Head of Italian section:
- Project Manager (coordination of translation projects)
- Reviewer (quality control)
- Introduction of Italian quality standards
- Introduction of SDL TRADOS and creation of Translation Memories as well as training of the internal staff into the new software.
- Customer care and translators’ support
- Price quotation
Aug. 2004 M+K Reisen – Basel Ticino, CH; Lombardy, I
Tour guide for German tourists in Bergamo, in Iseo, at the wine producer “Agricola Boschi” (Franciacorta) in Erbusco (Brescia) and in Ticino (Capolago, Monte Generoso and Lugano).
Sept. 2003 Ass. Culturale “Orizzonti dell’Est e dell’Ovest”- Istituto di lingue e informatica Triest, I
German teacher of an intensive course for beginners for two weeks.
Sept. 1997 Fair of Milan Milan, I
Worked as interpreter for English and German in a stand of an Italian firm producing plastic home accessories.
July 2004 SSLMIT (Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori) Triest, I
Translation Degree. 1st language: German, 2nd language: Dutch, 3rd language: Portuguese (taken exams only of the 1st year). Note: 110/110 lode. Degree dissertation: glossary about texturing (a textile process of synthetic yarns) and chemical fibers in Italian, German and Dutch.
Sept.- ZHW Departement Angewandte Linguistik und Kulturwissenschaft, Zurich, CH
Dec. 2002 Exchange student (CIUTI program).
Aug. 2002 Nederlandse Taalunie – Zomercursus Zeist, NL
Attended a three week-program on Dutch language and culture sponsored by the Nederlandse Taalunie.
Sept. - Lessius Hogeschool Dept. Vertaler-Tolk Antwerp, B
Dec. 2000 Exchange student (CIUTI program).
1998-1999 Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Triest, I
Studying foreign languages and literatures (German and English).
1998 Liceo Scentifico “M. Curie” Tradate (VA), I
Secondary school degree in scientific subjects with a score of 52/60.
July 1996- Sprachgymnasium “J. Gagarin” Schwerin, D
Aug. 1997 AFS exchange student attending a German high school. Foreign languages at school: English, Spanish.
Operating system Windows XP and Vista
Software Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007, Adobe Acrobat 5.0, Acrobat Reader 8.0, Winzip, Visio Professional 2003, Adobe InDesign CS 3.0
CAT-Tools SDL Trados 2007, SDLX, Wordfast