Green Plants for Green Buildings has secured thousands of dollars worth of targeted exposure and created valuable web site traffic flow referred from premier prospect groups such as USGBC Members, AIA Members, ASID Membership and those studying through BOMA. Frequent visitors also include the most active and successful interior landscape professionals who are always seeking new ways to grow their business.
Site Statistics
18,158 total visits in 2011.
74.24% of these were new and unique visitors.
39% were from interested, qualified, building & facility owners and design professionals
44% were from interior landscape professionals.
Google Analytics reports available upon request. Use our website to capture new customers everyday!
Pages Available for Sponsorship
There are multiple sponsorship options available that vary in height, target audience, and saturation density (how many pages the ad will be running on during the contract period).Rates are based on a one month term.
Artwork Specifications
Artwork sizes are available in 3 dimensions; 128 x 128 pixels, 128 x 256 pixels, and 128 x 426 pixels. Please email your artwork formatted as a GIF or JPEG to GPGB (see Insertion Order for details). Allow 10-14 days after receipt of your payment and artwork for your sponsorship to go live. Artwork not meeting specifications will not be returned. We are not responsible for delays in posting sponsorship artwork while waiting for artwork that meet our specifications. No links will be accepted without a signed Sponsorship Registration Form.
All first-time sponsorships are due and payable with Sponsorship Form. Sponsorships will be billed to established accounts. All accounts are due and payable to: GPGB, 493 S. Highland Avenue, Ukiah, CA 95482.
Terms of Renewal
The one month term will renew automatically on a monthly basis unless the terms are otherwise negotiated. Requests to terminate the sponsorship must be received in writing via email, fax or mail.
Refunds for Canceled Sponsorships
There are NO refunds for canceled website sponsorships.
Link Address
Click-thru URL 255 character maximum. Indicate the exact page URL you wish to link on the Insertion Order.
Sponsor Responsibility
The sponsor assumes all responsibility for any claims arising from their artwork. The sponsor expressly agrees to hold GPGB harmless in the event of any claim for damages made against GPGB arising out of the posting of the sponsor’s link, including but not limited to, copyright and trademark infringement or misuse. The sponsor agrees to pay all attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses incurred in the collection of monies owed for services rendered.
Sponsorship Registration Form
Sponsor Information
Company: / Phone:Contact: / Fax:
Billing Address: / Email Address:
Company Website:
URL for Link:
Sponsorship Name / Monthly Rate / Pixel Size of Ad
Skyscraper (tower of 3 square tiles) / $318.75 / 128 x 426 / 15% discount on the price of 3 single tiles!
Tower (of 2 square tiles) / $237.50 / 128 x 256 / 5% discount on the price of 2 single tiles!
Square tile / $125 / 128 x 128
Link Only / 120 Characters
Sponsorship Monthly Rate
Number of months
Total amount due
Term to begin in the month of
Select the one website section you wish sponsor. Your ad will appear on most of the pages in this section of the website.
___ MAIN SITE NAVIGATION This page is not currently available.
Signature Date
Procedure and Terms
1. No sponsorship links will be accepted without a signed insertion order.
2. Sponsor has read the Terms and Conditions and agrees to abide by them.
3. Sponsor also understands that GPGB has the right to reject or cancel sponsorship at any time.
4. Send Sponsorship Registration Form and Payment to:
Green Plants for Green Buildings, 493 S. Highland Avenue, Ukiah, CA 95482
5. Send electronic version of logo to: GPGB Website Manager,
I prefer to pay by: q Check q VISA q Master Card q AMEX q Discover
Card # ______Exp. Date ______Sec. Code: ______
Cardholder Name ______Signature ______
C:\A Transfer Port\Golden Group\Client Files\GPGB\Web\Advertisers\Web Spon Forms.doc