Margaret Knepper, Director Sara McCoy, Editor

OCTOBER 15, 2005

Rehearsal Schedule

Week of October 20, 2005

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Tenors 3-5 / Basses 3-5 / All Men 3-5 / All Women 3-5 / Everyone 3-5
Altos 5-6 / Sopranos 5-6 / Mozart 3-5 / Violins 5-6 / No Rehearsal
Musical 7-9 / Musical 7-9 / Musical 7-9 / Musical 7-9 / No Musical

Week of October 27, 2005

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Altos 5-6 / Sopranos 5-6 / Everyone 5-6 / Everyone 5-6 / No Rehearsal
Musical 7-? / Musical Chorus / Musical Chorus / Musical Chorus
Musical Pit / Musical Pit / Dolly, Minnie / Horace


All money from candle sales is due no later than October 26. Make sure you turn in forms along with orders.

Please wear your choir shirts on Friday for the Pep Assembly. We will be singing the National Anthem. Make sure you know the words!


The Fall Musical Hello, Dolly! will be presented by the Drama Department November 10, 11, 12. There are many choir students in the production. The student director is Sarah Jones. Sally Smith is Dolly Levi and Carl Adams is playing the role of Horace Vandergelder. Other cast members are: Cathy Jones, Elizabeth Harper, Katie Falls, Fred Johnson, Patrick Mulley, and Lisa

Freeman. It should be a fun evening. Mrs. Knepper will be directing the pit orchestra.


Thank you all for working so hard at last Thursday’s rehearsal. I know it was a very long evening but we got a lot accomplished.

Please remember your test tapes are due on October 31. Please don’t wait until the last minute to turn them it or you will lose a letter grade. If you are having a problem with the tape, please see me before the due date.


Congratulations to all the students who participated in the car wash. We made $500.00 towards our dinner theatre night. You all worked very hard and we had a fun day.

The choir bus chaperones will have a short meeting Friday after school to discuss our trip to Chicago. We will meet at 3pm and go over safety rules.