A reminder to parents concerning Fun Day: Students must have completed their 25 Book Goal to participate in the event – NO EXCEPTIONS. If you don’t know how many reports your child has completed check at parent/teacher conferences. Special prize for students that complete the Goal by May 15th.

Mark your calendar for Upcoming Events:

  • December 2nd – No School
  • December 4th, 5th & 6th – Holiday Shoppe
  • December 10th – Intermediate band, orchestra and chorus Concert at Academy
  • December 11th – PTO meeting and Holiday party
  • December 13th –Shaffer has Talent
  • December 20th –Bring your Parent to school day and Holiday Sing-along
  • December 23- January 3 – Winter Break – NO SCHOOL

Please be reminded that breakfast is served from 8:40 to 9:00. Students must report to their home rooms by 9:05. If you drive your child to school and would like him or her to eat breakfast here, please make sure to drop them off before 9:00 so that they have enough time to eat. Thank you, Dr. Vereen and Mrs. Love

Shaffer 6th Grade Students Receive Honorable Mention

in the Fairchild Challenge at Phipps

The sixth grade students at Shaffer are competing in the Fairchild Challenge at Phipps for the second year in a row. They will have to complete six environmental challenges throughout the school year. For the first challenge, they had to create a book of haikus about nature in our community. The students wrote 20 amazing haikus and compiled them into a book entitled “Nature Outside Our Windows: A Collection of Haikus about Local Nature”. Their book earned an honorable mention in the 6th-8th grade contest. They are well on their way to another win in the Fairchild Challenge. Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the competition!

Box Top Contest: New contest starts December 1st and runs until January 15th. Class with the most box tops wins a Pizza Party.

Shaffer has Talent: Our talent event will take place on Friday December 13th at Shaffer at 7:00 pm. Please note the change of venue.

Volunteers needed for the Holiday Shoppe:

Please fill out the attached volunteer form if you are able to help with the holiday shoppe. Set up will be on Tuesday December 3rd from 3:00 pm until around 5:00 pm. Shopping will be on Wednesday December 4 and Thursday December 5 all day and finish the morning of December 6 with clean up at 1:00 on the 6th. Each class will sign up for a time and a note will be sent home with your student stating the date and time. Every item cost $1.00. For students that are participating in the shop, please send the money in an envelope with the list of people to shop for clearly marked on the front of the envelope. If the student is purchasing an item for another child (brother, sister, cousin) it is helpful if you list the age of the child so that we can help them find an age appropriate gift.


Our fall fundraiser did not raise as much money as it has in the past. If anyone has an idea for a fundraiser or would like to volunteer to help or chair a fundraiser please let someone on the board know or send an email or a note to the school with contact information.

Yearbook and Shaffer Leader:

If you do not want your child to have their picture posted in the Yearbook or in the Monthly Shaffer leader, please fill out the form on the back and return to school as soon as possible.

PTO Board Contact email:

I do not want my child’s picture to be posted in the Yearbook or Shaffer Leader.

Guardian’s Name: ______Phone Number: ______

Student’s Name: ______Room #: ______


Holiday Shoppe Volunteer Form

Date & Time – I can volunteer to help with the event.

  • December 3rd from 3 to 5 pm for set up
  • December 4th at ______
  • December 5th at ______
  • December 6th at ______

Name: ______Phone number: ______

Shaffer PTO Meeting and Holiday Party

Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30 pm

Please join us for a short meeting, some entertainment and desserts as we celebrate our last PTO meeting of 2013.

Desserts will include a chocolate fountain,

cookies and cake.

Door Prizes and music will finish out the evening.

We look forward to seeing you there.