APRIL 14, 2016

Chairman John Walker called the meeting to order and announced that the same was being held pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act and that tall the provisions of the Act had been met.

Flag Salute

Roll Call: Present: Roseanna Davino

Niki Durando Brian Wright

Joseph Howard Atty: Michael Balint Susan Kozar

Mayor Lowande Eng: John LeCompte

Joseph Maccaro

Shannon Spillane

Absent: Bruce Rampacek, John Walker

*******Minutes were approved with a minor change> Chairman John Walker did not call the meeting to order. Land Use Member Roseanna Davino called the meeting to order.

Approval of Minutes March 10, 2016

Motion: Wright

Second: Kozar

In Favor: Davino, Howard, Kozar, Maccaro, Spillane, Wright

Abstain: Durando, Lowande


Motion to open: Howard

Second: Wright

In favor: Davino, Durando, Howard, Kozar, Lowande, Maccaro, Spillane, Wright

Bergen Boulevard Realty, Ibc. Block 1, Lot 4: - Otto Kostbar is the attorney for the applicant Frank Scamporino. He is seeking to subdivide an existing lot into 2 separate lots and build a single family home on the second lot. This will require a second driveway to be added on Forge Street. After review of the plans it was decided by Borough Engineer John LeCompte the driveway entrance will have to be be on Route 522, which is also known as Buckelew Ave. Being this is a county road they will have to get approval from Middlesex County.

Dotlin Taylor – 31 Forge street expressed her concerns about the house being built too close to her existing fence. In looking over the survey of Miss Taylor’s property Attorney Balint discovered her fence since 3 feet off her property line, and the structure will have to be built 12 feet from the property line. Therefore, the house will be 15 feet away from Miss Taylor’s fence. After hearing this, Miss Taylor had no further issues. Miss. Taylor submiited a copy of her plot survey, which Mike Balint entered as 0-1.

Ida Linke – 148 Buckelew Ave. first thanked Mr. Scamporino for the great job he did in cleaning up the above mentioned property where the existing house is currently located. Miss Linke did have a concern as to where the driveway would be. Her concern was that big trucks now park on Buckelew Ave which makes it difficult to see when pulling out of Old Forge Street. After review of where the new driveway would be placed on Buckelew Ave, it seemed to ease her concern. With a driveway being installed in the area where the trucks are now parking, will make that a no parking zone making the visibility turning off of Old Forge Rd. more clear to drivers.

Some Board members had questions and concerns which were all answered by Mr. Scamporino or his attorney. The decision is now in the hands of Middlesex County. If the county approves the driveway entrance on Route 522 (Buckelew Ave) then they may proceed with the subdivision and building. If the county denies the driveway entrance and this comes back to the board, it will be null and void.

Attorney Michel Balint brough up an issue with Nicole & Angela properties. This was determined by Mayor Lowande that it is a Council issue and will be addressed by Council.

Motion to Close: Wright

Second: Maccaro

All in favor: Davino, Durando, Howard, Lowande, Maccaro, Spillane, Wright

Motion to adjourn:

Motion: Maccaro

Second: Howard

All in favor: Davino, Durando, Howard, Kozar, Lowande, Maccaro, Spillane, Wright

Motion to Adjourn: Wright

Second: Howard

All in Favor: Davino, Howard, Kozar, Maccaro, Spillane, Wright