Curriculum Vitae

(April 2017)

Note: The new travel passport gives the different transcription of my name: Aleksei Aliushin, to which all official documents including invitation letters, invoices, etc. should be issued. The convenient transcription has always been: Alexey Alyushin; I am going to keep it only as an author.

Born June 12, 1957 inMoscow. Russian citizen. Corporate mailing address:NationalResearchUniversity ‘Higher School of Economics’, 20 Myasnitskaya Street, 101000 Moscow, Russia. Phone: Dean’s office: +7 (495) 772-95-90 ext. 22682.My personal e-mail:


Post-graduate study, Institute of Philosophy of the RussianAcademy of Sciences, Moscow, Cand. Sci. in Philos. degree [equal to Ph.D.] with thesis ‘The Problem of Personality in Harold D. Lasswell’s Political Philosophy’ (1988).

Faculty of Law, The Moscow Lomonosov State University, Summa Cum Laude in History of Political Thought and Theory of Law, ‘Certified Lawyer’ degree (1979).


Associate Professor, School of Philosophy,Faculty of Humanities, National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’, Moscow (2008 - Present). Previous and current courses taught: undergraduate general course ‘Introduction to Philosophy’; graduate general course ‘Ontology and Epistemology’; graduate topic courses ‘Power as a Symbolic Reality’, ‘Liberalism vs. Statism Controversy’, and ‘Collective Responsibility for the Past Generations’ Wrongdoings’.


Senior Research Fellow, Department of Theoretical Political Science at the Faculty of Philosophy, The MoscowLomonosovStateUniversity (2003-08). Courses taught: undergraduate general courses: ‘Political Theory’ and ‘Political Philosophy’; graduate topic courses: ‘Political Paternalism’, ‘Time in Politics (‘Chronopolitics’)’; ‘Symbols in Politics’, and ‘Rituals of Power’.

Lee G. Hall Visiting Professor, DePauwUniversity, Greencastle, Indiana, USA (1992-93).00 Undergraduate courses in Political Science and Political Philosophy; topic course ‘Philosophical Problems in Russian Literature (Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, and Solzhenitsyn).’


Consultant and Translator, East European Constitutional Review quarterly (2000-02).

Legal Expert, Legal Dept, Central Electoral Commission of Russia (1999-2000).

Free-lance author with residence in Germany (1996-98).

Vice-Head, Section for Constitutional Law, Legal Dept, Staff Office of the Council of Federation (the Upper chamber of the Parliament of Russia) (1994-96).

Senior Expert, Legal Dept, Staff Office of Gosudarstvennaya Duma (the Lower chamber of the Parliament of Russia) (1993-94).

Senior Expert, the Drafting Commission for the new Russian Constitution (1991-92, 1992-93).

Aid to the USSR Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, Fyodor Burlatsky (1990-91).

Research Associate, Section for Political Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy of the RussianAcademy of Sciences, Moscow (1983-90).

Legal Adviser, Legal Dept, ‘Autoexport’ Foreign Trade Association, Moscow (1979-82).



Philosophy of Mind

My current personal project until ~ 2017 within the Philosophy of Mind field is called 'The Nature and Phenomenology of Human Spirit'. It is devoted to exploration of the essence, genealogy, and phenomenology of human spirit as a mental entity prone to withstand the demands of biological self-preservation and egocentrism.

There are three articles published already in realization of the project 'The Nature of the Human Spirit':

● Alyushin A.Acting Contrary to Rationality and Instincts: the Inherent Similarity of Dostoevsky’s “Self-will” and Max Scheler’s “Spirit”// Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics. 2016. Vol.39. No.1-2. P.19-32

● Alyushin A. Self-Sacrificial Behavior and its Explanation in Terms of Max Scheler’s Concept of Spirit. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 2014. Vol. 48. No. 4 (December). P. 503-523. DOI10.1007/s12124-014-9272-4

● Alyushin A. Psychedelic Experience as a Heuristic Tool for Exploring the Mind and the Brain. NeuroQuantology: An Interdisciplinary journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics. 2011. Vol. 9. No. 3 (September). P. 577-590. Free abstract and full text with paid access:

● The fourth article that has been written already and is submitted for publication to a peer-review journal is entitled: 'Alyushin A. Spirit rather than Consciousness is the Generic Feature of a Human: the Position of Max Scheler'.


Time and Space(With implications for their perception and cognition)

Topics within this field include time perception, perceptive time distortion, subjective time vs. physical time, the multilevel space-time manifold and the hypothetical observer’s viewpoint shifting between levels, the variable quantum grain of time-space discernibility, Lebenswelten in the Üexküll’s sense, cognitive construction of reality, and a separate topic of a hypothetical extra spatial dimension of depth and its relation to cosmological issues. My research within the Time and Space field was under way since ~ 2002 and has been completed in 2012.

Main works published:

Alyushin A. Depth as an Extra Spatial Dimension and its Implications for Cosmology and Gravity Theory. Axiomathes : Where Science Meets Philosophy. 2012. Vol. 22. No. 4. P. 469-507. Free abstract and full text with paid access:

Alyushin A. Time Scales of Observation and Ontological Levels of Reality. Axiomathes : Where Science Meets Philosophy. 2010. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. 439-460. Free abstract and full text with paid access: or:

Темпомиры: Скорость восприятия и шкалы времени. М.: Издательство ЛКИ: Эдиториал УРСС. 3-е изд. 2014. ISBN 978-5-382-01483-8. Рекомендовано к печати Институтом философии РАН. 12 а.л. 1200 экз. (Монография, в соавторстве с Е.Н. Князевой).

Alyushin A. Observing Reality on Different Time Scales. Endophysics, Time, Quantum and the Subjective. R. Buccheri, A. C. Elitzur, M. Saniga eds. Proceedings of the ZiF Interdisciplinary Research Workshop, Bielefeld, Germany 17 – 22 January 2005. World Scientific: London, Singapore, 2005. P. 441-462. ISBN: 978-981-256-509-9; 978-981-270-159-6(ebook). Full text of the book: General book contents on the publisher’s website: The chapter summary:

Aljuschin A. (as ‘Turobov’), Knyazeva H. Mikrospalten der Zeit. Physik und Psychologie der Wahrnehmung innerhalb anderer Zeitparameter. Raum und Zeit. 2003. No. 126. S.44-53. Free full text: Part 1: Part 2: 3: Part 4: Part 5: Journal paid access:

Attended conferences with published abstracts:

Alyushin A. Biological Species as Individuals and the Origins of Ethics. Eighth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, University of California, Los-Angeles, USA, 29 June–2 July 2010, Stream: Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness. To view the abstract on the conference website, insert ‘Alyushin’ in the author search field at: or see:

Alyushin A. Accelerated Cognition under Drugs and Stress: Two Models for Explanation. Towards a Science of Consciousness. Budapest, Hungary, 23-26 July, 2007. Conference Abstracts. P. 14.

Alyushin A. Moiré Wave Patterns as the Own Language of the Brain. Quantum Mind 2007. Salzburg, Austria, 17-20 July, 2007. Conference Abstracts. Service of the Journal of Consciousness Studies. P. 25-26. Abstract on the conference website: or:

Alyushin A. Biological Species as Autonomous Subjects of Cognition and their Communication with Individuals. Philosophy, Psychiatry and the Neurosciences. Ninth International Conference on Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology. 28 June – 1 July, 2006, Leiden, The Netherlands. The Book of Abstracts. 2006. P. 47.

Alyushin A. Hypothetical Subjects of Perception in Extended Time Scales. Interdisciplinary Research Workshop “Endophysics, Time, Quantum, and the Subjective”. ZiF Universität Bielefeld, Germany, January 17-22, 2005. Book of Abstracts. 2005. P. 2. Abstract on the conference website:


Political Philosophy

My prospective personal research projects from ~ 2017 until -- within the Political Philosophy field are:

1) The liberalism vs. statism controversy: what is ontologically prior - man or the state?

An article has been published already for this project:

Alyushin A.Liberalism? Forget it// Axiomathes. 2016. Online First. P.1-17.


2) The collective responsibility of governments and the peoples for wrongdoings of past generations.

Some of my earlier works having reference to the Political Philosophy field are:

Alyushin A. Jean Bodin: Natural Paternal Power as a Prototype of the Sovereign Monarchical Power. Paper presented at the 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, 8-11 May 2008, WesternMichiganUniversity, Kalamazoo, MI, USA, Session 109 ‘The Medieval Tradition of Natural Law II’. P. 34.

Alyushin A. Breach of Legal Continuity: Russia in the 20th century. Social Sciences. 2006. No 1. P. 60-69. Full text:

Alyushin A. Political Consequences of Parliamentary Rules: Russia. East European Constitutional Review. 1995. Vol. 4. No. 2. P. 61-66. Full text:

Alyushin A. The Paternalistic Tradition and Russia's Transition to Liberal Democracy. Democratic Institutions. Published annually by the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs. N.-Y. 1992. Vol. 1. P. 1-20. Full text:
