De Smet Jesuit Cross Country 2013

Coaching Staff and Contact Information

Head Coach: Bryan Traughber x274

Assistant Coaches: Mike Russo x446

Chris Williams x453

Dave Boland x273

Louis McLaughlin x447

Jordan Mahood

Adam Boehm

Cross Country Program Philosophy

De Smet Jesuit High School Cross Country is committed to developing successful young men on and off the field of competition. The coaching staff is committed to guiding each athlete to reach his fullest potential. We believe each member of the team plays a crucial role toward developing a strong cohesive unit. The program stresses the importance of goal setting, as each individual creates a written set of goals. Since Cross Country is a unique blend of an individual and team sport, each runner’s pursuit toward achieving his goal ultimately leads to the fulfillment of the team’s goal.

Not only is our program goal-orientated, but also it stresses excellence, accountability, dedication, team work, and respect. Ultimately, the De Smet Jesuit Cross Country experience molds young men into life-long runners who are not only successful on the course, but in life. As a Jesuit institution, we believe in the education of the “whole person” and cross country is a tremendous mental and physical challenge. The De Smet Jesuit Cross Country team has been blessed with numerous successful athletes willing to meet the challenge and has a reputation as one of the area’s premier programs. You are now part of this rich history! Welcome to our program – help us continue our tradition!

Rules and Expectations

1)  All runners need to have documentation of a doctor’s physical examination turned into the main office before attending practice.

2)  Runners are expected to be at every practice on time. If an athlete cannot attend, he needs to e-mail Coach Traughber before practice begins. I will let you know if the absence is “unexcused.” If I do not receive an e-mail before practice begins, then it is an “unexcused absence.” The second “unexcused” absence will result in a contract signing. If the contract is violated, the athlete will be dismissed from the team. Injured athletes are not automatically excused from practice. Injured runners must check with Coach Williams and follow his instructions.

3)  Runners are expected to follow safety precautions when running on the road.

·  Run on the sidewalks

·  Run “facing” traffic

·  Look before crossing the street.

·  Make eye contact with cars waiting to turn or exit a lot, before crossing in front of them.

4) Runners are expected to be respectful of all peers, coaches and community members at all time.

5)  Runners are expected to train with their assigned groups at the assigned pace. Follow the directions of the specific workout. Practice ends when a coach dismisses the athlete.

In short, be there, be on time, be safe, be respectful and work hard together!

Policies and Procedures


The school reserves a school bus/van for meets that take place Monday - Friday. Buses will not be provided for Saturday meets.

A “team bus” will be provided for District and Sectional meets if they occur outside of St. Louis to allow younger runners to support the varsity team.

In addition a “team bus” will be provided for the State Meet on Saturday, November 9. As long as our team qualifies for the meet, the bus will leave Saturday morning before the race. Details for all “team buses” will be posted on the website at a later date. All runners are strongly encouraged to ride the “team buses” to District, Sectionals and State.

Athletic Eligibility


First Quarter grades will be finalized on Friday, October 11th. Any senior who is on the failure list at the quarter may be suspended from an upcoming meet until the student “significantly improves” his performance in the classroom. Students on the list will be given a form stating the need to schedule a meeting with the teacher/s who has given the failing grade. The form must be signed by the teacher.

Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors

A freshman, sophomore or junior who is failing at mid- quarter will receive a “warning letter” from our Athletic Director, Mr. John Stewart.

If a freshman, sophomore or junior is still failing at the Quarter, he will be suspended from competition for two weeks. He can still come to practice but cannot race in a meet.

In cross country, a freshman, sophomore or junior would be suspended from the last two meets, ending his season early.

(see “Athletic Eligibility” Student Parent Handbook p. 42)

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Any involvement, directly or indirectly, with alcohol, drugs, or tobacco will result in suspension or dismissal from the team. Any repeated violation of this rule will result in automatic dismissal from the team besides any penalty imposed by the Assistant Principal.” (see “Athletic Code” Student Parent Handbook p. 43)

Road Races and “Fun Runs”

Runners are ineligible for any road races or “fun runs” during the competitive high school season.


How long does practice last?

Generally practice will last about two hours. All workouts are posted on the team bulletin board, so each athlete should know when practice may go a bit longer or may let out a bit sooner.

*A complete practice plan is available on the website.

How does the meet schedule work?

Cross Country meets scheduled during the week typically take place between 4:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Meets held on Saturday typically take place between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Specific race times will be posted on the bulletin board and school website each week. All runners are expected to arrive at the meet location 90 minutes prior to their race and are expected to stay until ALL races and award ceremonies have concluded. In other words, if a varsity runner has a race at 9 a.m. and the freshman race is at 11 a.m., the varsity runners should report to the meet by 7:30 a.m. and should plan to stay until about noon.

With the exception of the Nike XC Kickoff (2 miles) and the freshman races at Blackburn/Forest Park (2 miles) and Parkway Central (2.4 miles), all races are 5000 meters (3.1 miles). Families are strongly encouraged to attend whenever possible.

How does a Cross Country meet work?

Most of the Invitationals we attend have three races: Varsity (top 7), Junior Varsity (unlimited entries), and Freshman (unlimited entries). The top five finisher’s places from each team are totaled as a team score. The team with the lowest score wins the meet.

What should the runners bring to the meet?

All runners should bring their uniforms, warm-ups, meet-day shirts, maroon shorts, training shoes and spikes to the meet. In an effort to prepare for all types of weather, we suggest that runners also pack a dry set of clothes, socks etc. We will provide water, but each runner should bring some type of nutritious snack to eat after the race to help his muscles recover (fruit, meal bar, power bar, granola bar etc.) Just in case, it is a good idea to bring a roll of toilet paper as well. We suggest keeping all of these materials in a “meet day bag.”


In order to access the website please complete the following steps:

·  go to

·  click “Athletics”

·  click “Sports”

·  click “Cross Country” (this will take you to our schedule)

·  click “2012 Cross Country Information-click here”

-choose from links labeled – Events/Meet Info/Meet Results/Coaches/Roster/Program Philosophy

Driving directions will be available under the “meet information” link. Any additional information will be posted on the bulletin board. If you have questions, encourage your son to check the website, bulletin board, or email Coach Traughber at

In addition, there is a “Runner’s Lifestyle” handout on the webpage which contains information about nutrition as well as other health related items.

Cross Country Equipment and Apparel

The school will provide a uniform to all athletes. Uniforms should be kept in lockers or at home. During a meet, when you are not wearing the uniform it must go in your “meet day” bag. Runners are expected to return a clean uniform at the end of the season. If you lose your uniform, you will be fined $60.00 to replace it. If a lost uniform is returned to me, you will be fined $5.00 before you can get it back.

The school will also provide a warm-up suit to as many athletes as possible. The same rules listed above apply.

All runners need to have a good pair of running shoes and racing spikes, preferably purchased at a “running specialty” store. We recommend purchasing shoes from one of the following locations: Big River Running, Running Center, Fleet Feet, or Missouri Running Co. Also, all runners are expected to have a wrist watch with a stopwatch option to help keep track of pace.

Special note – runners should avoid running in “boxer shorts” because they do not provide the support needed.


Volunteers are needed for the following. Please sign-up on the forms at the registration table if you can help.

Host families for the Marquette High (WI) students: The Marquette students will arrive on Friday afternoon (9/13) and leave Saturday (9/13) after the meet. We need at least 10 volunteers.

We could also use several parents to take pictures of all levels at the meets. Please see Coach Traughber if you are interested and sign the form on the registration table.