Chapter 13

Water Resources

Sections 13-1, 13-2, 13-3, 13-4, 13-5, 13-6, and 13-7 Power Point Lecture Notes with Blanks

Name: ______Date: ______Assignment #: ______

1) Summarize the Colorado River Basin Overtapped Resource in 5 bullets (HW)

2) 13-1 We are using available freshwater unsustainable by wasting it, polluting it, and charging too little for this precious resource.

3) 13-2 One of every six people does not have sufficient access to clean water, and this situation will almost certainly get worse.

4) Freshwater is an irreplaceable resource that we are managing poorly.

  • Why is water so important?
  • Earth as a watery world: ______
  • ______managed resource
  • Water Waste
  • Water Pollution

5) Most of the Earth’s freshwater is not available to us.

  • Freshwater availability: ______
  • ______
  • Hydrologic cycle
  • Movement of water in the seas, land, and air
  • ______
  • People divided into
  • Water ______
  • Water ______

6) Groundwater and surface water are critical resources (1 and 2)

  • Zone of saturation
  • ______
  • Water table
  • ______
  • Aquifers
  • ______
  • ______
  • Surface water
  • ______
  • ______

7) We use much of the world’s reliable runoff

  • ______
  • 1/3 is reliable runoff = ______
  • World-wide averages
  • Domestic: ______
  • Agriculture: ______
  • Industrial Use: ______

8) Science Focus: Water footprints and virtual water (1and 2)

  • Water footprint
  • ______
  • Average American uses ______liters per day
  • Flushing toilets, ______
  • Washing clothes, ______
  • Taking showers, ______
  • Running faucets, ______
  • Wasted from leaks, ______
  • World’s poorest use ______liters per day
  • More water is used indirectly = virtual water
  • Hamburger, ______liters
  • Virtual water often exported/imported
  • ______

9) Case Study: Freshwater resources in the United States

  • More that enough renewable freshwater, unevenly ______
  • Effect of
  • Floods
  • Pollution
  • Drought
  • 2007: US Geological Survey projection
  • Water hotspots

10) What is the average annual precipitation for our area?

11) Water Shortages will grow (1 and 2)

  • ______
  • ______
  • Too many people using a normal supply of water
  • ______
  • China and urbanization
  • 30% earth’s land area experiences severe drought
  • Will rise to 45% by 2059 from climate change
  • Potential ______over water
  • Refugees from arid lands
  • Increased mortality

12) 13-2 Groundwater used to supply cities and grow food is being pumped from aquifers in some areas faster than it is being renewed by precipitation.

13) Groundwater is Being Withdrawn Faster Than It Is Replenished (1 and 2)

  • Most aquifers are______
  • Aquifers provide drinking water for ______the world
  • Water tables are falling in many parts of the world, primarily from ______
  • India, China, and the United States
  • Three largest ______producers
  • Over pumping ______for irrigation of crops
  • India and China
  • Small farmers drilling ______wells
  • Effect on water table
  • Saudi Arabia
  • ______

14) List two advantages and two disadvantages of withdrawing groundwater.

15) Case Study: Aquifer Depletion in the United States

  • Ogallala aquifer: ______known aquifer
  • ______
  • ______
  • Water table ______
  • Government ______to continue farming deplete the aquifer further
  • Biodiversity ______in some areas
  • CaliforniaCentral Valley: serious water depletion

16) Are we in an area of “Greatest Aquifer Depletion”?

17) How big is the average “crop circle” in acres?

18) Overpumping Aquifers Has Several Harmful Effects

  • Limits future ______production
  • Bigger gap between the ______and the ______
  • Land subsidence
  • Mexico City
  • San JoaquinValley in California
  • Groundwater overdrafts near coastal regions
  • Contamination of ______

19) Name several solutions to groundwater depletion.

20) Deep Aquifers Might Be Tapped

  • May contain enough water to ______
  • Major concerns
  • ______
  • Little is known about the ______and ______impacts of pumping deep aquifers
  • Some flow beneath more than one ______
  • Costs of tapping are ______and could be high

21) 13-3Building dam-and-reservoir systems has greatly increased water supplies in some areas, but it has disrupted ecosystems and displaced people.

22) Large Dams and Reservoirs Have Advantages and Disadvantages (1 , 2 and 3))

  • Main goal of a dam and reservoir system
  • ______
  • Release runoff as needed to control:
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • Advantages
  • Increase the ______available
  • Reduce ______
  • Grow crops in ______regions
  • Disadvantages
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • Loss of plant and animal ______
  • ______
  • Can cause other streams and lakes to ______

23) A Closer Look at the Overtapped ColoradoRiver Basin (1 and 2)

  • Only small amount of Colorado River water reaches ______
  • Threatens aquatic species in ______and species that live in the ______
  • Current rate of river ______is not ______
  • Much water used for agriculture that is inefficient with water use: ______
  • Water use ______by government
  • Reservoirs
  • Leak water into ground below
  • Lose much water through ______
  • Fill up with ______load of river, depriving ______
  • Could eventually lose ability to ______
  • States must conserve water, control ______, and slow ______development

24) 13-4 Transferring water from one place to another has greatly increased water supplies in some areas, but it has also disrupted ecosystems.

25) California Transfers Water from Water-Rich Areas to Water-Poor Areas

  • Water transferred from north to south by
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • California Water Project
  • Inefficient water use
  • Environmental damage to Sacramento River and San FranciscoBay

26) Case Study: The Aral Sea Disaster (1 and 2)

  • Large-scale ______in dry central Asia
  • ______
  • Wetland destruction and wildlife
  • Fish ______and fishing declines
  • Wind-blown ______
  • ______
  • Restoration efforts
  • Cooperation of neighboring ______
  • More ______irrigation
  • Dike built to ______lake level

27) 13-5 We can convert salty ocean water to freshwater, but the cost is high, and the resulting salty brine must be disposed of without harming aquatic or terrestrial ecosystems.

28) Removing Salt from Seawater Is Costly, Kills Organisms, Creates Briny Wastewater (1 and 2)

  • Desalination
  • ______
  • Distillation: ______
  • ______: use high pressure to remove salts
  • 14,450 plants in ______countries
  • ______: highest number
  • Problems
  • High cost and ______
  • Keeps down ______and kills many marine organisms
  • Large quantity of ______wastes

29) Science Focus: The Search for Improved Desalination Technology

  • Desalination on ______ships
  • ______
  • Use ocean ______for power
  • Build desalination plants near ______

30) 13-6 We can use water more sustainably by cutting water waste, raising water prices, slowing population growth, and protecting aquifers, forests, and other ecosystems that store and release water.

31) Reducing Water Waste Has Many Benefits

  • ______of water is wasted
  • ______mask the true cost of water
  • Water conservation
  • Improves ______efficiency
  • Improves ______efficiency
  • Uses less in homes and businesses

32) We Can Cut Water Waste in Irrigation

  • ______
  • Wasteful
  • Center pivot, low pressure sprinkler
  • Low-energy, ______sprinklers
  • Drip or trickle irrigation, ______
  • Costly; less water waste

33) Name several solutions to reduce irrigation waste water.

34) Less-Developed Countries Use Low-Tech Methods for Irrigation

  • Human-powered ______pumps
  • ______
  • Create a polyculture canopy over crops: ______

35) We Can Cut Water Waste in Industry and Homes

  • ______water in industry
  • Fix leaks in the ______systems
  • Use water-thrifty landscaping: ______
  • Use ______water
  • Pay-as-you-go water use

36) Name 5 solutions for reducing water waste.

37) We Can Use Less Water to Remove Wastes

  • Can we mimic how nature deals with waste?
  • ______
  • Waterless ______toilets

38) Name several ways to have sustainable water use.

39) What can you do? (Name several)

40) 13-7 We can lessen the threat of flooding by protecting more wetlands and natural vegetation in watersheds, and by not building in areas subject to frequent flooding.

41) Some Areas Get Too Much Water from Flooding (1and 2)

  • Flood plains
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • Benefits of floodplains
  • ______
  • ______
  • Flatlands for urbanization and farming
  • Human activities make floods worse
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • Rising sea levels from global warming means more coastal flooding

42) Case Study: Living Dangerously on Floodplains in Bangladesh

  • ______on coastal floodplain
  • Moderate floods maintain ______
  • Increased frequency of ______
  • Effects of development in the ______
  • Destruction of coastal wetlands: ______

43) We Can Reduce Flood Risks

  • Rely more on nature’s systems
  • ______
  • ______
  • Rely less on engineering devices
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

44) How can we prevent and control flood damage?

45) Three Big Ideas

  • One of the world’s major environmental problems is the growing shortage of ______in many parts of the world.
  • We can increase water supplies in water-short areas in a number of ways, but the most important way is to reduce overall ______by using water more sustainably.
  • We can use water more ______by cutting water waste, raising water prices, slowing population growth, and protecting aquifers, forests, and other ecosystems that store and release water.