Minutes of the Hurstbourne Priors Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 25th January 2017 in the Hurstbourne Priors Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllr Mrs C Read - Chairman

Cllr Mrs S Wyatt-Tilby – Vice Chairman

Cllr Mrs S Sorby

Cllr Mr J Broomfield

Cllr Mr A Milne

Richard Waterman – Parish Clerk

Apologies: Cllr Mr P Smailand Mr Graham Finlayson.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest recorded.


Report from Cllr J Broomfield

  1. The road sign for the A34/Winchester on the triangle by the A34 bridge has been hit and is presently lop-sided. However a traffic cone has appeared by it so maybe it is known to Highways?
  2. On the subject of the A34 I did meet a car coming up the off ramp recently – it is scary!
  3. In Tufton itself, the Parish Council notice board is looking sad with only a wet screwed up bus map on display. The Parish Council agreed that this will be removed.
  4. The emails that Richard circulated (Watercress & Winterbournes) re the application for lottery funds for the Test and Itchen headwaters were forwarded to the Syndicate that owns the river in Tufton but I am advisedby the river keeper that they expressed little interest in attending the relevant workshops.
  5. The pothole on Papermill Lane (between the bridges on the straight section) is getting worse. Is it on Steve Goodall’s list? The Chairman will speak to Steve.
  6. Other than that it has been very quiet in Tufton.

Cllr Mr J Broomfield reported that contacts have indicated that Steve Goodall is leaving/retiring this year. The Parish Council will endeavour to find out who will be replacing Steve and arrange a meeting of introduction to establish a good working relationship with them.


The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those Minutes: -

ROAD SAFETY – The white lines at the Chapmansford cross roads have been painted. It is hoped that the road surface will be repaired soon.

A34 – The letter to Kit Malthouse MP re safety concernson the A34 and the on/off ramp has been sent.

HEDGE CUTTING – The Testbourne Estate have cut all their hedges in the parish. The Chairman has thanked the Estate Office.


The Parish Council discussed the Parish Map and looked at various map options. A map was chosen, Cllr A Milne will take the map to the printers to see what they can do to fit it to A4 size and include the permissive path.

The Parish Council discussed adding points of interest to the footpath map, this was thought a good idea and a draft list will be compiled.


106 STATEMENT –The Chairman reported that a recently released 106 Development Money Statement from Basingstoke and Deane is still showing that £18,000 has been allocated towards the Pavilion. The Parish Council had been informed in the summer of 2016 that they would no longer be getting any of the 106 money for the Pavilion from the Hirst site.

The Chairman has contacted Basingstoke and Dean to ask for conformation and has not yet received a reply.

PARISH LITTER GRANT – The Chairman reported that Basingstoke and Deane have a grant available that can help fund a Parish Litter Picker. As litter is picked up by the Lengthsman it was thought that maybe the Lengthsman Cluster should apply. The Chairman will ask the St Mary Bourne Clerk as they are the lead parish.

LOCAL INFASTRUCTURE FUND EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST – The Chairman reported that there is a new application form to fill in to identify projects in the parish that could benefit from funding from the Local Infrastructure Fund. The Parish Council have already identified the re-thatching the Pavilion, a new kitchen for the Pavilion, Bike Rack and repairs to the Bus Shelters.

An article will be placed in Hill and Valley asking for Parishioners suggestions for future projects in the Parish which could be considered.


Cllr S Wyatt-Tilby reported that she had no new applications to report, all current planning applications previously discussed are still pending. She is awaiting the publication of the ES from Apsley which is likely to be a large document requiring a lot of attention.

Cllr S Wyatt-Tilby reported that Basingstoke and Deane have had difficulties with the notification to Parish Councils of planning applications, Basingstoke and Deane have reported that this has now been resolved.


CLLR S WYATT-TILBY – Suggested that the Parish Council apply to Waitrose to see if they could join the token scheme to help fund the refurbishment of the Pavilion. This was thought a good idea and worth a try.

CLLR S SORBY – Reported that four Welcome letters have been delivered to the Cressington development and one in Hurstbourne Priors.

CLLR A MILNE – Reported that only his dialling code had been posted on the Web Site and not his telephone number, this will be reported to Graham Finlayson.

CLLR MRS C READ – Reported that she has received correspondence from Mr Stephen Cummins on the Basingstoke and Deane Integrated Transport System asking for feedback from Parish Councils. Cllr S Wyatt-Tilby will reply as she has already been in correspondence with Mr Cummins in the past regarding the route 76 bus.

Cllr C Read reported that there is a May Fair meeting on the 8th February 2017 in the Hurstbourne Priors Village Hall at 7.45pm. Volunteers are needed for a range of activities and periods of time.


The Chairman reported that as far as she knew all footpaths were clear and walkable. It was noted that there is a broken stile in Longparish. This will be reported to their Clerk.


There are outstanding match fees from the 2016 season. The Clerk will contact the match captains and chase them up.


Cllr S Sorby reported that the Village Hall bookings are good and that a leak in the roof is being investigated. A recent concert raised £865. The re-shaping work on the Village Hall tree has been done.


CHEQUES AND PAYMENTS ISSUED - December 2016 and January 2017

Aviva Insurance - DD - D + J £276.88

Eon Electricity Pavilion - DD - D + J £16.00

R.N. Waterman Wages - DD - D + J £320.00

HBP Village Hall Hire of Hall £48.00

Southern Water Pavilion Water £29.06



Fees - Mr Mark Lodge £260.00


VAT claimed but not yet received = £769.55

Outstanding Recreation Ground Fees = £240.00


The Clerk reported that he had received Cllr Mr C Ekins' resignation from the Parish Council. Basingstoke and Deane have been informed.


Figures for the activation of the Flashing Speed Sign

October 12140

November 19184

December 20931

January 20172 (up to 18th)


The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.


Planning - 22nd February

Parish Council – 29th March

Planning - 26th April

Parish Council – 31st May

Planning - 28th June

Parish Council – 26th July

Planning - 30th August

Parish Council – 27th September

Planning - 25th October

Parish Council – 29th November

Planning - 20th December