Earthsave Baltimore is a completely volunteer operated nonprofit that educates people about the powerful impact our food choices have on the environment, our health, and all life on Earth. We promote a shift toward an Earth-friendly diet based on plant foods.

It is not length of life, but depth of life.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Hi Earthsavers,

Hope that all is well, and that all your good intentions in life are taking shape as reality. Earthsave International was founded in 1989 by author John Robbins with the intention of making our planet a healthier, more peaceful and compassionate place for all to live.

I can see that happening here in Baltimore. I’m excited about our great new dinner/lecture venue at Your Prescription for Health in Owings Mills. We can now seat close to 100 people for our monthly dinner/lecture events. That's a lot of people, but with your help I think we can do it!

We had a sellout attendance of 190 for our special lecture on The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell this past April. That encouraged us to schedule a major annual speaking event each year. The main speaker for next year’s event (set for the evening of March 31st) will be Dr. Joel Fuhrman, who spoke for us here on “Eat to Live” to a capacity audience a few months ago. This time we will have a room that should accommodate all those who want to attend.

We continue to attract many excellent, nationally recognized speakers. In December we will feature raw foods authority Dr. Douglas Graham, and in February, we will hear from Paul Shapiro of the Humane Society of the US.

I’m especially excited to have Bruce Friedrich coming to Baltimore in November. He has done some amazing work on the behalf of farmed animals, and his presentations on the benefits of reducing or eliminating our meat consumption are really good. I’d love to have any help you can give in getting out the word about his November 11th event. Please see the list below of volunteer opportunities - some ways you can help Earthsave Baltimore make a powerful difference for people, for animals, and for the planet!

I could use some immediate volunteer help with phone call reminders for those on our local Earthsave list about our Oct. 14th dinner and lecture. Let me know if you can call about 20 people, & I’ll send you the message to give them. Often you can just leave a recording on their answering machine.

And finally, congratulations to my lovely wife, and co-founder of Earthsave Baltimore, Ginny Robertson, who was recently honored for the wonderful community work she’s done and continues to do. See more below. Way to go, Ginny!

Peace, Don Robertson

OCTOBER 14TH EARTHSAVE DINNER & LECTURE: On Saturday, Oct 14th, from 6-9 pm, holistic health counselor LUKE SEIPP-WILLIAMS will speak on “DIGESTING YOUR FOOD RULES: OPENING MIND AND HEART FOR YOUR PERFECT DIET.” Have you found the perfect diet, but it just doesn’t sit well in your stomach? Or do you have food rules that your body rebels against? Join certified Holistic Health Counselor Lucas Seipp-Williams for an engaging talk on why so many of us are eating all the right foods but still suffer from low energy and poor health. In his talk, Luke will explain how to digest your food, and your food rules, through what he calls “intuitive digestion!” You can see and print out a flier for this event at

TO ATTEND: Dinner guestsare asked to bring a dish made without animal products to serve at least five times the number in their party, along with a donation of $5 (members pay $2). Or you may attend without bringing a dish for a $12 fee that you may pay at the door, (but please give us 2 days notice). Please call 410-252-3043 to RSVP if you plan to attend.

NOVEMBER 11th DINNER & LECTURE: World-renowned animal advocate BRUCE FRIEDRICH will speak on “A CASE FOR VEGANISM.” Friedrich spearheaded the PETA campaigns that resulted in landmark reforms in the animal treatment practices of several huge fast-food corporations. His lecture will build a compelling case linking the tremendous impact our food choices have on the environment, our health, and all life on Earth. Friedrich will share his powerful vision of the importance of veganism and animal rights in the moral and spiritual evolution of human beings. See and hear why Bruce Friedrich was named by Details magazine as one of the five most influential men under the age of 38. (This event is likely to be a sellout, so we recommend that you REGISTER IN ADVANCE.)

TO ATTEND: Advance registration is strongly suggested. This is a potluck dinner with only ONE CHANGE from our usual attendance procedure. The requested donation for those who bring a dish to share to the November event is $5 FOR BOTH GUESTS AND MEMBERS. To register online, please go to

WHERE? Our monthly Dinner Lecture Series meetings are now held at the Learning Center/Yoga Studio of Your Prescription for Health, at 10210 S. Dolfield Rd. in Owings Mills. From Baltimore Beltway I-695, takethe Reisterstown Road exit 20 North toward Garrison and Owings Mills. Go 2.9 Miles and turn left onto Painters Mill Road. Go to the second light and turn right onto S. Dolfield Road. The second driveway on your left will take onto the parking lot of the red brick building that is Your Prescription for Health. Thedinner is in the Yoga Studio/Learning Center. Enter around the corner at the end of the building.

VEG MEETUP DISCUSSION GROUPS: Don Robertson is the local organizer for Baltimore’s Vegetarian and Vegan Meetup discussion groups. The groups welcome anyone who would like to learn or talk about a healthier way of eating. If you are up for some great veg food and conversation with like-minded and supportive folks, check out the two Baltimore groups by going to or .

NEW JOHN ROBBINS BOOK:The first book by author John Robbins, called Diet for a New America, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. That book inspired thousands and led to the formation of Earthsave International. Robbins’ newest book, “Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples,” is receiving international acclaim. Author MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, says "John Robbins is one of the most important voices in America today. He cuts through nonsense like no one else does. He delivers crucial information like no one else does. He gives hope like no one else does. His words are lifelines for both the body and soul. Healthy at 100 can literally save our lives." For more information, please go to The book is available in all bookstores, and can be ordered in bulk at a nice discount by those with gifts in mind.

HEALTHY HOLIDAYS WORKSHOP AT RUSCOMBE MANSION: Do you find yourself gorging at holiday meals and parties? Are you gaining five or more pounds each holiday season? Learn to control the holiday cravings at the "Healthy Holidays" workshop at the Ruscombe Mansion on Wednesday October 18 at 7:00 p.m. You can sample some delicious holiday fare, take home holiday recipes and get some tips on enjoying healthier choices at parties. Register and pay in advance at The Ruscombe Mansion, 4801 Yellowwood Avenue in Baltimore's Coldspring Newtown neighborhood by October 17. Fee: $30.For more information, contact Mark Rifkin, RD, of Preventive Nutrition Services at or at (410) 764-8343. This one should be good. Mark is a registered dietician who has helped many Earthsavers learn to eat healthier.

Baltimore’s own Vegetarian Resource Group, and the Vegetarian Society of DC are co-hosting a great vegan buffet celebration at the all-vegetarian Mango Grove restaurant in Columbia at 6365B Dobbin Center, Columbia, Maryland 21045. That’s on Sunday, October 29th from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. The cost is$20.00 per person. Please reserve by October 23, 2006. The price includes tax & tip. To make your reservations, please call the VRG office at (410) 366-8343 with your VISA or Mastercard by October 23, 2006. You can also mail your payment by October 20th to The Vegetarian Resource Group, P.O. Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203. Please make your check payable to VRG and include your phone number.

VIEW PUBLIC LANDS RANCHING VIDEOS ONLINE: Environmental researcher Mike Hudak recently interviewed grassroots activists and former government personnel about the management of livestock on public lands in the United States. The videos are based on those interviews. See Mike’s page at

ANDY ROONEY OF 60 MINUTES GOING VEG? (CBS) The following is a weekly 60 Minutes commentary by CBS News correspondent Andy Rooney:

“Someone is always warning us not to eat something. We're warned about fast food all the time…” FOR FULL ARTICLE, go to

CONGRATULATIONS GINNY! Earthsave member Ginny Robertson was recently honored by the Soroptimists club of Baltimore County as their “Woman Making a Difference.” For many years Ginny has reached out on behalf of those in need. Birthday and Christmas parties were often renamed by Ginny as “parties with a purpose,” which attracted donations of food, clothing and funds in lieu of gifts. Ginny has also organized many fundraising events for the nonprofits on whose boards she has served. Those organizations include Suited to Succeed, The Light of Truth Center, and South Baltimore Station men’s shelter, for which she lectured and led discussion groups every other Friday for five years. Her efforts nowadays are primarily geared toward empowering women through her business, Live Your Life On Purpose. That business offers monthly networking meetings for women entrepreneurs at five different locations near Baltimore. Ginny also provides great personal growth and holistic health advice through On Purpose Woman magazine, which you can find in most public libraries. And now Ginny is moving on to radio, and will co-host, along with her friend Ann Quasman, a new call-in talk radio show called Talkin' Real for Women every other Wednesday, beginning on October 11th from 6-7 pm on V1370 AM. Congrats, Ginny! Please visit Ginny Robertson’s website at

EARTHSAVE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: It’s really exciting to see how the Baltimore chapter of Earthsave is growing. We are a completely volunteer operated nonprofit educational group, so there are always things you can do to help us make a difference. Here are some ways you can help:

1) Please contact us if you would consider opening your home to Earthsave members and friends for a monthly series of educational videos, or entertaining ones with a message. Or perhaps you know of another site that may be available without charge. It would be helpful if the room has a seating capacity of about 12-20. Thanks!

2) We could use some help (immediately, if possible) with our monthly phone call reminders that we give those who don’t have email. Most often, you will simply leave a half-minute message on the answering system. We’ll send you the message and about 20 names and numbers.

3) Please let us know if you would be willing to come one-and-a-half hours early to help with setup at a dinner/lecture series event. We would love to work with you.

4) If you can help post some fliers on bulletin boards, or info tables at churches, fairs, etc., we will either send you some fliers, or email you the

file. See the current flier at

All the Baltimore City and County libraries will post a nonprofit 501 C3 group flier for free. Just take a flier to the information desk.

5) We have extra copies of On Purpose Woman, and Health Quest magazines which, in addition to having great holistic health and personal growth information, always have Earthsave event ads. Please take extra copies and share them with friends, other groups, doctors and dentists offices, etc. Your favorite restaurant might be willing to offer them to customers, as well.

6) Many local publications and websites offer free event listings to groups like ours. Would you be willing to help find some new avenues for publicity, and send regular monthly notices to several of these?

7) Please contact us if you know of a low cost source of custom printed bumper stickers who might offer us an attractive price on a small run of 100-200 stickers.

8)You could also help Earthsave by collecting used inkjet cartridges, for which our nonprofit can collect a deposit. All cartridges except Cannon are gladly accepted. Every little bit helps.

9) A great project for someone who’s willing to devote some time is to contact businesses, restaurants, holistic practitioners, and others who might be willing to set up discounts for Earthsave members. It creates a great win/win situation!

10) Let us know if there’s a group that is looking for a speaker on healthier eating, on the environmental impact of our food choices. We are happy to provide speakers to schools, and church and community groups, usually without fees. Perhaps you know of some like-minded groups that we should know about.

11) And please tell us about any special skills or services that you may be able to offer. They make great door prizes at dinners, and let people know about you! Contact Don at

, or call 410-252-3043.

12) Word-of-mouth advertising is always the best way to grow. Tell people about Earthsave, and please pass there emails on to others. Thanks so much!!

EARTHSAVE MEMBERSHIP is a great way for you to contribute to our important educational mission. All members may receive a free 12-issue subscription to Vegetarian Times magazine and Earthsave’s national quarterly newsletter. Folks who attend meetings may check out books from our well stocked EarthSave Library, they may place literature on our networking tables, may make a brief announcement to the group, and receive discounted attendance fees and EarthSave bookstore prices. You may join our group online at or you can send a tax-deductible check for $35, or $50 for family membership, to EarthSave at 517 Talbott Ave. Lutherville MD, 21093. Thanks for your kind support!

PLEASE REMEMBER to be the peace that you wish to manifest. Be well.

EarthSave … May all be fed, may all be healed, and may all be loved.

E-mail us at . And please visit the EarthSave International website You can always receive updated dinner information by calling 410-252-3043.