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Dear Congressman [your Congressman’s name]:

My name is [your name]and I live in your Congressional district at [your home address]. Please accept my sincere thank you for the great job you and your staff are doing to represent our local interest. I sincerely appreciate your efforts!

I am writing to ask for your support of H.R.1770 that NACE International is working to pass. This legislation will provide an incentive for the companies to address the growing problem of corrosion that is already a $276 billion problem in the U.S. The bill is the “Corrosion Prevention Act of 2007,” (H.R.1770) introduced by Congressman Michael Conaway (R-TX) and is co-sponsored by Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones.


The bill will provide a tax incentive to industry to address a huge cost to our economy. For your information, I am the [your company and job title] where we work to (what do you do?).

By providing a 50% tax credit on qualified corrosion prevention investments, H.R.1770 will provide operators of structures, which will otherwise fail due to corrosion, the needed incentive to protect these assets.

A financial model was prepared and submitted by NACE International to the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, which was based on the U.S. Energy Tax Credit of the late 1970s. The results of this model showed that the implementation of the provisions of H.R.1770 would create and retain 1.4.million jobs of which 130,000 would be in the corrosion industry.

I urge you to consider the environmental protection benefits. Often, structures that are subject to corrosion contain hazardous materials. Left unchecked, corrosion will eat away at these structures until they fail. When they do, the product that they were storing will leak into the soil and perhaps leach into a groundwater source. The cost of repair or replacement of these structures is insignificant compared to the environmental impairment they cause.

NACE International, The Corrosion Society, is a professional technical society that offers technical training and certification programs, sponsors conferences, and produces industry standards and reports, publications and software. Established in 1943, NACE has more than 17,000 members worldwide and is dedicated to promoting public safety, protecting the environment, and reducing the economic impact of corrosion by advancing the knowledge of corrosion engineering and science. NACE International is the leading society for corrosion professionals in the world.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you or someone from your staff in your local office in the District to discuss this important bill. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I will follow-up with your office soon regarding a meeting. For additional information about the bill, please contact Austin Weatherford in Congressman Conaway’s office or Cliff Johnson, Director of Public Affairs for NACE International at 281-228-6213 or


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