The next vestry meeting will be on Thursday, Sept 14, 2017, at 7:00 PM

St. Simon’s Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting Minutes ~ August 17, 2017

Present: Elizabeth Jameson, Dave Zuehlke (Sr. Warden), Mike Krause (Jr. Warden), Beth Carter, Steve Hallier, Lynn Jensen (once confirmed at the outset) Cynthia Leonard, Rick Lussenhop, Michael Medsker, Louise Retzer, Kate Rickard, Ben Witt (Treasurer)and Pat Engbrecht (Clerk)

Absent: Stephen Smith and Tom Fitzgerald and

7:02 PM Elizabeth Jameson called the meeting to order and led us in prayer. Lynn Jensen was confirmed to fill Michael Krause’s remaining 18 months. We warmly welcomed him to the community of the vestry.


Elizabeth shared her ‘Living School’ learning and invited reflections on parish leadership


Louise Retzer presented a Resolution to change Canon 22 to provide flexibility to schedule the Annual Meeting in January or February. Mike Krause moved to accept the resolution with revised wording of changing appropriate to alternate in section 2A. Cynthia Leonard seconded. Motion passed. Louise will submit it to the Secretary of Convention.

Rick Lussenhop discussed low hanging fruit for our identity statement. How do we make it come to life? There are several media ways (facebook, twitter, bulletin board, etc.) that can be used. The identity statement should be on all printed material. Rick and Louise will work on this and present ideas at the next Vestry meeting.


Mike discussed Leadership Development:

·  Convention delegates and alternates

·  Incoming Vestry members – 3 three year candidates and junior warden

·  Worship, Formation, Community Life, Mission & Caring are part of our community.

Cynthia invited discussion prompted by the Connection and Belonging’s meetings, including their report to the vestry outlining the goals in helping the parish move forward on strengthening our sense of connection and belonging. How and when do we share with one another about what is meaningful thing in our personal life, community and the world? How do we enliven and strengthen our existing ministries and groups while making room for new ones? How do we ensure people are involved and engaged in ways that are meaningful to them, recognizing that sometimes involvement can get in the way of belonging while at other times it enhances it? We rated ourselves using the Invite, Welcome & Connect questionnaire, to see what we do well, what we need to work on and what we do not do yet. We concluded that perhaps there need to be two separate teams: one fostering belonging and connection and another helping existing teams living into our identity statement and also using appreciative inquiry to see how they are working, how they might be improved etc.

Staff reviews will be discussed at the next meeting.


Michael Medsker made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda including June and July financial and treasurer’s reports and June minutes. Kate Rickard seconded. Motion passed. Rector, Associate Rector, Youth, Music, Outreach, Parish Life, Pastoral Care, Building and Grounds and Welcome reports were received.


The nursery will move to the Priscilla Room. Family Vestry Party is September 24 at the Jameson’s (232 S Dwyer Ave, A.H.)


The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Engbrecht, Vestry Clerk