/ Arnold Trail Snowmobile Club
News Letter
Day, Date & Time: Friday, January 10th,2014 @ 5:00 pm
Venue: Trails End
John Morris
Steve StJean
Katie Scribner
Darren Boivin
Tom LeMont
Skip Heal
Robin StJean
Others / Title:
ATSC President
ATSC Vice President
Trail Master-North
Trail Master-South
Membership Chair
SMC Members
Topics/Business Items / Details/Progress/Discussions/Suggestions
Meeting Commences / Meeting commenced at 5:00 pm. The Secretary’s report will be available on the club website as soon as possible. The site is currently being updated and will be back on line very shortly.
Treasurer’s Report
Katie Scribner / The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.The club website is currently being updated.
Robin StJean
Membership Chair / Memberships have slowed; therefore we may possibly do a second mailing.
Darren Boivin
Trail Master-North / No Report
Tom LeMont
Trail Master-South / No Report
Skip Heal
Safety/Signage / Maps are in and have been distributed around town. Thanks to the groomer operators in the Tim Pond area for the great signage work!
Steve StJean
ATSC Vice President / The Polar Blast committee has been meeting on a regular basis. We’ve got a lot of sponsorship support this year. Volunteers are badly needed for all the events.
John Morris – Old Business:
ATSC President
New Business: /
  • Grants have been approved.
  • The letter to the town has been submitted.
  • Trails are open and groomed, however more snow is needed for the groomers to continue operating.
  • The club auction will take place on February 15th at the Stratton Plaza. Donations are needed – and appreciated very much.
  • All members present voted in favor to hold the Groomer’s Ball at Trail’s End this year, and have it held at the Stratton Plaza in 2015. The two businesses will alternate hosting the event each year. The ball will be held on March 22nd this year and the cost is $30/person for the meal, followed by entertainment. Trails End will donate $10 of the cost per person to the snowmobile club. Thanks Sherri! All members present also voted in favor for the club to cover the cost of the groomers’ meals.
  • Please spread the word about memberships and the donation boxes!

Other / Thank you Skip for the generous membership donation – it’s greatly appreciated!!
Meeting Adjourned / Meeting was motioned to be adjourned @ 5:20pm by all members present. The next meeting will be held February 14th, 2014, @ 5:00pm, @ Stratton Plaza.