WebVoyáge Committee Minutes for

September 24, 2014, 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Location: Windward Community College, Library Conference Room (304/305)

Recorder: Alphie Garcia

Present: Nancy Sack (Manoa - Cataloging), Carolyn Dennison (Manoa - Hamilton), Jennifer Beamer (LIS student rep/Scholarspace rep), Brian Huffman (Law), Carla Hose (Sinclair), Krissy Kahikina-Lou (Sinclair), Ralph Toyama (LCC), Carol Kellett (Manoa - Systems), Mariko Kershaw (WCC), Eleanor Kleiber (Manoa - Hawaiian-Pacific Collection), Angela Lee (Jabsom), Michael Gmelin (Kauai), Kathleen Stacey (Hilo)

I. Meeting called to order at 9:05

II. Minutes

A. Approval of minutes of August 20, 2014 Meeting

The minutes were read and approved as corrected.

B. Recorder schedule

Carol Kellett has posted future recorders for the next several months to the Laulima page.

III. Liaison Reports


Tabled for next meeting.


The RILS committee received all the responses from the survey and are in the process of going over the results and preparing the data for submission to the Library Council and to the UH Library community.

IV. Unfinished Business

A. WebVoyáge

1. Mobile Voyager display/loading problem

Issue resolved.

Mariko had a setting on her phone that was preventing the page from loading. Carol K. recommends everyone gets an iphone.

Ralph mentioned that Erin tweaked the CSS on the WebVoyage mobile page which is now centered. Looks great on a mobile.

2. Update on Series Added Entry discussion

Issue resolved.

Nancy advised using the advance search with a dissertation note limiter and a keyword search. This should be enough of a limit to identify dissertations in results.

Sidenote: Carol K noted that we can now change the labels on the advanced search limiters.

3. Review of WebVoyáge basic and advanced help screens

Kathleen to help to review basic and advanced help.

4. Handling of shared/free resources

The concern is that students may miss out using these resources, like NetLibrary books, if they are not linked for easy access.

a. NetLibrary/UH Press proxy links

UH has perpetual access but it’s in Manoa’s holdings. Kershaw surveyed committee via email after 6/17/14 meeting: no one opted out of creating new holdings records in Voyager that has proxy links for each UH library. However, discussion was generated about separate records for print and electronic versions of the same title, and adding our location codes to holdings. Sack described the many-click process to link each record and attendant manual updates. She was asked & offered to provide the list of the 316 Bib IDs & holdings IDs.There is consensus for an ebrary-like display of holdings (links for multiple campuses on a single mfhd) which Michelle Sturges had suggested & volunteers can implement.

b. Holdings location for shared paid or free resources

Is it possible to create another holdings location?

Action: Ask SCCC.

B. Primo

1. Systemwide Primo committee

The Library Council (LC) recommended that the committee become its own functional committee. Helen Rogers from Hilo is finalizing the committees charge and Asako will be sending out to LC a call for participants. No timeline on when that will happen.

2. Primo usage reports missing data

Data is still missing from the reports. Carol K. reported that the ticket is still open at ExLibris. Luree Ohigashi found that the numbers for the Health Sciences Library are also off.

V. New Business

A. Change of term “Subject Browse” to “Subject Begins With” (Kershaw)

Search limiters were identified in the Advanced Search by Nancy, Carol, Mariko and others that needed modification for clarity or changes in mapping.

Dissertation note for example shows that it is searching 502abcd.

Nancy recommends that the series title keyword index be removed as it indexes only the 440 field, which is deprecated.

Publication: Date changed to Publication Date

Publisher: Name changed to Publisher Name

The word “Keyword” added to various labels to improve clarity

Changed Subject Browse with “Subject Begins With”

Additional changes to “Keyword anywhere”

Series/Uniform Title to “Series title begins with”

Action: Carol K to add 264 field to confirm to RDA standards to the Publisher Search

B. Database access problems related to IPv6 implementation (Toyama)

Ralph encountered errors with Credo with IP authentication due to LCC’s rollout of IPv6. Credo has to authenticate both the IPv4 and IPv6. Note this as a possible thing to check for if your databases are suddenly inaccessible on your home campus.

C. Brian brought up a Primo search in which the location for Reserve items are not displaying correctly in the Primo search result display.

Carol advised to open up a ticket

Action: Everyone will need to do a check for reserve items to see how they are displaying

VI. Announcements

Action: Ralph to request from Andrew Wertheimer for a student representative as Jennifer Beamer is graduating this fall.

●  HLA registration is open, don’t forget to register

●  Ralph: close to hiring new librarian at LCC

●  Nancy: The HLA Technical Services SIG has invited Diane Hillman to give a presentation on Dec 3rd and workshop on December 4th

●  Music librarian hired at Sinclair

VII. Next Meeting

Scheduled for the third wednesday of next month

VIII. Adjournment at 10:30