Part-Time Academic Staff

Part-time academic staff members are expected to:

· undertake the teaching duties assigned by the Dean/Head of Department, Programme Coordinator or Module Leader

·use the English language for formal tuition both in lectures and tutorials

·attend scheduled meetings with the development advisor as part of a Personal Development Plan

·attend staff development workshops identified in Personal Development Plan

·seek to familiarise themselves with and adopt the BUE ethos of ‘Learning How toThink, Not What to Think’

·familiarise themselves fully with the Module Specification relating to theirteaching and to adhere to the provisions for subject coverage, learningoutcomes and forms of assessment

·be aware of the objectives and structure of the applicable ProgrammeSpecification in order to ensure the module teaching can be properly placed inthe context of the overall degree scheme

·ensure they attend punctually for teaching commitments and provide suitablehandouts or supporting materials to assist the students’ learning, including on e-learning

·contribute to and support the University’s academic quality processes andprocedures

·mark work promptly and accurately with reference to departmental marking criteria

·provide students with feedback on assessed work

·mark examspromptly and accurately with reference to departmental marking criteria

·set assessments and formal examinations in accordance with the relevantregulations and by the published deadline, as per the external examiner’s requirements

·print exam papers

·mark and double mark exams promptly and accurately with reference to departmental marking criteria

·ensure marks are entered on the Student Record System and are accurate and error free

·attend the relevant module examination boards and programme examinationboards

·be available for examination invigilation duties

·be available during and after the Appeals Committee to deal with queries

·be available to mark re-sit exams and attend re-sit exam boards

·attend staff meetings and respond promptly toemails and telephone requests

·act at all times whilst in the University in a professional manner and berespectful both to colleagues and students

·comply with the University’s general procedures, policies and regulations

Signed: Name Signature

Part-Time Academic Staff Member ……………………………… ………………...

Head of Department/Module Leader ……………………………… ………………...

Dean ( Faculty ……………………….…..) ……………………………… ………………...

Date ……/……/……

Copies of this signed agreement should be sent to the Head of Human Resources. They should also be retained by the part-time appointee and the Head of Department.

Personal Development Plan

Part Time Staff

To be completed by the individual member of staff in collaboration

with their development adviser.

Date of appointment to
present post:
Name of development adviser:
Date of first meeting:
Date of second meeting:
Date of third meeting:
Date of fourth meeting:
Date of fifth meeting:

N.B. A job description or list of responsibilities should be attached to the form with an updated CV.

1. Completion of BUE’s induction & development programme.

# / Session / Length / Completed
1 / Welcome to the BUE / 2 days
4 / Introduction to module/s that staff are teaching on / 2 hours
5 / Support for your professional development - working with your development adviser / 1 hour
7 / The BUE approach to learning & teaching – how not what / 2 hours
8 / The BUE approaches to assessment / 2 hours
10 / Personal development meeting / 1 hour
13 / Teaching observation / Preparation, observation and feedback
14 / Marking workshops / 3 x 1.5 hour sessions
15 / Academic honesty & University Plagiarism Regulations / 1 x 1.5 hours
  1. Summary of strengths.

2. Summary of strengths

  1. Summary of development needs.
  1. Summary of major activities, tasks and priorities anticipated in the coming review period and any training or other support that you will need to assist you in achieving them. In planning your priorities and development activities for the coming period you should take account of BUE’s strategic aims and expectations regarding academic excellence, as they relate to your role.
  1. Training and development needs.

Examples of possible development needs are:

  • communication skills
  • understanding how the university operates
  • writing grant applications
  • leading your team
  • promoting student interaction