Pacing Guide
Chapters/Source Reader/Supplemental Readers

First Quarter

  1. 1. Chapter 1 (Interpretations, Vol. 1)
  1. Chapter 1 (EV)
  1. 1. Chapter 2 (EV)
  1. Chapter 3 (Interpretations, Vol. 1)
  1. 1. Chapter 3 (EV)
  1. Chapter 2 (Interpretations, Vol. 1)
  2. “Bacon’s Rebellion: The Declaration,” “A Model of Christian Charity” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 4 (EV)
  1. Chapter 4 (Interpretations, Vol. 1)
  2. “Letters from an American Farmer” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 5(EV)
  1. Chapter 5 (Interpretations, Vol. 1)
  2. “Address of the Inhabitants of Anson County to Governor Martin,” “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death,” “Olive Branch Petition,” “Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms,” “Declaration of Independence” (Source Reader)

Second Quarter

  1. 1. Chapter 6 (EV)
  1. Chapter 6 (Interpretations)
  2. “Valedictory Oration,” “Letter to Thomas Jefferson,” “Federalist No. 10,” “Letters from a Federal Farmer,” “Objections to the Constitution” (Source Reader)
  3. Chapter 7 (EV)
  4. “Proclamation of Neutrality,” “Washington’s Farewell Address,” “Kentucky Resolution” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 8 (EV)
  1. “Monroe Doctrine and Response” (Source Reader)
  2. Chapter 9 (EV)
  3. “Female Workers of Lowell” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 10 (EV)
  1. Chapter 7 and 8 (Interpretations, Vol. 1)
  2. “South Carolina Exposition,” “Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States,”“What a Revival of Religion Is,”Ain’t I a Woman?,” “The Liberator: Inaugural Address”(Source Reader)
  3. Chapter 11 (EV)
  1. 1. Chapter 12 (EV)
  1. Chapter 9 (Interpretations, Vol. 1)
  2. “Amazing Grace,” “Slave Catechism,” “Blessings of Slavery” (Source Reader)
  3. Chapter 13 (EV)
  4. “Great Nation of Futurity,”“Against the Mexican War,” “Spot Resolution” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 14 (EV)
  1. Chapter 15 (EV)
  2. Chapter 10 (Interpretations, Vol. 1)
  3. “Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address,” “Sullivan Ballou Letter,”“Emancipation Proclamation,” “Gettysburg Address,” “Letter to Mrs. Bixby,” “Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address” (Source Reader)

Third Quarter

  1. 1. Chapter 16 (EV)
  1. Chapter 11 (Interpretations, Vol. 1) or Chapter 2 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  2. Chapter 17 (EV)
  3. “The Significance of The Frontier on American History,” “The Frontier Thesis (Decoded)” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 18 (EV)
  1. Chapter 3 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  2. “Wealth,” “The New South” (Source Reader)
  3. Chapter 19 (EV)
  4. Chapter 5 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  5. “Life of a Chinese Immigrant,” “The Secret Oath of the American Protection Association” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 20 (EV)
  1. “Plunkitt of Tammany Hall,” “The Atlanta Exposition Address,” “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” (Source Reader)
  2. Chapter 21 (EV)
  3. Chapter 6 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  4. “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others,” “A Red Record,”“A Square Deal,” “New Nationalism,” “New Freedom” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 22 (EV)
  1. Chapter 4 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  2. “The White Man’s Burden,” “The March of the Flag,” “On Empire and the Philippines” (Source Reader)
  3. Chapter 23 (EV)
  4. “Return to Normalcy,” “The Case Against the Reds” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 24 (EV)
  1. Chapter 7 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  2. “Roosevelt’s First Inaugural” (Source Reader)
  3. Chapter 25 (EV)
  4. “The Des Moines Speech,” “The Four Freedoms” (Source Reader)

Fourth Quarter

  1. 1. Chapter 26 (EV)
  1. Chapter 8 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  2. Chapter 27 (EV)
  3. “The Southern Manifesto,” “Eisenhower’s Farewell Address” (Source Reader)
  1. 1. Chapter 28 (EV)
  1. Chapter 9 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  2. Chapter 29 (EV)
  3. Chapter 10 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  1. 1. Chapter 30 (EV)
  1. Chapter 11 (Interpretations, Vol. 2)
  2. Chapter 31 (EV)