GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies Curriculum A:


Paper 1: Primary Religion –
Area of study 1 – Islam 50%
Section 1: Beliefs and Teachings:
(Paper 1 – Islam):
1.1 The six Beliefs of Islam:
1.2 The five roots of ‘Usul ad-Din in Shi’a Islam
1.3 The nature of Allah:
1.4 Risalah:
1.5 Muslim holy books (kutub):
1.6 Malaikah:
1.7 al-Qadr:
1.8* Akhirah:
Section 2: Practices:
(Paper 1 – Islam):
2.1 Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam:
2.2 Shahadah as one of the Five Pillars:
2.3* Salah as one of the Five Pillars:
2.4 Sawm as one of the Five Pillars:
2.5 Zakah as one of the Five Pillars and Khums:
2.6 Hajj as one of the Five Pillars:
2.7 Jihad:
2.8 Celebrations & commemoration s
Section 3: Sources of Wisdom and Authority: (Paper 1 – Islam):
3.1 The Qur’an:
3.2 The Prophet Muhammad:
3.3 The Seal of the Prophets:
3.4 The divergent understandings of the
significance of the family of the Prophet
3.5 The development and structure of the
Hadith as a record of the Sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad:
3.6 Shari’ah Law:
3.7 The imam in Shi’a Islam, including reference
to the Hadith of the pond of Khumm:
3.8 The imam in Sunni Islam:
Section 4: Forms of Expression and Ways of Life :
(Paper 1 – Islam):
4.1 Muslim identity:
4.2 The mosque:
4.3 Calligraphy within Islam:
4.4 Shi’a obligatory actions:
4.5 The significance of Sufi ways of life:
4.6 The role and significance of a
Sheikh/teacher in Sufism:
4.7 Dance, music and poetry within Islam with
specific reference to Sufism:
4.8 The work of one named Muslim charity
working for relief of poverty and suffering in
the United Kingdom: / Paper 2: Secondary Religion
-Area of study 2 – Christianity 25%
Section 1: Beliefs and Teachings:
(Paper 2- Christianity):
1.1 The Trinity:
1.2 The creation:
1.3 The Incarnation:
1.4 The last days of Jesus’ life:
1.5 Salvation:
1.6* Christian eschatology:
1.7 The problem of evil:
1.8 Divergent solutions offered to
the problem of evil/suffering
Section 2: Practices:
(Paper 2- Christianity):
2.1* Christian worship:
2.2 The sacraments:
2.3 Prayer:
2.4 Pilgrimage:
2.5 Christian religious celebrations:
2.6 The future of the Christian
2.7 The local church:
2.8 The Worldwide church:
Teaching plan - by syllabus:
Paper 1 – Section 1 - Yr 9 Aut 1
- Section 2 - Yr 9 Aut 2
- Section 3 - Yr 10 Aut 1
- Section 4 - Yr 11 Aut 2
Paper 2 – Section 1 – Yr 9 Spring
- Section 2 - Yr 10 Spring
Paper 3 - Section 1 - Yr 9 Summer
- Section 2 – Yr 10 Summer / Paper 3
- Area of Study 3 – Islam 25%
Section 1: Arguments for the Existence of Allah:
(Paper 3 – Islam):
1.1 Revelation:
1.2 Visions:
1.3 Miracles:
1.4 Religious experiences:
1.5 Design argument:
1.6 Cosmological argument:
1.7 The problems of Suffering for
1.8 The different practical and
philosophical solutions offered
to the problem of suffering:
Section 2: Religious Teachings on Relationships and Families in the 21st Century:
(Paper 3 – Islam):
2.1 Marriage:
2.2 Sexual relationships:
2.3 The family:
2.4 Support for the family:
2.5 Contraception:
2.6 Divorce:
2.7 Equality of men and women:
2.8 Gender prejudice and
Teaching plan - by terms:
Yr 9: Aut 1 – Paper 1 Section 1
Aut2 -- Paper 1 Section 2
Spring 1 – Paper 2 Section 1
Summer -- Paper 3 Section 1
Yr 10: Aut 1 – Paper 1 Section 3
Aut 2 -- Paper 1 Section 4
Spring – Paper 2 Section 2
Summer -- Paper 3 Section 2
Yr 11: Aut 1 – Revise Paper 1
Aut 2 -- Revise Paper 2
Spring 1 – Revise Paper 3
Spring 2 -- Revision & Exams
Summer -- Revision & Exams
