Speaker & Petitioner Form

Chandler-GilbertCommunity College

Student Life & Leadership

(480) 857.5524

Today’s Date:


Group Affiliation/Representing:

Address of Affiliation:

Name of Supervisor:

Phone Number:

Issue to be Addressed/Petition to be circulated (attach copy of petitions(s)):

Date(s) requested:

Location requested:______

For Office Use Only
Type of ID:______(Attach copy of identification)
ID Verified By:______Date:______

On-Campus Petitioners


All Petitioners must have prior approval from the Office Student Life & Leadership.

1 week to 3 days notice is required for all petitioners.

The ID tag supplied by the Office of Student Life & Leadership must be visible at all times.

Locations for circulating petitions are pre-determined and you may select one area per day. Behavior that is determined to be intimidating or disruptive to the educational process will not be tolerated. If the behavior continues you will be asked to leave or be escorted off campus.

Petitioners must also bride by the City of Chandler guidelines for petitioners

Each petitioner and/or group will be allowed to visit the college for the purpose of petitions two days per month for an eight hour period only when the Office of Student Life & Leadership is open.

Student Life is open:

  • Monday – Thursday 8:00AM – 8:00PM,

Fridays 8:00AM – 5:00PM

Summer hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00AM – 7:00PM


  1. Complete request form.
  2. Attach copy of petition to be signed.
  3. Leave copy of identification.
  4. Three days to 1 week later report to the Office of Student Life & Leadership to obtain an ID tag.
  5. At the completion of your time you must return you ID tag to Student Life.

* = Approved Petitioner Locations

2.4.8 Petition Signature Solicitation:

  1. This regulation shall govern access to college premises by representatives who wish to solicit signatures on petitions for the purpose of submission of a ballot proposition to voters, or nomination of a candidate for elective office, in a city-, country-, or state-wide election.
  2. Each college president shall designate general hours of accessibility for solicitation and a location of college premises where all representatives on behalf of any candidate or ballot proposition may solicit signatures. The location shall be in a common area where the solicitation will not serve as an obstruction to student activities or otherwise disrupt the college environment.
  3. All solicitation must take place in designated areas. Standard space may include one or two tables and chairs. Campus restrictions regarding amplification will apply. Representatives may not distribute or make available to students, employees, or college visitors any tangible time, except for informational literature about the proposed candidate or ballot initiative.
  4. Representatives shall obtain authorization from the designated official at each college or center for their presence on college premises no fewer than three working days prior to soliciting provided a written version of this regulation.

Adopted pursuant to the Administrative Regulation approval process on July 18, 2002.
