Ways with Water

Workshop with Andrew Orr

Bryan Memorial Gallery presents a 3 day workshop with artist, Andrew Orr entitled Ways with Water. September 28, 29 and 30, 2015 in Waterville, Vermont.

The class will focus on the life giving element of water and how such a force can be used successfully in a realistic landscape painting. Three aspects of water in the landscape will be the focus of the class; still water, moving water and the movement of a larger body of water such as large lake or the ocean.

Each day will present a new subject. The instructor will give step-by-step instructions and demonstrations on each aspect in this highly focused class. Elements of each will include achieving reflective surfaces, the steps to achieve the look of gently moving water, the aspect of capturing a wave and the motion of the sea. This class will focus on small studies, not on finished works and will be held entirely in the studio. The Waterville, Vermont Town Hall is an excellent venue for the student to work along side the instructor.

Artists at all levels are encouraged and while Orr will work in oil, acrylics may also be used.

The class will be from 9:00 until 4:00pm with students to arrive at 8:30 am on Monday, September 28 at Bryan Gallery in Jeffersonville. The students will all ride together to Waterville, a ten-minute car ride away, to set up and begin the class day. It is suggested that students bring their own lunches, as there are refrigerator and microwave availability but limited food options in the Waterville area.

To see examples of Andrew’s work please visit, or or stop by Bryan Memorial Gallery, Jeffersonville, Vermont. 802-644-5100

Summer on the River

oil by Andrew Orr

Ways with Water

Workshop with Andrew Orr

Monday - Wednesday, September 28 - 30, 2015

A list of suggested materials in will be provided upon receipt of your registration, as well as a list of recommended local accommodations. A more specific schedule will also be sent in response to your registration.

Workshop Fee: Through August 21, the cost of workshop: $325 for Bryan Memorial Gallery members and $350 for non-members. After August 21 the cost of the workshop: $350 for Bryan Memorial Gallery members and $375 for non-members. Full payment expected with registration. Attendance is extremely limited, so please register early. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Registration form______





___Enclosed please find a check for $______made out to Bryan Memorial Gallery to register for Andrew Orr’s Color Workshop on September 28 - 30, 2015.

___Please charge my (circle) MasterCard Visa American Express

Card #______


Name as it appears on credit card.______

Address to which the credit card bill is sent______

Please send this form and payment to Bryan Memorial Gallery, PO Box 340, Jeffersonville, VT 05464. You will receive a registration confirmation in the mail.

Cancellation policy: In the event you need to cancel your registration, please do so before September 15, 2015. Your registration fee will be refunded, minus $25 for handling expenses. Refunds will not be made after September 15, 2015

Bryan Memorial Gallery / 180 Main Street / PO Box 340 / Jeffersonville, Vermont 05464

802-644-5100 / /